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Search results 1491 - 1500 of 2717 matching essays
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1491: Censorship On The Internet
... children. That is what this law does (Tipton 13).” But it is not just the government that is making laws that discriminate, the state are also. Virginia has made it illegal for state employees and college professors to access sexually indecent materials online. Georgia is trying to take away the reason that people love communicating over the Internet so much by making it illegal for users to remain anonymous while interacting ...
1492: The History and Development of Computers
... advances. Vannevar Bush, developed a calculator for solving differential equations in 1931. The machine could solve complex differential equations that had long left scientists and mathematicians confused. John V. Atanasoff a professor at Iowa State College and his graduate student, Clifford Berry, envisioned an all-electronic computer that applied Boolean algebra to computer circuitry. Atanasoff and Berry had developed the first all-electronic computer by 1940. Their project, however, lost its ...
1493: Satellites
... across the oceans and continents. Soon after the launch of ATWS-6, "the Teacher in the sky", (a satellite designed to aid people) NASA ground controllers trained its antenna on Appalachia. There is brought evening college classes to schoolteachers whose isolation denied opportunity for advancement. The use of Satellites is growing rapidly and so is the different jobs for them.
1494: Telecommuting
... costs spur move to more telecommuting." Computerworld 30.45 (1996) 8. Blodgett, Mindy. "Telecommuting pilot test proves space-saving plan." Computerworld 30.46 (1996) 81-82. Webster's New World Dictionary of American English, Third College Edition. Victoria Neureldt, Ed. 1988 New York 1375.
1495: William Gibson and The Internet
... systems, and linking to digital interactive television . . . from all of these efforts one might cogently argue that Cyberspace is 'now under construction.'" Cyberpunk in TV and Cinema One Film "WAR GAMES" was based on a college student who hacked into the Us defence computer and started a simulation program of a nuclear attack on Russia, which looked like the real thing to the Russians. In the near future a British film ...
1496: The Office of Tomorrow
... Plains demonstrates how a program that allows for flexible work sites can benefit both employer and worker. The competitive-research specialist had spent two years at Great Plains when her husband decided to attend chiropractic college in Davenport, Iowa. At most firms, that would have prompted Stockstad to resign—something that also would have cost the company an essential employee. Instead, Stockstad and Great Plains devised a system that would allow ...
1497: The History of The Internet
... is not only limited to New York. In 1995 and ‘96, 11 states passed laws that somehow censor speech on the Internet. They restrict everything from soliciting minors for online sex (North Carolina) to prohibiting college professors from using university-sponsored Internet resources to view sexually explicit material (Virginia). The ACLU has the Internet's biggest defense in cases such as the CDA. With over 2 million servers connected to the ...
1498: Ethics in Cyberspace
... proactive in identifying and discussing the ethical ramifications of Internet access. By having acceptable use policies and expecting responsible behavior, organizations can contribute to keeping cyberspace safe. Selected Resources on Information Ethics "Computer Ethics Statement." College & Research Libraries News 54, no. 6 (June 1993): 331-332. Dilemmas in Ethical Uses of Information Project. "The Ethics Kit." EDUCOM/EUIT, 1112 16th Street, NW, Suite 600, Washington, D.C. 20036. phone: (202) 872 ...
1499: Interactive Television
... expectations. Americans aren't going to be caged in their homes intently flipping through channels of endless forms of entertainment and advertisements. However, interactive television does have some benefits in education and in information retrieval. College courses and library books from all over the world could be ordered through the television. This would allow for many low income families to be educated at a fraction of the cost that it is ...
1500: Coping With Computers
... resulting situation is a work force that has been caught with their ‘pants down.' For many of the senior members of this workforce, they are at a disadvantage when it comes to competing with newer college graduates in today's computer world. This article deals with the feelings of one particular person in this position. Linda Ellerbee, a journalist and author owns a television production company. She also has her own ...

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