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Search results 1671 - 1680 of 2717 matching essays
- 1671: Rene Descartes
- ... with science, rational thought, and the scientific method. He was born in La Haye, a city in central France. His father was a lawyer and left him an annual income for life. He attended the college of Henri IV at La Fleche when he was 10, ordered by his father. Descartes left La Fleche in 1614 to study civil and anon law at Poitiers and two years later he had received ...
- 1672: Reinhold Niebuhr
- Niebuhr, Reinhold (1892-1971), American Protestant theologian, whose social doctrines profoundly influenced American theological and political thought. Born in Wright City, Missouri, June 21, 1892, he was educated at Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, Illinois; Eden Theological Seminary, Webster Groves, Missouri; and Yale Divinity School. In 1915 he was ordained in the ministry of the Evangelical Synod of North America and made pastor of the Bethel Evangelical Church ...
- 1673: Ray Bradbury
- ... of the Orbitron space ride at Euro-Disney, France. "Go to the edge of a cliff and jump off, build your wings on your way down" (Bradbury I). This was of his best advice to college students. Bradbury's best-known work, the adult novel Fahrenheit 451 was released in 1953 and is set in a future when the written word is forbidden. Resisting a totalitarian state which burns all the ...
- 1674: Ralph Lauren
- ... shirts, sportswear and ties for young executives who want a traditional look and have an appreciation for good design and value. In 1981, Mr. Lauren introduced Polo University Club, a line of tailored to the college student and aspiring young businessman developing his professional wardrobe with the taste level that Polo represents. HIS WOMENSWEAR : RALPH LAUREN Ralph Laurens first introduced his clothing for women in 1971, and his impact on women ...
- 1675: Princess Diana
- ... of Diana because she wanted to be the spotlight of London. When Diana came home she begged her parents to rent her an apartment. Her parents were worried because she had no high school or college education and only a vague idea that she wanted to work with children. Since Diana had come home from school without a degree, her parents hoped her to marry soon. This was the norm for ...
- 1676: Oliver North
- ... detachment of Marines who were to assist the rescuers of the aborted mission to free U.S. hostages in Tehran. A little more than a year later, while North was studying at the Naval War College in Providence, he came to befriend Navy Secretary John Lehman. Lehman helped North get a spot on the National Security Council. Among several military officers sent to the National Security Council, North was the youngest ...
- 1677: Nelson Mandela
- ... came to South-Africa, and since then the suppressed have been fighting to abolish it. Maybe the most famous opponent of the apartheid regime throughout the years have been Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. He went to college to study law in1938, but already two years later he was expelled because he participated in a student strike. Luckily Mandela got a job at daytime so he could study in the evenings, and in ...
- 1678: Neil Armstrong
- ... he was only sixteen years old he got his pilots license! He graduated high school and went to Perdue University on a US Navy scholarship. He learned everything he could about planes and rockets. After college graduation he was a pilot in the Korean War. After the war he went back to Perdue to learn even more. He became a test pilot for experimental X-15 rocket planes which flew to ...
- 1679: Nathaniel Hawthorne
- ... her three children into her parent’s home and then into her brother’s home in Maine. Hawthorne’s childhood was not particularly abnormal, as many famous authors have claimed to have. Hawthorne attended Bowdoin College and graduated after four years. After graduation, he returned to Salem. Contrary to his family’s expectations, Hawthorne did not begin to read law or enter business, rather he moved into his mother’s house ...
- 1680: Muhammed Ali
- ... did what he was asked to do. He carried his Bible with him all the time, read when he could, and loved it. Throughout his amateur career and high school, Clay worked at the Nazareth College Library. Clay also was viewed as a kid obsessed with boxing. Clay got bigger and stronger as his talents grew. Sometimes, to keep in shape, Clay would race the city buses to school. Bettie Johnson ...
Search results 1671 - 1680 of 2717 matching essays