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Search results 9981 - 9990 of 22819 matching essays
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9981: Arguments Against the Relativists Theory
... Hitler's orders. In the two years that followed, millions of Jews were killed and only a fraction survived the painful ordeals at the Nazi German prison camps. However, all of the chaos ended as World War II came to a close: the American and British soldiers had won and Hitler's Third Reich was no more. A certain ethical position would state that the anti-sematic Nazi German culture was ... rising to positions in politics, etc.). The relativist would be inclined to say that this is simply a change in cultural policies that has no moral merit whatsoever. Moreover, he would state that, since the new policy on women's rights does not indicate any progress per-say, then it does not differ (morally) from the original oppressive state of affairs. In effect, the cultural relativist allows for a society to ... one should not automatically label these ideals as immoral. In some cases, this is quite important. The far-fetched example of aliens coming to Earth with their customs comes to mind. Here, just because this new culture may have very different, yet harmless beliefs, other cultures should not condone these beliefs. However, an example can be given in which an open mindshould not be extended. Let the reader consider the ...
9982: Munros Trademarks
... to Del, and he was really her mom s American brother, meanwhile the door opened on the other side of the car and a tall lady got out, and Uncle Bill introduced her as his new wife, she was so young and perfect. Uncle was corrupted in that he bought Nile his wife a woman much younger than himself by buying her jewelry and Jews. Ada believed that Nile didn t ... he was also a limited person. Uncle Benny, who wasn t Dels Uncle or in any way related to the characters, offers a metaphor for the structural and thematic organization of the novel. Benny s world, his home, was awash with trivial everyday objects such as, a wealth of wreckage, a whole rich dark, rotting mess of carpets, linoleum, parts of furniture, tools and etc. But meanwhile he was such a ... but to his way of thinking the river and the bush and the whole Grenoch Swamp more or less belonged to him, because he knew them, better than anybody else did. Also Uncle Benny s world was really wild and strange like the girl he married through answering a newspaper advertisement and his account of his unsuccessful trip from Jubilee to Toronto to find her when she unpredictably left him ...
9983: Michelangelo
... placed there in a fine monument in the church of Santa Croce. Michelangelo portrayed both optimism and pessimism. Sculptures was where he wanted his heart dedicated. Michelangelo gave up painting apprenticeship to take up a new career in sculpture. Michelangelo then went to Rome, where he was able to examine many newly unearthed classical statues and ruins. He soon produced his first large-scale sculpture, the over-life-size Bacchus (1496 ... Instead of revealing extreme grief, Mary is restrained, and her expression is one of resignation. In this work, Michelangelo summarizes the sculptural innovations of his 15th-century predecessors such as Donatello, while ushering in the new monumentality of the High Renaissance style of the 16th century. Michelangelo was pessimistic in his response to Strazzi. I did not see Strazzi as complementing him. Michelangelo responds in a pessimistic tone to what should ... de' Medici to Leo X, Clement VIII, and Pius III, as well as cardinals, painters, and poets. Neither easy to get along with nor easy to understand, he expressed his view of himself and the world even more directly in his poetry than in the other arts. Much of his verse deals with art and the hardships he underwent, or with Neoplatonic philosophy and personal relationships. The great Renaissance poet ...
9984: Madame Bovary 2
... to Del, and he was really her mom s American brother, meanwhile the door opened on the other side of the car and a tall lady got out, and Uncle Bill introduced her as his new wife, she was so young and perfect. Uncle was corrupted in that he bought Nile his wife a woman much younger than himself by buying her jewelry and Jews. Ada believed that Nile didn t ... he was also a limited person. Uncle Benny, who wasn t Dels Uncle or in any way related to the characters, offers a metaphor for the structural and thematic organization of the novel. Benny s world, his home, was awash with trivial everyday objects such as, a wealth of wreckage, a whole rich dark, rotting mess of carpets, linoleum, parts of furniture, tools and etc. But meanwhile he was such a ... but to his way of thinking the river and the bush and the whole Grenoch Swamp more or less belonged to him, because he knew them, better than anybody else did. Also Uncle Benny s world was really wild and strange like the girl he married through answering a newspaper advertisement and his account of his unsuccessful trip from Jubilee to Toronto to find her when she unpredictably left him ...
