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Search results 1081 - 1090 of 2717 matching essays
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1081: U.S. Scourge Spreads South Of The Border
... new news but a overwhelming growth in the usage of drugs, especially Rohypnol. “The Mexican border town called Tijuana across from San Diego, California, once was a famous as a playground for drunken sailors and college students. Today, authorities on both sides of the border warn, it has turned into a gangland run by a growing number of ruthless cartels that sell drugs. It is no longer just marijuana (pot), but ... is marketed in one milligram and two milligrams varieties, with two milligrams being considered a “heavy dose.” During my research, I found that most of the people bringing the drug across are very young aged, college students. All they have to do is fill out a declaration form (which lists what they are bringing across the border). The Office of National Drug Control Policy says the use of Rohypnol may lead ...
1082: Only Yesterday
... People were now able to hear music as well as preaching and sporting events via the airwaves. Baseball grew in popularity as Babe Ruth broke the home run record. Thousands of people flocked to see college football games. Also the first beauty pageants were being held. Men had the opportunity to view the first installment of the swimsuit segment of the pageants. Although the swimsuits of the day were much more ... appliances and inventions that made housework easier. With hard housework a thing of the past women had more time to concentrate on other things. They got the right to vote and began to go to college. Women began to invade the work force and think for themselves. The boundaries between young men and women were soon disappeared in more ways than one. Young couples disregarded the fact that they were supposed ...
1083: Psychodelic Drugs
... lucid at 0.25%, whereas the average person would barely be able to function. Even so, the heavy drinker would be extremely dangerous on the highway. Thirteen percent of male and five percent of female college students nationwide are alcoholic. Persons are considered alcoholic if they exhibit three or more of the following symptoms for more than one month, or if the symptoms get repeated over a longer period of time ... in sexual activities that are contrary to values SOCIAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL •Loss of self-respect •Mood swings •Panic and unexplained fears •Depression • Property damage •Paranoia •Fights and arguments •Social isolation and withdrawal •Problems with legal or college authorities •Causing emotional pain to friends or loved ones DRINKING/USING BEHAVIOR •Sneaking drinks or drugs or using alone •Hiding bottles/drugs •Consuming more than intended •Inability to predict how much one will consume •Using ...
1084: William Penn And The Quakers
... and the freedom of expression that prevailed, the province was noted for the variety and strength of its intellectual and educational institutions and interests. An academy which held its first classes in 1740 became the College of Philadelphia in 1755, and ultimately grew into the University of Pennsylvania. It was the only nondenominational college of the colonial period. The arts and sciences flourished, and the public buildings of Philadelphia were the marvel of the colonies. Many fine old buildings in the Philadelphia area still bear witness to the richness ...
1085: Of Mice And Men
... varity of literary pieces. Steinbeck wrote for the student newspapers at Salinas and at Stanford University. His reading background was both varied and intense, but he couldn't adjust to the disciplines necessary for a college degree, and never graduated. He had gone to college at Stanford University for five years, but also worked on ranches, and had a variety of other jobs. In the process he met friends that would later be characters in his novels. In one of ...
1086: A Portrait Of The Artist As A
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: Religion as Repression Like his protagonist, James Joyce was an Irish Catholic. He was also sent to Clongowes Wood College to board and study as a young boy. In effect the story is in part an autobiography of Joyce's own life up to the age of twenty or so (Kershner 6). In his essay ... autobiography, I feel called upon to see Joyce's schoolfellows in two ways at once. They are characters in a novel, bigger than life, and they are real people like me and my school and college pals. (280) The Catholic religion is a significant and recurring theme in James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Though brought up in the church, several major events lead Stephen ...
1087: Aldous Huxley
... of the transience of human happiness” and “he felt that heredity made each individual unique, and uniqueness of the individual was essential to freedom” (Aldous Huxley-Biography). From 1908 until 1913, Huxley studied at Eton College (Aldous (Leonard) Huxley). While at Eton, Huxley developed a condition of near blindness that plagued him until his death (Philosopher’s Corner Presents: Aldous Huxley). After receiving his Bachelor of Arts in English at Balliol College, Oxford, Huxley worked in the War Office in London and taught at Eton and Repton (Aldous (Leonard) Huxley). While at Oxford, Huxley was introduced to the literary world and became good friends with D.H ...
1088: Martin Luther King Jr
... in the nation and abroad; his courageous and selfless devotion gave direction to thirteen years of civil rights activities. King’s desire for knowledge was evident from his early years. Due to high scoring on college entrance exams, he was only fifteen years old when he began freshman year at Morehouse College. His quest for knowledge did not end in the classroom, however. He continued to broaden his horizons throughout his entire life. On a visit to India in 1959, King was able to work out more ...
1089: Attitudes Toward Abortion
... from less than $1000 to $60,000 and over. Respondents were asked a series of questions to determine the highest year of education completed. Responses ranged from no formal schooling (00) to eight years of college (20). Respondents were asked a series of questions to determine occupational prestige based on the two digit Hodge, Siegel, and Rossi prestige score. Categories ranged from 10 to 89. Respondents were asked, "If you were ... A reference group theory of marihuana use." International Review of Modern Sociology. Vol 8: 75-87. Jacques, J.M. and K.J. Chason. 1978. "Cohabitation: a test of reference group theory among black and white college students." Journal of Comparative Studies. Vol 9(2): 147-165. Jelen, T.G. 1984. "Respect for life, sexual morality, and opposition to abortion." Review of Religious Research. Vol 25: 220-231. Jelen, T.G. 1988 ...
1090: Jim Abbott
... Sox fans stood and applauded, cheering the rookie off the field. Everyone knew that they had seen someone very special. This person was Jim Abbott. Jim Abbott has led an eventfully life. He brought his college team to the championship in 1985, brought Team USA to gold in 1988, and threw a no hitter against the Cleveland Indians in 1993. These achievements are not what make him so special; what makes ... involved in baseball. He was the top scorer in his school's intramural basketball league, and played two years of varsity football. Jim's various athletic exploits resulted in press attention. When Jim got to college, he picked up right where he had left off in high school. His two main goals were to get an education and to become the best possible pitcher he could be. At this point, his ...

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