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1691: The Role of Prejudice In The Merchant of Venice
... integration, but at the same time, practiced social exclusion.Though they extended their hands to his Shylock's money, they turned their backs on him socially.When Venetian merchants needed usurer capital to finance their business ventures, Jews flocked to Venice in large numbers.By the early 1500s, the influx of Jews posed a serious threat to the native population, such that the Venetian government needed to confine the Jews to ... the penalty has been already suffered" (Auden, p. 227).Shylock regards Antonio as his number one nemesis because of the countless public humiliations he has subjected him to and because Antonio has purposely hindered his business by refusing to collect interest on loans.Would Shylock have demanded a pound of flesh from anyone else in the world but Antonio? Does this make him a bad person or just a human one ...
1692: The Godfather: Michael Vs. Sonny
... up doing it anyway. I think Michael was pushed into it because of his loyalty to the family. He is more calculating in manner. Near the end when he “takes care of all the family business” on the day of the Baptism is a prime example of this. Because he was this way, the objects of his violence had no idea that it was coming. Their values are another way that ... They both had great respect for their father. When he wanted something done they jumped. When He was shot, Michael rushed home to see if he could help. He eventually got involved in the family business because of this. Sonny wanted the people who had been involved in the shooting to pay at all costs. Finally they both had strong family ties (towards the Corleone family). When a member of the ...
1693: Movie Review of Jerry Maguire
... say that my hopes were not too high for this movie. Let me tell you, I was pleasantly surprised. The title character, played by Tom Cruise, is a sports agent at the top of his business, and at the bottom of humanity. He works for Sports Management International as a ruthless devil procuring the largest contracts and endorsement deals he can muster, at the expense of personal well-being and old- fashioned love of the game. The movie begins when one night, in a fit of passion, he has a revelation and writes a mission statement about how the business can be altered to include humanity. His plan focuses on reducing the number of clients to produce higher quality relationships with them. He then distributes it to all his colleagues before realizing what a big ...
1694: David Selznick and Since You Went Away
... maintain an editorial perspective that I wouldn't have as a director. I consider myself first a creative producer, then a showman and then a businessman. You need all three things to succeed in the business today." -David O. Selznick The film Since You Went Away was released in 1944. This epic film attempted to relate to the American audience that was dealing with the war foreclosing and the flux of ... of emphasis is placed on the female audience's familiarity with "the details of day to day living and plenty of humorous sentimental reportage of housekeeping: rationing, the problems of two growing daughters and the business of getting jobs to help the family's reduced budget."(Hartung p 374) Selznick increased the original ages of the two daughters so Shirley Temple (Bridget) and Jennifer Jones (Jane) could play the roles and ...
1695: Interpretation of Ibsen's "A Doll's House"
... in society; but it is her actions that provide the insight to this position. It can be suggested that women have the power to choose which rules to follow at home, but not in the business world, thus again indicating her subordinateness. Nora does not at first realize that the rules outside the household apply to her. This is evident in Nora's meeting with Krogstad regarding her borrowed money. In ... her crime is out in the open. After she reveals the "dastardly deed" to her husband, he becomes understandably agitated; in his frustration he shares the outside world with her, the ignorance of the serious business world, and destroys her innocence and self-esteem. This disillusion marks the final destructive blow to her doll's house. Their ideal home including their marriage and parenting has been a fabrication for the sake ...
1696: David Williamson's "The Club" and "The Removalists"
... like Jock and Gerry, lack loyalty to other people but are loyal to the Club as a whole. Gerry believes that, "Loyalty to any one individual is a luxury you can't afford in a business with a multi-million dollar turnover." Gerry's pragmatic attitude is perhaps typical of the attitudes which are becoming commonplace in the cutthroat business world of the 1990s. The role of women is not explored all that extensively in The Club, but Williamson does explore some of the attitudes relating to this issue in his play. For example, all ...
1697: King Lear's Mistake
... The very first words that he speaks in the play are: Give me the map there. Know that we have divided In three our kingdom; and 'tis our fast intent To shake all cares and business from our age, Conferring them on younger strengths while we Unburdened crawl toward death.(Act I, Sc i, Ln 37-41) This gives the reader the first indication of Lear's intent to relinquish his throne. He is growing old and wants to "shake all cares and business" from his age. In a since he wants to retire from a job that you cannot retire from. He has no son to hand his throne down to, so he must give it to his ...
1698: Analysis of Advertisements for Two Different Things
... is a small boy whispering into the ear of a girl. While this can signfy communication among everyone, instead I believe it to be the man's children to show that he is a successful business and family man. Lastly, the final link goes to a picture of the box `Microsoft Project'. This relates the software to the other items by linking the results that your company will receive when you ... It may be safe to assume that the software is just a large array of icons and there is nothing amazing to look at. Once more, as stated at the beginning of the paragraph, a business type is more concerned with `real world' pictures rather than one of the `virtual' gaming world. Two very different advertisements from two very different magazines selling two very different products, yet all from the same ...
1699: The Sea Dogs... Puppets in a Political War
... John Hawkins, Sir Walter Raleigh, and Sir Francis Drake. Drake was by far the most popular of all the sea dogs. It is said that he accumulated the most wealth of anyone in the pirating business (Wood 102). Sir Walter Raleigh was another sea dog, but he didn't prove to be as successful (Cochran 32). Another pirate during the Middle Ages was John Hawkins. He robbed the Spaniards of slaves ... back from them or atomize one of their ports. But the destruction was not why they enjoyed pirating. Sea dogs enjoyed pirating for one main reason: it was a fruitful opportunity. In this line of business you could make a great deal of money depending on how many ships you were able to hit. And the money that we are talking about isn't small peanuts. The amount we are referring ...
1700: All My Sons: Miller's Chief Criticism Of American Society
... society to this level of corruption. Miller emphasizes this point in several ways. The first example is that Keller knowingly ships out cracked cylinder heads, that will crash an airplane if used, to prevent his business from going bankrupt, claiming that he did it for his family. The second example is that Sue would rather Jim make allot of money, and not do medical research- which is what he really wanted ... values money and profit more than human life. He shows this by his portrayal of Keller. Keller ships out cracked cylinder heads, aware that in flight they will cause planes to crash, to save his business from being shut down. Furthermore, he goes on to allow the blame to fall on Steve, in order to save himself from going to jail, even though Steve was not the only one guilty. Keller ...

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