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1121: Ethan Frome By Edith Wharton
... paralyzed. Now Ethan's wife must care for the two for the rest of their lives. There were many themes found in Ethan Frome, but the greatest of them all is loneliness and isolation. In college Ethan acquired the nickname "Old Stiff" because he rarely went out with the boys. Once he returned to the farm to care for his parents, he couldn't go out with them even if he ... his destiny. Like the town, he is sullen and run-down. Starkfield sits alone in its valley, isolated from the world around it. Ethan is also isolated. He left the lonely valley to go to college, but since returing he has gone scarcely more than few miles from his remote farm. Physically, and therefore, emotionally, he is trapped by his wife, his farm, and his poverty. Ethan is in some ways ...
1122: Attempt At Reconstruction
... failure was caused by the leadership of the Civil Rights Movement which had little connection with Blacks in the ghetto. The leaders of the movement were from the Southern middle-class Blacks; who were either college students, teachers, preachers, or lawyers.41 Like the leaders of the First Reconstruction, the leaders of the Civil Rights Movement lacked underezding of the economic needs of the Black lower-class. Instead of addressing the ... The Negro Pilgrimage in America (New York: Bantam, 1967) p.65. 12 In the Presidential election of 1876, the Democrat Samuel J. Tilden, captured a majority of the popular vote and lead in the electoral college results. But the electoral votes of three Southern States still under Republican rule were in doubt, as Ginzberg writes, "In all three states the Republicans controlled the returning boards which had to certify the election ...
1123: Adults Of The Bell Jar
... very limiting. Jay Cee is portrayed as hyper, abrupt and she speaks, “waspishly” (29). She is smart and talented but she is ugly. Philomena Guinea, on the other hand, says that she was stupid at college and is always described as being surrounded by beautiful things. The beauty that Esther sees as the binary opposite of ugly seems to have been acquired through her “millions and millions of dollars” (38). Jay ... appreciation for Philomena is when she uses her money to get “fitted”. It is then that Esther feels that Philomena buys her her freedom when actually she buys Esther’s freedom many times over with college scholarships and proper treatment from Dr. Nolan, for instance. Esther rarely refers to Philomena directly, preferring instead to mention her car, her hat, her letters, objects around her, actions of Philomena to other people, but ...
1124: Changing Faces's All Day / All Night
... the Big Beat/ Atlantic record label. Charisse and Cassandra first met in high school: never to think that they would meet again. After high school ended the two went their separate ways. Cassandra went to college for a bachelor of social arts degree and Charisse went to college and studied criminal law. They met again while touring with Sade. Cassandra was a backup singer for Sade and Charise was performing a duet with R. Kelly in one of the opening acts. The two ...
1125: Louis Leakey
... time Leakey’s work at caught the attention of the archaeological community and he began to receive much acclaim. In November 1929 he returned to England with a two-year fellowship at St. John’s College, and a wife, Frida, as well, whom he had married in 1928. However, excavating the site at Olduvai Gorge was on his mind, and he made plans to return to Africa. With the publish of his first book, The Stone Age Cultures of Kenya Colony, his extensive fieldwork, and his position at St. John’s College, Leakey obtained a grant to go to the Olduvai Gorge site in 1931. Along with Reck at the site, Leakey excavated five different beds, finding an amazing number of hand tools. In addition, Leakey analyzed ...
1126: Sylvia Plath Compare To Esther
... professor of entomology, when he past away he left psychological scars on Sylvia when she was eight. Her mother worked teaching in a medical/secretarial program at Boston University. By the time she entered Smith College on a scholarship in 1950 she already had an impressive list of publications. During the summer following her junior year at Smith, she returned from a stay in New York City where she had been ... the “real word”(GR, pg23). She later described this experience in the novel, The Bell Jar. On February 11, 1963, Sylvia Plath killed herself with cooking gas at the age of 30. Esther Greenwood attended College on a scholarship, earned top grades and majored in English just like Sylvia. Her life at the beginning seemed to be full of potential and goals, but as her thoughts and emotions are reveal to ...
1127: Dubliners
... that much sense, but it does work. Jimmy shows a sense of freedom a bit later on in the story when the reader is given background on his education. Jimmy was at "a big Catholic College"13 in England and was later sent "to Dublin University to study law."14 At college he went about doing his own stuff instead of studying. Joyce writes, "Jimmy did not study very earnestly and took to bad courses for a while. He had money and he was popular; and he ...
1128: Augustus Demorgan
Augustus DeMorgan was an English mathematician, logician, and bibliographer. He was born in June 1806 at Madura, Madras presidency, India and educated at Trinity College, Cambridge in 1823. Augustus DeMorgan had passed away on March 18, 1871, in London. Augustus was recognized as far superior in mathematical ability to any other person there, but his refusal to commit to studying resulted in his finishing only in fourth place in his class. In 1828 he became professor of mathematics at the newly established University College in London. He taught there until 1806, except for a break of five years from 1831 to 1836. DeMorgan was the first president of London Mathematical Society, which was founded in 1866. DeMorgan s aim ...
1129: Stress
... the divorced individuals, 62 percent are stressed in the workplace compared to married and never married at 57 percent, and 58 percent respectively. The widowed respondents maintain the least stress at 38 percent (Robinson, 1996). College graduate respondents possess more stress at 64 percent than high school graduates at 55 percent. Only 43 percent of the less than high school respondents felt stress in the workplace. Those with more education feel ... as stress increases, performance and efficiency do also. However, if stress continues to increase, the level of performance and efficiency decreases (Hellmich, 1994). Paula Morrow, director of the Industrial Relations Center at Iowa State University College of Business states that According to the Center on Work & Family , "Flexible scheduling, job-sharing, and on-site child care cut absenteeism and turnover, boosting productivity. The key is for managers to give up control ...
1130: Causes Of Civil War
... of Secretary of State, but James Madison did not allow it. It was then taken to the Supreme Court, where Chief Justice Marshall said the Supreme Court do not have control over such matters. Dartmounth College vs. Woodward case was about New Hampshire wanting to turn Dartmounth College from a private to a state unversity. The case was thrown into the Supreme Court, where Chief Justice Marshall ruled that the state did not have the right to change the school from private to ...

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