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1111: Peer Pressure
... to pass their time because they are lonely. They do this because it makes them feel good for a short time. Nody Labi writes in “Amiss Among the Amish” for Time magazine, of an Amish college student saying, "The ‘thrills’ are not really satisfying. The stability in the Amish community looks more worthwhile” (Labi, Nodi). This Amish college student realized the stability of her community was more satisfying than the thrills of abusing illegal drugs. In this research paper, a clearer understanding of the reasons adolescents abuse illegal drugs has been clarified. It ...
1112: The Trials of Alcohol
... and take my money. By drinking, all of my senses are whittled down next to nothing. When that happens, I am not able to do anything, especially study and that’s what I am at college for. Another thing that alcohol will do to me is it will subject me too memory loss. I think its common sense that after a night of drinking it is very hard to remember what ... me poor. If I were to allow myself to be buying alcohol on a steady basis, it will become a great way for me to lose all my money as my life matures. As a college student I obviously need all the money I can get so I think a wise choice for me would be to stop drinking. There is really only one way I think that being involved with ...
1113: Great Gatsby
... that Gatsby did come from a high class background. Fitzgerald avoids saying for how long, for what reasons, or why he has attained entrance at Oxford. Being misplaced by the Military at this local prestigious college unfortunately serves as a hindrance. Gatsby shows Nick a picture "A souvenir of [his] Oxford days . . . " (Fitzgerald), as if to imply that he was there. In all actuality, Gatsby had only dreamed of attending a ... create the impression of an intensity of interest, the meticulous attention to detail--these and many more 'gestures' compliment the personage of Gatsby" (Lehan 58-59). By pretending that he is an honest, endowed English college graduate, Gatsby almost perfectly creates the illusion that he is what he is trying to be. What he is trying to be is respectable, and his dirty money, his association, and his "gestures" nearly accomplish ...
1114: MDMA
... takes no steps in preventing it. Raves are known for having a blind eye approach to drug taking and drug dealing. The past two years, Ecstasy has also been practiced in urban areas, especially in college towns. Many college fraternities use the drug as an aphrodisiac. It is called the “love drug” because it is believed that the best sexual intercourse is when you are under the influence of Ecstasy. The effects have been ...
1115: Marriage Asylum
... and deserves a second look at revising some long held principles. Furthermore, marriage deserves equal treatment and the same consideration as training for a future profession. Is it not ironic, that people spend years attending college or in vocational training in order to prepare themselves for careers which, will in all likelihood change many times over the course of their lives. I would argue that people need to open their eyes ... routed today. It is fair to admit that marriage can cut down certain social ills. Segments of our society, such as judges, attorneys, therapists, counselors, arbitrators and other professionals spend years cultivating their careers in college, then leech off societal dysfunction and off the reality that happy marriages are purely myth. Dissolution of marriages occasionally takes years and cost exhorbant amounts of money. It is therefore my contention that church and ...
1116: Biography Of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Nathaniel Hawthorne Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts in 1804 into an old Puritan family. Hawthorne graduated from Bowdoin College in 1825. He thereafter returned to his Salem home, living in semi-seclusion and writing. His work received little public recognition, however, and Hawthorne attempted to destroy all copies of his first novel, Fanshawe, which ... preoccupation with the themes of guilt and pride, and The Blithedale Romance, a novel inspired by his life at Brook Farm. In 1852 Hawthorne returned to Concord, where he wrote a campaign biography of his college friend Franklin Pierce. After Pierce's election to the United States presidency, he rewarded Hawthorne with the consulship at Liverpool, England, a post Hawthorne held until 1857. In 1858 and 1859 Hawthorne lived in Italy ...
1117: Bruce Lee
... 1) When Bruce turned one year old Bruce and his parents moved back to their homeland Kowloon, Hong Kong, their family’s home town. Bruce Lee was a very smart man, he started to attend college at the age of twelve. He attended La Salle college in Hong Kong. Bruce was involved in many street fights, during one fight Bruce was jumped by a street gang. “After losing Bruce decided he should learn how to defend himself from a large number ...
1118: Michael Jordan
... He hates to be embarrassed, he can’t take that. He can dish it out all the time, though. "If you make a mistake, he’ll let you know about it," states Buzz Peterson, a college roommate. Kevin Jones, another college friend, to whom Michael gave one of his tailored tuxedos, states "these gifts are Jordan’s way of making sure his buddies don’t get left behind." (Naughton, 1992, Pg. 23) Rod Higgins of the ...
1119: Intergrating Technology And Le
... or insulting others is also discouraged (Web Server). Even though using profanity or insulting others is unacceptable in face-to-face interaction with business associates, many people see it as no problem whatsoever. In surveying college students, 94% say that they have used profanity or have insulted someone through email. Many of the reasons corresponding to their actions were that it was much easier to insult someone online than when that ... 1989. Availabe from http:apollo.gse.uci.edu/MentorTeacher/Chapter1.html. Internet; accessed 2 April 2000 *Renaissance Education Foundation, ed. Renaissance Graduate Leadership Minneapolis, Minnesota. 1991. This resource is used as text in graduate level college course. -Haselton, Blake. Principal Oldham County High School Oldham, Kentucky The Leadership Challenge Video. CMR Films. Yahoo Shopping. 2000. Yahoo!, Inc. Available from http://search.shopping.yahoo.com/search?P=all&p=videoconference. Internet; accessed ...
1120: Ebonics Is Not The Answer
... demanding excellent communications skills. These children are being denied that opportunity,” Boulet said. Ann Arbor High School is not the only failure in the history of African American Vernacular English. Twenty-six years ago, Brooklyn College offered a course, which taught "Black English" as the alleged native language of African-Americans. The outraged response of the NAACP to "Black English" is instructive to those who would defend Ebonics instruction today: "This ... Oakland's disastrous lead in retraining its teachers to accommodate Ebonics in the classroom. Providing universal, high-quality education in California is central to providing an opportunity for success in society. From pre-school to college, California must be committed to improving the entire spectrum of its educational system. Never have Californians and their children more desperately needed quality education. And never have fads such as Ebonics had the potential to ...

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