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9921: The Admirable Eleanor Roosevelt
... one of the most admired first ladies ever. Her intelligence, friendliness, warmth, humanity, and charm, were just a few words that describe the person that she was. Throughout Eleanor Roosevelt’s life she graced the world with a presence that many people looked towards for friendship or just advice. Eleanor Roosevelt is someone that in my eyes is a hero. For the period in time, which she lived being a woman ... 1899 at the age of 15 her uncles out of control drunkenness scared Eleanor’s grandmother of Eleanor’s safety. She sent Eleanor away to a boarding school in England. In 1902 she returned to New York at the age of 18. She was ready to come out in the world and find a husband. Eleanor was not very good at small talk, so when men started courting her she would be very shy and timid. When Franklin a distant cousin started courting her they ...
9922: Anselm's Definition of God
... able to exist in reality. He then tries to prove that this supposition leads to a conclusion which cannot possibly be true. Then the original God would not actually be the greatest thinkable being, this new something else, that actually exists would be. This new God which actually exists would then be able to be seen, heard and touched by the individuals who believe he exists as the greatest thinkable being. Nevertheless, it is obviously impossible that the greatest being ... that thing to exist." (Anselm Chapter 2) A modern day example of Anselm's theory is that if I can really imagine a perfect girl for me. This girl would actually exist somewhere in the world. A girl with all of the best qualities that I can possibly imagine someone as having. She would be everything that I am looking for. According to Anselm's beliefs, she would most defiantly ...
9923: How Does H.G. Wells Create Tension In: The Red Room
... impression that there is something to be very fearful of in the red room. He questions the narrator's decision to go to the red room; this makes the reader see the narrator as a brave person but seems to make the custodians question his sanity. "Are you really going?" Wells also increases tension by making the custodians seek solace in each other (even though they apparently can't stand each ... to command attention by standing by the fire, the focal point of the room and he is not at all scared, he makes out he is wise and is old enough to have seen the world at the 'old' age of twenty eight. He prove this by not believing a word that the old custodians say and even accuses them of exaggerating in an effort to make their lives seem more ... as yet." "I half suspected the old people were trying to enhance the spiritual terrors of their house" The narrator catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror and the reflection suggests that he is brave and this gives him an image of strength. This is a contrast to how he sees the custodians, he sees them as monstrosities. Although appearing the pillar of strength the warnings the custodians gave ...
9924: Types of Land Features
... abundant amounts of plants live, being feed off of by small organisms. Problems in the ocean are accruing more frequently, but people are more aware of them. Many beaches are being pumped and dumped with new sand. Because of the large quantities of people visiting the oceans daily, the sand is becoming packed down, allowing the waves to crash against the shore stronger and harder causing more damage. Oil spills in ... of the trees. The trees are being used for human resources and other supplies. Endangered species in the forest are also becoming a big concern as well as any other forest or biome in the world. Bibliography 1.) Bernstein, Winkler, Ziert-Warshaw; Environmental Science Ecology and Human Impact. Addison Wesly, Menlo Park, California. 1996. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8)Sayre, April Pulley; Grassland, Seashore, Temperate Deciduous Forest, Lake and Pond, Desert, Tropical Rain Forest. Twenty-First Century Books, New York, 1994.
9925: Michael Collins and Eamon De Velera
... Valera, Eamon (1882-1975), Irish republican leader, was Ireland's first prime minister (1937-48; also in 1951-54 and 1957-59) and its president (1959-73). He was born on October 14, 1882, in New York City, and educated at Royal University, Dublin. During his early life he was a student and teacher of mathematics in Ireland. He soon became well known as an activist for Irish independence. He led ... Fianna Fáil, re-entered the Dáil headed by De Valera. De Valera was president of the executive council of the Irish Free State from 1932 to 1937 and was elected premier of Eire under the new constitution of 1937. In 1932 De Valera served as president of the League of Nations council and in 1938 as president of its assembly. At home, his policies were consistently characterised by nationalism and isolationism, both political and economic. In 1938 he approved the appeasement policy of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain; during World War II De Valera successfully advocated a policy of neutrality for Ireland. He lost the premiership in 1948, but occupied the post twice again until 1959, when he was elected president of Ireland. He ...
