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9941: Lyndon Johnson
... 1937, Johnson sought and won a Texas seat in Congress, where he championed public works, reclamation, and public power programs. When war came to Europe he backed Roosevelt's efforts to aid the Allies. During World War II he served a brief tour of active duty with the U.S. Navy in the Pacific (1941-42) but returned to Capitol Hill when Roosevelt recalled members of Congress from active duty. Johnson ... especially among young, draft-aged people. Escalation also failed to win the war. The drawn-out struggle made Johnson even more secretive, dogmatic, and hypersensitive to criticism. His usually sure political instincts were failing. The New Hampshire presidential primary of 1968, in which the anti-war candidate Eugene McCarthy made a strong showing, revealed the dwindling of Johnson's support. Some of Johnson's closest advisors now began to counsel a ... of the treaty by which the United States withdrew from Vietnam. Bibliography Evans, Rowland, and Novak, Robert, Lyndon B. Johnson, The Exercise of Power : A Political Biography (1966); Geyelin, Philip, Lyndon B. Johnson and the World (1966); Goldman, Eric F., The Tragedy of Lyndon Johnson (1969); Johnson, Lady Bird, White House Diary(1970); Kearns, Doris, Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream (1976); Schandler, Herbert, The Unmaking of a President: Lyndon ...
9942: Offensive And Defensive Strate
... chocolate. Failure of the product will spell doom for the company. Despite these pitfalls, the concentration strategy has nevertheless borne fruit for organizations like Holiday Inns. Considered one of the largest hotel chains in the world with 1800inns, Holiday Inns have achieved unparalleled success by focusing on the hospitality industry. Concentric diversification Put plainly concentric diversification is said to be when a firm originally concentrating on one specific product, service, or product line decides to add related products or services to its already existing retinue. These new products or services are added internally (i.e. it can be a management decision) or may be acquired through acquisitions. A good example is Cadbury. Though initially focusing on biscuits, the company today has an ... is the heavy vehicles and industrial equipment manufacturer Caterpillar, who have branched out into the production of boots and accessories. Merger or acquisition A merger involves combining the operations of two companies to form a new and unified organization. Acquisitions on the other hand is the taking over of another firm but allowing the acquired firm to function as a independent division or subsidiary of the acquiring firm. The main ...
9943: Racism and Segregation in School
... Scottsboro boys were charged with the rape of two known prostitutes. The prostitutes said that the boys had raped them, but then they recanted and the boys were still on trial. The boys had a new life when the police arrested them. After they were acquitted their reputations were ruined. They probably couldn't get a job anywhere. Another sign that there was racism prominent in America, the land of the ... give up her seat to a white person. She was in jail, but a year later a judge ruled against segregation. One other proof of racism is segregation in school. Almost every white school had new books and lots of luxuries the black students could only dream of. It wasn't until 1954 that segregation of schools was illegal, meaning that for all those years there was a segregation. That means ... the Scottsboro boys was terrible and it should have never happened but because it did now the American public has become more aware of racism. Still the fact remains that there was racism and the world still has it.
9944: Michelangelo
... placed there in a fine monument in the church of Santa Croce. Michelangelo portrayed both optimism and pessimism. Sculptures was where he wanted his heart dedicated. Michelangelo gave up painting apprenticeship to take up a new career in sculpture. Michelangelo then went to Rome, where he was able to examine many newly unearthed classical statues and ruins. He soon produced his first large-scale sculpture, the over-life-size Bacchus (1496 ... Instead of revealing extreme grief, Mary is restrained, and her expression is one of resignation. In this work, Michelangelo summarizes the sculptural innovations of his 15th-century predecessors such as Donatello, while ushering in the new monumentality of the High Renaissance style of the 16th century. Michelangelo was pessimistic in his response to Strazzi. I did not see Strazzi as complementing him. Michelangelo responds in a pessimistic tone to what should ... de' Medici to Leo X, Clement VIII, and Pius III, as well as cardinals, painters, and poets. Neither easy to get along with nor easy to understand, he expressed his view of himself and the world even more directly in his poetry than in the other arts. Much of his verse deals with art and the hardships he underwent, or with Neoplatonic philosophy and personal relationships. The great Renaissance poet ...
