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Search results 1141 - 1150 of 2717 matching essays
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1141: Chaim Potok And The Problem Of Assimilation For The American
... to preserve their heritage – in particular, the problem of how to deal with the danger of assimilation" (Young)). The Jews have always been professionals occupying jobs in medicine, law, education, and other fields requiring a college degree. American Jews, however, face a dilemma: "Ideas from this secular world inevitably impinge upon an individual born in a church community or a synagogue community, especially when that individual embarks ona college experience" (Potok 2). American Jews must either take on nonprofessional jobs, assuming an identity completely different from that of European Jews, or expose themselves to secular America. Isolation is thoroughly impractical for the American Jew ...
1142: Serial Killers 3
... Reilly-Fleming 157). Serial killers seek out different types of victims - female prostitutes from "red-light" areas, men involved in casual homosexual contacts, men frequenting skid-row areas of big cities, and women living on college campuses (Seltzer 24). Ted Bundy brutally murdered college-age women with long brown hair (Crime Library). David Berkowitz, "Son of Sam" hated all women. "I blame them for everything. Everything evil that's happened in the world - somehow goes back on them." (Crime ...
1143: The Life and Work of Nemerov
... wife lived in New York for a year. During this time, his first volume of poetry, The Image and the Law, was published. In 1946 he held a position as instructor of English at Hamilton College, Clinton, New York; in 1948 he joined Bennington College in Vermont as a teacher, with which he was associated with until 1966, when he moved to Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts. Nemerov is one of the most productive and proficient writers in the modern ...
1144: The Spaniard Quietist Miguel de Molinos
... conviction" . The pope Innocent XI ( former Cardinal Benedict Odescalchi and personal friend of Molinos ) was born in Como (Italy) and pursued his studies in Geneva, Rome, and Naples. He was elected pope by the Cardinal College in 1676. He is portrayed by catholic historians as pope that was committed to keep an honorable life, which was hard to do in his age - and office -. He made reforms in the Church specially ...
1145: Mithraism
... a day, but I cringe when I think my grandchildren will be worshipping a Christian God . Works Cited Cunningham, Lawrence S. and Reich, John J. Culture and Values: A Survey of Western Humanities. Hardcourt Brace College Publishers. Fort Worth, 1982.
1146: Mind over Matter
... of degree. Yet sitting for a half-hour cross-legged was no longer extremely uncomfortable, focusing the breathing and mind was easier, and I felt at peace which was nice feeling in a usually hectic college day. After trying to emulate the life of a Buddhist monk, even for a total of an hour and a half, I have infinite more respect for these men and women. I have always respected ...
1147: Impermanence, Selflessness, and Dissatisfaction
... change aspects of their life that they may be dissatisfied with. BIBLIOGRAPHY DeSilva, J. The Spectrum of Buddhism: The Writings of Piyadassi. Buddhist Missionary Society: New York, 1991. Fadiman, J. Personality and Personal Growth. HarperCollins College Frager, R. Publishers: United States, 1994. Suzuki, D.T. Manual of Zen Buddhism. Rider: London, New York, 1956. Web Sites http://www.ncf.carelton.ca/freenet/rootdi...ism/introduction/truths/NobleTruth- -1.html http://www ...
1148: Confucianism and Christianity
... Religious System. 6 vols., Leiden; 1892. Do-Dinh, Pierre. Confucius and Chinese Humanism. Funk and Wagnalls, New York; 1969. Goguel, Maurice. The Birth of Christianity. London; 1953. Hopfe, Lewis M. Religions of the World. Macmillian College Publishing Company, New York; 1994. Hughes, E. R. and K. Chinese Philosophy in Classical Times. J. M. Dent and Sons, London; 1942. Hughes, E. R. and K. Religion in China. Hutchinson's University Library, London ...
1149: Cults
... says Dr. Lorna Goldberg, a New Jersey psychoanalyst. No one plans to join a cult unless they see that cult as a possibility for a family, or a better society. Cults target people in transition-- college students away from home for the first time, people who have moved to new cities for jobs, those who have just been divorced or widowed. Usually individuals 16 to 25 or 35 to 40. The ...
1150: Nature In Frost's Poems
... wasn't sure what he wanted to do in life. Robert Frost was born in 1874, in San Francisco, California. Throughout his life he wrote poems, was a teacher, and a reporter. He attended Dartmouth College. He received the Pulitzer Prize a number of times. Frost was also named in the poetry for the Library of Congress and received the Congressional Gold Metal (Pritchard 41). In "The Road Not Taken, Frost ...

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