9985: Macbeth 2
Macbeth at the beginning of the play is portrayed as an honest, loyal and brave subject. It is at the scene when he first encounters the three witches with Banquo that we see something click inside of him. They prophecize that Macbeth, Thane of Glamis is also Thane of Cawdor ... and will be king. The witches also say Banquo will be father to a line of kings. He is enticed with the prophecy that he will become king and this thought, whether it is a new one to him or not, really starts to tug away at his morals, honor, integrity. His wife, Lady Macbeth, though describes her husband as "too full o' the milk of human kindness." To be king ... like a lunatic. Later Macbeth tells his wife that he is so far in, so "steeped in blood," that he cannot go back. The next day he goes to see the witches who give him new prophecies. They tell him to beware Macduff but also puff up his confidence saying no man born of woman can harm him and that he cannot be defeated until Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane ...
9986: Art History Entombment And Adoration Of The Shepperds Painti
... sky where five angels can be seen along with the star of Bethelham. All the angels look overjoyed with the event. Finally we have Christ who is painted fast asleep as if everyone in the world is at piece. I think Cigoli’s excellent understanding of anatomy helped him to show more emotion through people than Moretto who I feel shows the emotion of his painting through the color and lighting ... a young beautiful face and body. In Entombment, Mary is shown unusually older. There are wrinkles are visible on her face and that shows to us that she must endure the same displeasure of the world. Now both pictures are far apart in the life of Jesus so Mary would of course look older in the Entombment picture but artists of this time had created Pieta scenes that depicted Mary still ... towards what happened to Christ and it makes you feel like you should be in church right now. For Adoration of the Shepherds, Cigoli was able to show us a light hearted celebration and a new beginning through the colors and commotion of the people. These paintings help show us that there is more to painting a masterpiece than just having idea. Many elements must be considered to express true ...
9987: Dead Poets Society
... facts and regurgitate the same facts during exams. Latin class involves recitation, while chemistry involves memorization, and as long as the students can deliver what they have been told, they are successful in life. The new English teacher, Mr. Keating, challenges his students to think for themselves and to resist conformity. He most memorably illustrates how easily conformity affects people during his lesson involving a stroll in the courtyard. He instructs ... on to Harvard to become a doctor. Charlie Dalton was expelled from Wellton for his unwillingness to conform. Todd Anderson found the courage to stand up for himself and realized he had value in the world. It is not just to say that education is only about textbooks and memorization. The memorization of the Periodic Table of Elements in Chemistry has very little impact on a large part of life; such ... have the same physical components in their bodies, but their feelings and point of view are unique unto themselves. The true danger of education is the attempt to call for all people to see the world in the same way.
9988: William Shakespeare and His Life
... that William Shakespeare was a very good influence on life back in the 1560’s and now in the 1990’s. He taught so many people about a different language and the idea of a new theater. He changed the tradition of things and has written such wonderful plays that they are still enjoyed today, more than four hundred years later. He brought new things into the world and without him our country would not be developed in language, drama, and literature like we are today.
9989: Lord Of The Flies 4
How mankind can t survive without rules and laws Could civilization live a normal and stable life, without any rules and orders to obey? Could you picture, New York City, with no laws to follow and everyone doing as they please? Just imagine the disasters that we will experience. In the novel, Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, we see how ... to speak. The conch also sets Ralph apart from the other boys and is what helps him be categorized as chief and leader. The conch is the only connection that the kids have to a world of order and civilization. The influence of the conch is what keeps the kids hope of being rescued going because it reminds them of the order of the world that they are from. When all the boys are gathered together, Piggy starts to ask the names of the kids. This is the second step of a creation of a civilization. Afterwards, we see, ...
9990: Interview with Karl Marx
... were three major issues that influenced my views. Firstly, having researched the French Revolution, revolutionary change showed to be practical. Secondly, the English Industrial Revolution persuaded me that industrialization was the key to the modern world. Lastly, I discovered that history unfolds in a logical sequence. I realized that for each thesis, there is an antithesis and the meeting of the two produces a completely new idea, a synthesis. So what was your theory and what was human history according to you? Human history, according to me, was the history of class conflict between competing economic groups in which one exploits ... was that the poor, oppressed workers would rise and destroy their capitalist masters. My dream was that no classes would exist and that all people would live and prosper in communal harmony and freedom. A world free from hatred, inequality, and oppression is also my dream. And what an inspirational that dream is, Karl! I am only one of the many that have gained motivation from your words. As picturesque ...

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