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Search results 1451 - 1460 of 2717 matching essays
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1451: Cinncinnati: Loveland: Paxton Woods
... marketed to build an office campus. Precise figures aren't available, but Loveland officials estimate the city, taking in five square miles, gained 569 households and 1,370 residents between 1990 and 1995, increasing its college-educated, white-collar work force BY 13 percent. The population rise loaded 1,022 additional students into the public school system between 1988 and 1996, forcing the district to hire 85 more teachers and build ...
1452: My Decision To Get A Degree
... and 21, I went to school and did not finish. At the time I went because that is what was expected of me. In my eyes, I could get along just fine without going to college. As the years moved on, I worked at many jobs offering low pay and little chance of promotion to a job I could call a career. In my mid 20’s, it was marriage and ...
1453: My Life In Vietnam and The Move To the United States
... presented, they can achieve anything. I had set goals for myself at times for certain achievements, but the most important goal of my life was yet to come and that goal is to go to college.
1454: My Changes Over The Years
... am, and if this is where I am 20 years from now, I will still be happy. My future, in my head anyway, is well planned out. I plan on going through 4 years of college and getting a degree in computer science, and being a computer programmer, then owning my own business. I also plan on getting married to a wonderful, awesome girl and having a kid or two. Now ...
1455: My Senior Year
... open up something in me that will eventually enjoy writing more. I also want to see my speaking skills improve. I know that this is a class that prepares us for our senior challenge and college and I want to benefit form it as much as I possibly can.
1456: Ballet Analysis: Self Evaluation
... it was the first time I really began understanding ballet technique - I was anticipating the same growth this year. I was correct! Because this summer I came in with a year of dancing in the college atmosphere, I was equipped with more knowledge and understanding, therefore I received even more out of Ballet Analysis this time around. Overall, I feel like I have learned an incredible amount, and I feel much ...
1457: My Dad's Influence On Me
... have a tense relationship in which there were many fights through my adolescent and high school years. It is only now, when I am so near the time of leaving our house to go to college, that I am starting to understand where my dad has been coming from. When I was learning how to drive, my dad often told me that safety and precaution are more important than anything when ...
1458: Vietnam
... seemed perfect. My girlfriend Abbey and I had been together for almost two years, and I had recently gotten a new job at a local car repair shop. I was also saving up to attend college next fall. One night when I came home I was surprised to find my mother on our couch crying next to my father. She soon told me that she had found I that I was ...
1459: Celebration of My 21st Birthday
... my 21st birthday because of the fun, party feel of the dimmed, brick interior, the access to alcohol from the bar (now legal for me!), the party appetizers they served, and the reasonable pricing for college students. This place that offered such a fun atmosphere at a reasonable price was perfect for the celebration of my 21st birthday. It was my close friend/suitemate Joyce who had arranged this celebration of ...
1460: From Memory Back to Reality
... John Hand. I had him when I was a junior, he was my favorite teacher throughout my 4 years in high school. We were so happy to see each other again. He asked, “ How’s college.” I replied, “ Fine, but I have to do too much homework.” He still looked the same as before, only his hairs were turning white and he gaining weight too. Rancho Alamitos will never forget in ...

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