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1251: Autism
... individuals may even live at home with their parents. Some live in residential facilities; some live semi-independently (such as in a group home); and others live independently. There are autistic adults who graduate from college and others will develop relationships and marry and raise a family. In the work environment, many autistic adults can be reliable and very good workers. The problem with autistic individuals is that they may have ...
1252: Cholera: Virulence, Origin, and Pandemics
Cholera: Virulence, Origin, and Pandemics Merriam Webster’s Tenth Edition College Dictionary describes virulence as the rapid course, severity, or malignancy of a disease or infection caused by a microorganism [pathogen] to overcome body defenses of the host. Ewald (1) looks at virulence in two spectrums ...
1253: Dyslexia
... of sound. Since they do not easily acquire these basic skills, it is important that they under go exercises such as rhyming words, to distinguish sounds. The emphasis shifts as children approach the secondary or college level, where privileges such as lap top computers with spelling checkers, and tape recorders in classrooms offer an alternative to medical treatment. Before children reach this higher lever of education, it is essential for teachers ...
1254: Dreams
... typically dream in black and white and are more concerned about larger sizes, fullness or emptiness, straightness or crookedness, and old age. Curiously, these differences transcend time and culture: A comparison of the dreams of college students in 1950 and in 1990 found the sex differences to be identical. Despite feminism and the sexual revolution, women were still concerned about the home and family, men were concerned about pounding the male ...
1255: Managing People with AIDS
... come to terms with their fate. The insurance industry calculates that a typical AIDS patient’s medical bills cost an average of $140,000 from diagnosis to death. According to a study by the Medical College of Georgia, treatment costs for AIDS patients have risen from $12,000 a year in 1992 to $18,000 in 1997. (Greene, p2) Since many employers provide health insurance for their workers, their premiums may ...
1256: Abortion
... a life-saving thing."(Blender 4) To ignore the rights of others is selfish and injustice. Women must have the right to control the functions of their own bodies. Revern George Gardiner pastor of the college Hill United Methodist Church, told the council that the ordnance would have done little good. "Young women need the freedom to make choices for their reproductive life when their family can't guarantee them parental ...
1257: Abortion
... a life-saving thing."(Blender 4) To ignore the rights of others is selfish and injustice. Women must have the right to control the functions of their own bodies. Revern George Gardiner pastor of the college Hill United Methodist Church, told the council that the ordnance would have done little good. "Young women need the freedom to make choices for their reproductive life when their family can't guarantee them parental ...
1258: Abstinence And STD Prevention
... their twenties, and since the disease takes two to ten years to develop, those victims contracted it in their teenage years. Even scarier is that, according to a study of 19 universities, one in 500 college students may carry the AIDS virus. With these frightening statistics, it's easy to see why many teens are choosing not to have sex. Many bold teenagers think they can totally avoid pregnancy and STDs ...
1259: Forensic Pathology
... him. A forensic pathologist is the subspecialty of pathology that focuses on the medico legal investigation of sudden or unexpected death. To become a forensic pathologist you have to undertake the following: Four years of college to receive bachelors degree, four years of medical school to receive MD, four to five years of residency to qualify to take Board exams in pathology, and one or more years of forensic fellowship to ...
1260: Bulimia
... for the food. Research shows bulimia affects females more often than males and it starts around the age of 18. It is a time when high school is over and the young women are starting college or new jobs. Many are athletes (see chart). It is starting to affect girls younger. A survey in the late 1980's found that approximately thirty percent of 10th grade females were either vomiting or ...

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