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9971: Modest Proposal
... it a great happiness to have been sold for food at a year old (49). Swift backs up his ingenious scheme with previous accounts of success by gentlemen in America and other parts of the world. This shows that his idea is creditable because it has worked on previous occasions. This wondrous idea has so many benefits that it s hard to see how anyone would be so close-minded to ... poor tenants would have something of value which could help them pay rent and also it would greatly increase the sales at taverns where the cooks would strive to find the best recipes for their new delicacy. Finally it would be a great advantage to those getting married, where as they could sell their children for profit ( with the children s best interest in mind, of course). Swift has a very logical approach to dealing with the poor and starving. If they were to be eaten it would get rid of the problem and also create new opportunities for others in the community. This argument is emotionally sound as well. Swift only wants the best for the children and his country. He has no ulterior motives to profit from his idea ...
9972: An Introspective Look On Fate Concerning The Tragedies Of An
... that is weaved for him? The force, which controls the path of man, has been a long survived question. This inquiry remains unanswered, yet consist of many explanations. Plato and Aristotle both felt that a world in which fate ruled completely could not be a good world. In such a realm, man could not be held responsible for his actions. Whether good or bad, he could not therefore be blamed. This idea was supported by their fellow Greeks and can be seen ... left his wife for King Creon of Cornith's daughter, disregarding all that Medea had done for him. He abused his love with Medea, which clearly caused her madness. She in turned poisoned Jason's new bride and killed his two sons. Jason, once of an arrogant and overly self-confident nature, was now left without anyone. Throughout history of human thought, man has struggled with the question: is man ...
9973: Parable Of The Sower - Communi
... Rituals and agreements within a community are traits that provide just that; they help characterize and unite the group within the organization. In Octavia Butler s novel, Parable of the Sower, she creates a surreal world in which a community joins together to fend off harsh and frightening realities of the world outside the walls. A community, itself, should provide security, trust and honesty, and more importantly, happiness. This is a small community, [they] all know each other here. [They] all depend on each other. [They re ... a group setting provides. The adult men and women put the fire out with garden hoses, shovels, wet towels and blankets Kids [Lauren s] age helped out where [they] were needed and put out any new fires The very old people watched the little kids and kept them out of the way, and out of trouble (p 28). Society offers few chances for this level of participation, which intensifies the ...
9974: College Fraternities
... at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia on December 5th 1776. After half a century of existence, it became and has since remained a scholarship honor society. Throughout the nineteenth century, many new fraternities were founded, but none of these were permanent. Then, in 1825, the Kappa Alpha Fraternity (now Kappa Alpha Society) was born at Union College. Two years later, Sigma Phi and Delta Phi had been ... toward the community. It is common for some fraternity members to stay active after graduating from college. In this way they can help the chapter in many ways and especially as "advisor of the real world." It is also a positive experience for the graduate member, who will be able to keep in contact with the new and old members of his chapter. As Sidney S. Suntag wrote "I know of no better way to keep young than to associate with young people"(pg. 15). Even if some members are not ...
9975: Agony Ang The Extacy, Ethical Considerations Concerning Mich
... Empire. I will start by defending the Pope, Julius II merely recognized the extreme beauty that was the end result in Michelangelo’s work and felt that it would be cheating the rest of the world not to share it. Considering, Michelangelo went on to be one of the greatest artists of the Renaissance era, it was very beneficial to publicize his artwork, in particular his painting. He was influential in that he inspired a whole new generation to take a greater interest in the arts, some later even becoming as influential as Buonarroti. So this, one could say, is more than just cause to say “exploit” Michelangelo and his artwork, the semi-sacrifice of one man’s happiness for a huge influence throughout the world and even throughout time! After considering this side of the pendulum we can look at the wrongdoing of Julius II through the eyes of Michelangelo. Michelangelo, an unmarried man, was very involved in his ...
9976: Stess And The Securities Indus
... best focused on with the insider trading scandals of the past and their repercussions on how business ethics should be practiced in the workplace today. The 1980 s were a revolutionary period for stock trading. New computer systems transformed the industry making the exchange faster to transact and easier to monitor. This gave way to the exposure of insider trading and traders had to decide for themselves whether they would succumb ... staff. The result is a more ethically motivated industry and recent booms in the market reflect how an honest exchange should work. Even though Wall Street firms have tightened their grip on employees the outside world can still find loopholes in the system and exploit them. In New York City a psychiatrist named Robert Willis had a patient whose husband had a business relationship with Sanford Weill, the former chief executive of Shearson Loeb Rhodes. The woman disclosed that Weil was considering ...
9977: Aristotle vs. Copernicus
... argued for the existence of a divine being, described as the Prime Mover, who is responsible for the unity and purposefulness of nature. God is perfect and therefore the aspiration of all things in the world, because all things desire to share perfection. Other movers exist as well-the intelligent movers of the planets and stars (Aristotle suggested that the number of these is "either 55 or 47"). The Prime Mover ... never move more than a certain distance from the sun. Copernicus's theory also stated that the sphere of the fixed stars was stationary. Another important feature of Copernican theory is that it allowed a new ordering of the planets according to their periods of revolution. In Copernicus's universe, unlike Ptolemy's, the greater the radius of a planet's orbit, the greater the time the planet takes to make ... lived in vastly different times. Without Aristotle, Copernicus may never had something to disprove. Copernicus' fight for what he believed in, truly helped mankind realize certain truths. It is these people who really make the world go around and will carry us through to the next millenium.
9978: 1984 Reading Journal
... diary Reaction Major ideas, conflicts and themes are introduced. We are shown how the earth has changed, into 3 main contenients. we are also introduced to the main character and how he fits into the new world. Also we are shown how the computer age has taken over peoples minds. The language is easy to understand, it has not really changed much over time. Seems like nothing left after nuclear war, just ... ordinary sense" "He was tired, but not sleepy any longer" Summary Chapter 5 and 6 The torture room is brightly lit, room 101. O'Brien says that the room contains the worst thing in the world. It turns out to be rats in a cage which can be strapped over his face. Winston yells and screems and is overcome by the horror and the terror. He screams that this punnishment ...
9979: Pablo Picasso
... of fellow artists at cabarets like the Lapin Agile. 1905 and 1906 marked a radical change in color and mood for Picasso. He became fascinated with the acrobats, clowns and wandering families of the circus world. He started to paint in subtle pinks and grays, often highlighted with brighter tones. This was known as his "rose period." For Picasso the 1920's were years of rich artistic exploration and great productivity. Picasso continued to design theater sets and painted in Cubist, Classical and Surreal modes. In the early 1930's, Picasso did a large quantity of graphic illustrations. During World War II, Picasso lived in Paris, where he turned his energy to the art of ceramics. From 1947 to 1950, he pursued new methods of lithography. The l950's saw the beginning of a number of large retrospective exhibits of his works. During this time he began to paint a series of works conceived as free variations ...
9980: Jane Addams 2
... 1854 -1870. A friend and admirer of Abraham Lincoln, John also fought as an officer in the Civil War. He was quiet and hard working and had a hatred of tyranny and injustice in the world. At the age of seven years old, a new woman entered the life of Jane Addams. Her father married Anna H. Haldeman, a widow with two sons. Jane felt no deep warmth for her stepmother, but this demanding and intelligent woman did contribute to ... to spend some leisure time. It was in London that Jane Addams was reacquainted with the poor. Jane Addams was no longer confused about her future. She desperately wanted to understand the problems of the world and help the less fortunate. Jane believed that the poor along with those willing to help would be able to understand each other. More importantly she believed that the things people had in common ...

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