9926: Hard Times
... Gradgrinds and most importantly, the way her father helped to hide Tom when he was running from his crime. Such things were typical only of the circus life and not of its opposite, The Gradgrind world. Existentialism was also the most effective philosophical theory at the novel's end. Out of Tom, Louisa and Mr. Gradgrind, the only one who I view as truly being happy and making a change for the better, was Tom. Louisa was left in the same dreary monotonous state, but her only contentment now would be to know that Tom is happy in the New World where he is free to roam and commit himself to his own projects; clearly so he became an existentialist. Mr. Gradgrind was probably somewhat educationally enlightened by the whole experience but continued to sit ...
9927: What is Physics?
... an area of physics, that is still accepted today. Newton’s Three Laws of Motion are also famous in physics today. He arrived at his results of these laws, by inventing a form of entirely new branch of mathematics, calculus, which has become an essential tool in most branches of physics. Therefore, I have come to state that physics is considered as “a body of knowledge and as the practice that makes and transmits it. The growth of physics has brought not only fundamental changes in ideas about the material world, but also, through technology based on laboratory discoveries, a transformation of society.” Uncertainty in Measurements Because the number of digits that are valid for any measurement is limited, the precision of all measuring devices is ... stored up when you ascended up in the elevator turns into kinetic energy, which is energy in motion. This is an example of the Law of Conservation of Energy. However, because this is a “real world” example all the potential energy does not convert into kinetic energy due to some lost to friction. While falling you yourself will be in free fall where there is a weightlessness feeling. Free fall ...
9928: “Harrison Bergeron”: Individuality
... of making people equal. He explains the sacrifices that some humans would have to make, in order to be the same. He also hints that if we all were at the same mentality level, the world wouldn’t get anywhere. There would be no new inventions or bright ideas thought up by the intelligent people, because they would all have to be stupid. If it was this way, the world would be a very dull and boring place to live. Vennegut explains individuality in a very good understanding. He gets his point across, and ihe makes perfect sense. If we were all the same, ...
9929: Was Jimmy Hoffa A Hero or A Criminal?
Was Jimmy Hoffa A Hero or A Criminal? Another organizer was Jimmy Hoffa, in his short 62 years in this world has caused a change that will live in the minds of many people forever. But there is one question that bothers many people, was Jimmy Hoffa a hero or a criminal? Hoffa was born James ... having links to mafia figures such as Anthony Provenzano, a Teamster boss,and Anthony Giacalone, a Detroit mobster. Jimmy Hoffa used his influence in the mafia to get what he wanted done in the business world. This technique was effective yet illegal. The United States Department of Justice was unsuccessful in its prosecution of Hoffa until it enlisted the help of Edward Grady Partin, a Baton Rouge, Louisiana Teamster who was ... it was his constant refusal to stay out of union affairs that lead to his disappearance. Others believed he tried to push the mafia too far, so the buried him in the cement of the New York Giants Stadium. Hoffa may have been a man of unconventional methods but he always did what he thought was right. He may have benefited from his actions but so did the people he ...
9930: Education In Developing Countr
... over 60% now, the number of children not in school is still continuously rising. The two journals from The Economist both agreed that education is the first step towards development and economic growth. Both the World Bank and the IMF has demanded an increase in education spending as part of its relief effort to some of these developing countries. It is up to the countries themselves to spend their budgets on ... do not get education of any kind. The lack of resources is the main reason that African countries do not spend as much on education as they should, although aid donors and IMF and the World Bank have required governments to spend on education, some are still spending money on defense rather and school. It has been proven that richer countries do not automatically have better education systems. For example, Kenya ... just a phase, but a reality. Reference: "South-East Asia's learning difficulties", The Economist, 16 August 1997. "No school, no future", The Economist, 27 March 1999. Malcolm Gillis, ed.,Economics of Development, 4th ed. (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1996).

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