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9901: The Landsats Satellites
... appears black. Clouds and snow are white, but can be distinguished from each other by the shadows made by the clouds. (1) These scenes show Long Island and Manhattan Island with the metropolitan area of New York City as seen by the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) instrument. The short-wave infrared (TM band 5), infrared (TM band 4), and visible (green; TM band 2) channels are displayed in the images as ... of highly useful information in a very short time. In short it can be used to help global problems or it can be used to help a classroom learn about how air pollution helps the world. Landsat has literally changed the way some people look at the world.
9902: Life In A Medieval Village Summary
... it was a community. Together the people formed an integrated whole for agricultural production. There they lived, labored, socialized, loved, married, sinned, went to church, paid fines, and had children. The medieval village represented a new stage of the world's oldest civilized society, the peasant econonmy. Houses didn't necessarily face the street, but might stand at odd angles, with a fence fronting on the street. Their were two types of houses, the peasant ... However, from the rolls which recorded interaction among the villagers, their fighting, marriages, inheritance, sale and purchase of land, economic activities and crimes. Soon after, a major identification of individuals and their familes became a new generation. It was the introduction of surnames, which all came from the same three sources: parental christian names, jobs, offices, or anything legal status; and places in the village. The village seemed to have ...
9903: Cloning, Right or Wrong
... produced cows by nuclear transfer from more developed embryos in 1994. Dr. First produced four calves. Two years later, Dr. Ian Wilmut and Dr. Keith Campbell, of the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh produced for the world Megan and Morag, the first cloned sheep from embryo cells. Their new technique was the starving the donor embryo of the nutrient serum they feed the cells. This would put the cell in the right moment in the cell cycle, thus allowing the genetic material to be ... Dr. First had executed the same step, but a laboratory staff member did it accidentally, and Dr. First did not realise the significance of his staff member’s mistake. Dr. Wilmut and Dr. Campbell became world famous for their successful abilities to clone using nuclear transfer. My view on cloning is that it is good and we should develop it more. It could help with curing diseases, creating donor organs, ...
9904: SOLO Report
... Mikali. Although Morgan doesn't know who killed his daughter, he does know that the initial murder at the beginning of the book is related to his own daughter's murder. Mikali has gained a world- wide reputation as a brilliant pianist-and his alter ego as a fearless and skilled killer. Revenge plays its part in this book, after Mikali having taken his out on the whole world, and Morgan wanting to get his daughter back. Morgan, after tracking down Mikali through skillful deduction, (he examines all the murders and pieces together that Mikali was in the city giving some kind of musical ... that Mikali was responsible for his daughter's death. Mikali's killing is likened to Manson's in the fact that it was just one piece in a huge master plan-Manson's for a new earth while Mikali's just one piece in a huge puzzle of revenge.
9905: The Formation of Rocky Shores
The Formation of Rocky Shores Rocky shores are found all over the world, yet they are not the same. For example, on the Pacific Northwest coast you will find steep, rocky cliffs. In Maine you will find rocky coasts, too; however, they slope gently to the sea. They ... events. The America’s west coast, for example, are still rising and changing due to earthquakes and other natural occurrences. The uplifted coasts have not had time to erode or accumulate sediment. Eastern Canada and New England were once covered by ice, which scraped away the sediment from the continental shelf and exposed the bare rock below. The coasts sank due to the tremendous weight of the ice and when the ice melted the coasts had rebounded or slowly rose. The bare rock had become the new coastline. Other shores had developed from geological events but in a different way. The rocky coast of Hawaii was formed by successive flows of lava into the sea which have not had time to ...
