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Search results 1741 - 1750 of 2717 matching essays
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1741: Lee De Forest
... Forest was born Aug. 26, 1873, Council Bluffs, Iowa. De Forest was the son of a Congregational minister. His father moved the family to Alabama and there assumed the presidency of the nearly bankrupt Talladega College for Negroes. Excluded by citizens of the white community who resented his father's efforts to educate blacks, Lee and his brother and sister made friends from among the black children of the town and ...
1742: Louis Pasteur 2
... 17 he received a degree of bachelor of letters at the Collège Royal de Besançon. For the next three years he tutored younger students and prepared for the École Normale Supérieure, a noted teacher-training college in Paris. As part of his studies he investigated the crystallographic, chemical, and optical properties of various forms of tartaric acid. His work laid the foundations for later study of the geometry of chemical bonds ...
1743: Life Of Fredrick Douglass
... 248-249. King, Martin Luther, Jr. I Have a Dream. Readings for Writers. Orlando: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1998: 18-21. Martin Luther King, Jr. The Resourceful Reader. Ed. Suzanne Strobeck Webb. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1998: 256.
1744: Kosovo And Milosevic
I wouldn t mind if they needed to take [Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic] out, said Chris Walter, 23, a college student living in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. I felt the same way about Saddam Hussein. I think the longer you keep the problem around, the sooner it is going to come back and bite you. From ...
1745: James Francis
... in football. He was an outstanding runner, place-kicker, and tackler, and because of his greatness in each of these positions he won all America honors in 1911 and 1912. When Thorpe played Army, another college, he played against the to be 34th president of the United States. In that game Dwight Eisenhower injured himself in the process of attempting to tackle Jim, an injury that cost him the rest of ...
1746: Julias Caesar
... again and went to Rhodes, where he studied rhetoric; he returned to Rome in 73 BC, a very persuasive speaker. The year before, while still absent, he had been elected to the pontificate, an important college of Roman priests. In 71 BC Pompey the Great, who had earned his epithet in service under Sulla, returned to Rome, having defeated the rebellious Populares general Sertorius in Spain. At the same time Marcus ...
1747: John F. Kennedy 2
... Princeton University to study. During Christmas break his freshman year he had an attack of jaundice and was forced to leave. Through much determination he enrolled at Harvard in 1936, where his fater went to college. He played football and graduated in 1940. Soon after he graduated he wrote his first book, "Why England Slept." It received good reviews. In March of 1941, Kennedy volunteered for the army, he was rejected ...
1748: John Dalton 4
... John found a mentor in John Gough,who was the blind son of a wealthy tradesman. John Gough taught Dalton languages,mathematics,and optics. In 1973 John moved to Manchester as a tutor at New College. He immediately joined the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society and in the same year he published his first book: Meteorological Observations and Essays. In his book Dalton stated that gas exits and acts independantly and ...
1749: John Dalton 2
... to Manchester, this is where he would remain the rest of his life. Dalton was influenced greatly by the mathematician John Gough. Dalton while in Manchester became the teacher of math and philosophy at a college. He taught there until 1799. Dalton became a chemist and physicist after his teaching jobs. Dalton did a lot of experimenting but did not test his experiments to make sure they were right. A good ...
1750: John Dalton
... blind. He experimented and wrote about this in his first scientific paper. The condition of color-blindness came to be known as Daltonism in France. In 1793, Dalton moved to Manchester as tutor at New College founded by the Presbyterians. It was here that he did his greatest work. He immediately joined the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. In 1793, he published his first book, Meteorological Observations and Essays. In it ...

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