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Search results 1481 - 1490 of 2717 matching essays
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1481: Creative Writing: Destroying Racism
... if it were haunted or something. I guess it can happen anywhere. But this snow-covered house is still a reflection of America, white on top with a hatred burning underneath. I go to a college, where the races meet every day. Colored man helps white man; white man helps colored man. Doesn't sound right ? That's how bad our society has gotten. Disturbing? Of course. But what is more ...
1482: Personal Writing: The Guitar
... parents were constantly playing his c.d.'s. Other wise I may not have started playing the guitar, and would not be as good at it, as I am today. Whether I am in my college dorm room, in Colorado, or anywhere else, I will play the guitar, and I bring them a lot of places. The guitar is the first thing that comes to my mind, when I thing about ...
1483: Technological Literacy
... meanings shift across media, genres, and cultural frames of reference. Whether one `visits' the Louvre on-line, joins an international newsgroup of parents of Downs Syndrome children, or visits the www site of an agricultural college in Kenya, cross-cultural understanding and `netiquette' is increasingly crucial for participating effectively in global communications. A multiliteracy of digital electronic `texts' is based on notions of hybridity and intertextuality. Meaning making from the multiple ...
1484: As A Technology, It Is Called Multimedia
... is far more effective precisely because kids get totally immersed in an exciting experience. Classroom computers with multimedia capabilities seem to have sky-rocketed in every faucet of the education arena. From pre-schoolers to college students, learning adapting to this multimedia craze was not hard to do. Teachers and Professors alike share in this technology to plan out their curricular schedules and school calendar. Most will agree that classroom computers ...
1485: The Computer and Mass Communication
... is: on which currency will this new economy run? Gather some perspectives by one of electronic cash's inventors, David Chaum. For a quite comprehensive overview, see the compilation on electronic payment systems, by Trinity College (Dublin). 9. The Brussels G7 Mini-Summit on Information Society Finally, the Governments are gearing up to create the Global Information Infrastructure (GII). With the GII first having been proposed in 1994 by Vice President ...
1486: Government Intervention of the Internet
... 80 newsgroups were removed, causing a large disturbance among the student body, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation, all of whom felt this was unconstitutional. After only half a week, the college had backed down, and restored the newsgroups. This is a tiny example of what may happen if the government tries to impose censorship (Elmer-Dewitt 102). Currently, there is software being released that promises to ...
1487: The Introduction of Computers in Education
... presentations. Even grade school children have the same advantages when it comes to accessing information. These students learn how to use the computer at an early stage and can utilize these skills as they enter college. The in home computer called the personal computer has now become a part of the home appliance and entertainment center. They are now in about every household across America. Students are now doing the majority ...
1488: Computer Programmer
... would be great to receive a large paycheck for something that I love to do. The computer industry is the largest growing industry, and there is a high demand for qualified programmers. On a recent college tour of Cornell University Computer Science Department, I learned that the average graduate of this department earns $ 54,000 a year. A computer programmer is a person who writes the coding of a program, in ...
1489: Hacking
... the act of penetrating computer systems to gain knowledge about the system and how it works (Ash, 4). The act of penetrating can range from harmless to malicious. Harmless hacking could be hacking into a college computer and copying some files in order brag to friends. Malicious hacking is more planned. Usually when hackers are malicious, it is because they are taking revenge on someone or they need to cover their ...
1490: Communication Technology
... There is a unlimited amount of jobs in the audio and video field. Getting you degree is not that hard either. You can get it at home or through a short course at almost any college. I think that out of all the types of communication technology, audio and video systems, supply the most jobs.

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