9945: Jon Philip Sousa
... Band in 1891 and1892, promoter David Blakely convinced Sousa to resign and organize a civilian concert band. The first Sousa Band Concert was preformed on September 26, 1892 at the Stillman Music Hall in Plainfield, New Jersey. In 1895 Sousa's first successful operetta, El Capitan debuts. In 1895 Sousa's first big tragedy hit. While on vacation with his wife in Europe, Sousa's promoter (David Blakely) died. This was ... to face but it also inspired him to write the great Stars and Stripes Forever. Through 1900-1905 Sousa and his band had three awesome tours in Europe. Finally, in 1910 he had his first world tour. In 1917 World War I broke out and Sousa took a break from music to join the US Naval Reserve at age 62. He was assigned the rank of lieutenant and was only paid a salary of ...
9946: John Lennon
John Lennon Lennon was born in 1940 during the Nazi bombing of Britain and given the middle name Winston, after Prime Minister Churchill. Knowing firsthand the horror of a world at war and living through the era of Vietnam's senseless carnage as well, Lennon came to embrace and embody pacifism via such classics of the Beatles era as "All You Need Is Love" and ... early Seventies Lennon fought the U.S. government to avoid deportation - a campaign of harassment by Nixon-era conservatives that was overturned by the courts in 1975 - and came to love his adopted city of New York. Then there were those five quiet years when Lennon chose to lay low and raise their son, Sean Ono Lennon. Simply by stepping back and "watching the wheels" from the sidelines, John Lennon made ... credited to John Lennon/Yoko Ono, was released on December 6th. Two days later, a brilliant life came to an untimely end when John Winston Lennon was fatally shot by a deranged fan outside his New York City apartment upon returning from a recording session. "Oh, the Lennon years. John was bigger than life man. The cat was so much more than groov...ya know. To me, John was the ...
9947: Racial Discrimination
... is like a grain of sand caught in the clutches of an oyster. It eats away at their minds until it becomes part of them. Instead of forming into a pearl, it creates a whole new individual that is as ignorant as the parents who raised him. And so this vicious cycle of ignorance continues. Children need to be taught from infancy that people of other races and nationalities are human ... They are intelligent. Sometimes they forget to put the cap on the toothpaste or they might leave the toilet seat up. We are all human and we are lucky to have such diversity in the world. Diversity does not exist to enable us to learn tolerance. It exists for the same reason we have such a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. If the only thing you eat is apples, you will get tired of them. Try pears they are just as good. If our world consisted of white-skinned, blond- haired, blue-eyed people, our eyes would get bored. Differences are inviting and intriguing - a spice of life. It is a tragedy that so many people are too ignorant ...
9948: The Life of a Jamestown Colonist
... first people to come to Jamestown. As a child in the mid-1500’s, I remember my parents talking about how nervous they were that Spain seemed to be gaining such a foothold in the New World. No one in England liked the fact that Spain was the most powerful country in Europe. The king decided to explore in an effort to find a northwest passage to Asia without going around Asia ... Virginia Company sent 500 more settlers in 1609. 100 of the settlers never made it to Jamestown because a hurricane had left them shipwrecked on an island in the West Indies. Just our luck, our new governor happened to be on the ship that wrecked and John had gone back to England because he had been injured in a gunpowder blast. Once again, there was a gap in leadership. As ...
9949: Oscar Wilde
... as many lectures as planned. He met Henry Longfellow, Oliver Wendell Holmes and Walt Whitman, on which he made a good impression. During this time he arranged for his play Vera to be staged in New York. The play was cancelled during rehearsal due to it concerning Nihilism in Russia which was delicate subject matter at the time and in New York it closed after only a week. Oscar was married on May 29, 1884 to Constance Lloyd and they had two sons, Cyril and Vyvyan. He was extraordinarily fond of his children, although he did not spend much time with them Constance with son Cyril In 1887, Oscar accepted a position at a magazine called The Woman’s World which he was to help revitalize, but quit in 1889. He wrote about the folklore and superstition of Ireland. He published the prose The Happy Prince and Other Tales in 1888, which he wrote ...
9950: Leonardo Da Vinci
... studio he met other famous painters such as Botticelli and Ghirlandaio. In 1478, Leonardo became an independent master of his trade. His first large painting, The Adoration of the Magi, was never completed. It introduced new different style of composition. In this style the main figures are placed in the foreground. The background consists of distant views of imaginary ruins and battle scenes. In 1482 Leonardo worked his way up to ... takes out a large chunk of the center. The painting was done in an experimental fresco medium. This accounts for the rest of the damage. Even after all this it is still regarded as a world masterpiece. Located in the Louvre is the world’s most prized painting. Mona Lisa was painted from 1503 to 1506. The painting is nothing more than a woman from the abdomen up, yet is regarded as the worlds best. She brings millions ...

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