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9891: An Autobiographical Portrayal
... in a dozen major cities across the country. Fitzgerald was also elected to Cottage, which was one of the big four clubs at Princeton. Its lavish weekend parties in impressive surroundings, which attracted girls from New York, Philadelphia and beyond, may well have provided the first grain of inspiration for Fitzgerald s portrayal of Jay Gatsby s fabulous parties on Long Island (Meyers, 27). Although Fitzgerald was a social butterfly while ... cruel body (Fitzgerald, 12). Jay Gatsby, like Fitzgerald, was fascinated by money and power, and impressed by glamour and beauty. However, they both knew that they could never fully belong to this prosperous and secure world, and that the goal of joining this careless class was an illusion. Fitzgerald s novel, shows what happens to people who pursue illusory American dreams, and how society (which they have rejected) fails to sustain ... and brutal qualities of the rich and on the impossibility of becoming one of them (Meyers, 123). REFERENCES Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. London: Penguin Books Ltd, 1970. Meyers, Jeffrey. Scott Fitzgerald: A Biography. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1994. Priestly, J.B.. The Bodley Head Scott Fitzgerald. London: The Bodley Head Ltd, 1958.
9892: The Great Gatsby: Jordan Baker
... she’s a careless person herself. Jordan ties Nick in on the latest happening to other characters, such as during dinner when the phone rings, Jordan informs Nick that “Tom’s got some woman in New York” (Fitzgerald 19). Jordan also tells him Gatsby’s plan about Nick having Gatsby and Daisy over for tea, so Gatsby can be reacquainted with her. After her explanation from Gatsby, she tells him, “ Gatsby ... than they ever had. As being Daisy’s husband, Tom Buchanan believes he knows Jordan very well. Tom, as described from Nick, “had been one of the most powerful ends that ever played football at New Haven” (Fitzgerald 10). Also when attending one of Gatsby’s parties with Daisy, Gatsby only refers to Tom as “ the polo player” (Fitzgerald 111). So throughout Tom’s life, he has been recognized by his ... strong relationship with Nick. Jordan’s character also brings out the arrogant, conceited Tom because he uses her for his fame. As noted for her dishonesty, Jordan gave the story character and helped connect the world of East Egg and West Egg. Overall, Jordan Baker was the character in this story who was needed to join the other characters and how they felt for one another, she was used in ...
9893: Realism In The Great Gatsby
... novel, and by using great detail, he was able to reproduce his interpretation of the 1920's. At this time the Great War (WW1) had just ended and the United States was becoming as dominant world power. The novel takes place during the summer in New York as Nick Carraway has just moved to pursue a career in the bond business. This is a very realistic setting because just after World War 1 the eastern United States were flourishing with people and business. As depicted in The Great Gatsby, during the 1920's jazz music was all the rage. Large, fancy homes and big parties ( ...
9894: Who We Are
... continue to plaque our society. Who can we turn to? I am convinced that if we trace back to learn theories of past African America leaders on these issues then we can eventually come to new heights. This paper will identify the primary economic, political, and social needs of African Americans at the turn of the century and determine if the philosophies of Booker T. Washington, WEB DuBois, Martin Luther King ... Americans have excelled in the arts and things of that nature. There has been a culture started by young Black Americans over 25 years ago that is now being duplicated and imitated all over the world. Envision if Black America dominated the hip- hop culture totally, the outcome will result in definite economic power and there certain to be, coining the old phrase “more money, more power.” This could have been ... to wake and realize that importance of status economic, political, and social and realize that they all depend on one another and that we must start with one to have all of them come to new heights.
9895: Catcher in the Rye: Holden Goes Through a Fall From His Innocence
Catcher in the Rye: Holden Goes Through a Fall From His Innocence Jerome David Salinger, born in New York City on January 1, 1919, may not have written many novels in which he is recognized for. Although ,he did write one novel, which brought him fame. In many of Salinger's short stories ... his mind, that he should also be dead which makes him depressed. Another example of a fall for Holden is when he realizes he can't erase even half the "fuck you's" in the world. This doesn't sound very important, but it is symbolic because he realizes that he can not be the catcher in the rye. His dream of shielding all the innocent children from society's harsh ... holds on to their innocence they are often considered outcasts; and in the persons mind everyone who considers him this, is a phony, like how Holden saw everyone. After Holden Caulfield returns to his native New York and rents a room in a sleazy hotel, he makes a date with Sally Hayes. Before this date, Holden finds himself wandering the streets of the naked city. He is feeling depressed and ...