9906: Lewis And Clark
... These two names, the last names of Meriwether and William respectively, are that of two of the greatest explorers in the history of the United States. With the help of Indians and a group of brave men, the vast area west of the Mississippi River was the object of their exploration. Lewis was born to a Virginia planter family in 1774. His father, who had been an officer in the American ... establish communication and some interaction with the Indians. The purchase of the Louisiana Territory was an entirely unexpected outcome. Robert Livingston, an ambassador to France, was told to discuss the purchase of the port of New Orleans from France. After weeks of fruitless efforts to buy the port, Livingston got lucky. The French, in need of money to wage wars in Europe, offered him the entire Louisiana Territory. A surprised Livingston ... family in 1770, the youngest of six sons and the youngest brother of George Rogers Clark, the hero of the American Revolution in the West. When he was fourteen, Clark's family moved to a new plantation in Kentucky, and he would spend the rest of his life on America's shifting frontier. Beginning in 1789, Clark served as a militiaman in campaigns against the Indians of the Ohio Valley. ...
9907: Tolkiens's Lord of The Rings
... recognition increased. Some of the quotations of such words are: "...and was drawing near to the astonishing Disappearance." "There is lie until the End."; "The ring itself might tell if it were the One."; "A new Power is rising." The other way of emphasis is personification: a figure of speech in which a lifeless thing or quality is spoken of as if alive, or to play the role of another thing ... destruction." This figurative language promotes increase of importance of things that must be emphasized. The story presents a very easy to believe story that can be witnessed in the setting. The setting is a fantastic world of beauty threatened by an evil overlord and a wizard. The world contains man odd creatures to create the fill effect of fantasy. Something in which Tolkien added to this tale to create not only more emotion but also supporting edition to the tale's reality. ...
9908: All Quiet on the Western Front: Tragedy of War
... would have been totally alone. Upon Paul’s return to his unit he said, “This is where I belong” and he truly believed this. He thought that the only friends that he had in the world were the men in his unit and those were the only people he could trust. This clearly shows that he had separated from his family and that he could never return to them in the ... also makes the reader realize that this boy has truly become a man before he should have. This isolation also affects the soldiers by making them feel as if they were totally alone in the world. It forces boys to become men too early. When Paul was stripped of his very best friend, Kat, he realized that he was alone. Paul said, “Katczinsky has died. Then I know nothing more.” He ... living without contact with their family; pushed into isolation from others, and pushed into sacrificing all they had for the good of the country. Work Cited Remarque, Erich Maria, ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT, (New York; Ballantine Books, 1996)
9909: The Scarlet Letter: Symbolism of the Forest In Puritan Society
... is an equal, or even that she is above him. This is possibly one of the reasons that Puritans won't accept these emotional displays- because the society is so socially oriented. Hester, assuming a new position of power, gives a heartfelt, moving speech. The eloquence of her words cannot be overemphasized, and a more powerful statement had yet to be made in the book. Hester's speech turns out to ... could such an event occur. Finally, the forest brings out the natural appearance and personality of the people who use it correctly. When Hester takes off her cap and unloosens her hair, we see a new person. We see the real Hester, who has been hidden this whole time under a shield of shame. Her eyes grow radiant and a flush comes to her cheek. We recognize her as the Hester ... true thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. It was here that thoughts and ideas flowed as endlessly as the babbling brook, and emotion was as wild as the forest itself. There are no restraints in the natural world, because it is just that, natural. No intrusion from people means no disturbance in natural order.
9910: How Toxic Waste Affects Canada’s Natural Environment
How Toxic Waste Affects Canada’s Natural Environment Canada and all of the developed countries in the world produce some form of toxic waste. It doesn't matter whether it's a chocolate bar wrapper or a canister of highly radioactive plutonium; they're potentially dangerous to us and/or our natural environment ... classified as toxic wastes) are both recycled and used again. About ½ of the lead used in the country is recycled, and about ¼ of the silver is recycled. Other toxic wastes can be chemically 'transformed' into new products. This is done by adding chemicals to the waste, which causes it to change into something new. Philadelphia and Chicago transform sewage sludge into fertilizer, which is put to use on farms. A huge pile of toxic waste looms over Canada. This waste is not the product of some Natural disaster ...

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