9896: Lincoln
... debts. Sarah Lincoln s arrival marked a turning point in Abraham Lincoln s life. Sarah brought her three children of her own into the Lincoln family. The Lincoln children felt that they had joined the world of luxury when Sarah brought knives, forks, spoons, tables and chairs, and comfortable bedding. But most of all she brought the love. Although Sarah was illiterate, she felt that it was important for the children ... years. As soon as Lincoln was legally able to leave his fathers house he did. In March 1832, Lincoln announced himself a candidate for the state legislature. Lincoln was twenty-three and had settled in New Salem, where he was a clerk in a small country store. He was a young man with limited formal education and no government working experience. He campaigned well, but in the end the votes were ... up losing the election to Douglas, but in turn gained a national name. In 1860 he was nominated as the candidate for the Republican party. By the time he took the oath of office a new country was forming. No other president in history has ever been asked to preserve, protect, and defend the constitution and nation to the level that Lincoln was asked. Lincoln s first inaugural address was ...
9897: Basketball
... I am fed a steady diet of no look passes, monstrous slam-dunks, and impossible fade-away shots that only NBA caliber players are capable of making. This, almost unknowingly, has assisted in creating a new mentality towards the sport. Last season I would find myself in situations where I was trying to execute a spectacular play, instead of completing the easy one. Why do I try to imitate the sweeping ... the cure for cancer. Player's "Realness" lies in direct proportion with their lifestyle. American media wants the bad boys, because there is a more interesting behind them. With this going on, youths across the world are feed the message smoke weed, beat women, and most importantly forget the team concept and dunk the rock. ESPN is not the only source of blame for the non-existent morality of basketball, but ... was by far the most athletically gifted player, but today his talent would almost go unnoticed. The NBA players now are on constant training regimens that are creating the most physically impressive athletes in the world. These athletes are constantly in season, but they are spending more time with their strength/conditioning coaches than their head coaches. Each player is an impressive physical specimen, and today players can jump higher ...
9898: Coconino Sandstone
... Permian age. The Permian age was the last division of the Paleozoic era of the geologic time scale, spanning an interval of 50 million years, from 290 million to 240 million years ago. Throughout the world the rocks of the Permian period are rich in deposits of coal, oil, and gas. The latter part of the Paleozoic was a time of widespread crustal unrest. The invertebrate marine life of the beginning ... did a lot of work describing invertebrate and vertebrate tracks. In these studies, he described 10 genera and 17 species. Then a man by the name of Brady continued work on these tracks. He described new traces, provided insights into the conditions necessary for their formation, and identified their trace-formers. Exposure The middle Leonardian Coconino Sandstone crops out throughout much of the southern Colorado Plateau south of the Utah-Arizona ... Coconino is overlain by the Permian Toroweap Formation. In easternmost localities where the Toroweap is not present, the Kaibab Formation conformably overlies the Coconino. The Coconino Sandstone grades eastward into the Glorieta Sandstone in western New Mexico. To the south, along the Mogollon Rim, it intertwines with the Schnebly Hill Formation and is transitional into the overlaying Toroweap Formation or is sharply overlain by the Kaibab Formation. Regional structural features ...
9899: Salvador Dali
Salvador Dali Salvador Dali was born on May 11, 1904. He was a leader in the new movement of art in the early 20th century called Surrealism. In 1921 Dali studied at the San Fernando Acadamy of Fine Arts in Madrid. Here he was able to associate and learn from such Spanish ... theory that he subsequently vowed to his life's ambition to "systemize confusion". Dali is best known for his surrealist works. Surrealism is an art style in which imagery is based on fantasy and the world of dreams. It is thought have grown out of the French literary movement in the 1920's and has it's roots in Dadaism. These painters developed a dreamlike, or hallucinatory, imagery that was all ... the famous surrealist film OUn Chein AndalouO (An Andalusian Dog). He and Bundel teamed up once again in 1931 for "L'Age d'or" (The Age Of Gold). Dali was easily recognized all over the world. He was know for eccentric yet styleish apparel always accompanied by a flowing cape, and a handlebar mustache, and popping eyes. Salvador Dali lead a long life in which he influenced people everywhere he ...
9900: Solo: A Book Review
... Mikali. Although Morgan doesn't know who killed his daughter, he does know that the initial murder at the beginning of the book is related to his own daughter's murder. Mikali has gained a world-wide reputation as a brilliant pianist-and his alter ego as a fearless and skilled killer. Revenge plays its part in this book, after Mikali having taken his out on the whole world, and Morgan wanting to get his daughter back. Morgan, after tracking down Mikali through skilful deduction, (he examines all the murders and pieces together that Mikali was in the city giving some kind of musical ... that Mikali was responsible for his daughter's death. Mikali's killing is likened to Manson's in the fact that it was just one piece in a huge master plan-Manson's for a new earth while Mikali's just one piece in a huge puzzle of revenge.??

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