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9851: Pride And Prejudice
... love. Although a marriage brought about by love was very uncommon at this time, Jane Austen believed it was the only true reason. Elizabeth Bennet was Jane Austen's "mouthpiece" regarding this. Austen showed her new fangled views of marriage though the character of Lizzie. A prime example of marrying for the reason of love is Jane and Mr. Bingley. These two characters were attracted to each other from the very ... for love proves how rare that occasion really was. Wealth, convenience, and sometimes even love, are three reasons for marriage in nearly every novel. The novel Pride and Prejudice takes this subject to a whole new level of understanding for the reader, though. This makes this novel an important contribution to the world of English literature.
9852: The Saga Of Elian Gonzalez
... 68). A group of Cuban government psychologists counseled Juan Miguel on what to say to Elian about their separation. It didn’t help much when Juan Miguel saw TV pictures of Elian dressed in a new school uniform. Cuban psychiatrists advised Juan to tell Elian during their regular phone calls that he was on vacation and that they would be reunited soon(Ramo 61). Starting a new school would put a lie to that promise and the family was determined to drag the case through the courts. Juan Miguel pleaded with INS officials to speed up the process because of it maybe ... boy.” The Blade 23 April 2000: A10. Padgett, Tim. “War Over A Poster Boy.” Time 13 December 1999: 68. Ramo, Joshua Coober. “A Big Battle Over A Little Boy.” Time 17 January 2000: 58-67. “World gets to see boy’s plea to stay.” The Blade 14 April 2000: A9. Outline: Elian Thesis Statement: Among the heart wrenching events which happen worldwide every year, few have come close to the ...
9853: Resonance
... length. When Pan, the god of fields, blew across his pipes, the tones of a musical scale were heard. Later reproduction of the same type were created and musical instruments are heard all over the world thanks to the law of resonation. Bibliography Granet, Charles; Sound and Hearing; Abelard-Schuman, Toronto; 1965 Freeman, Ira M.; Sound and Ultrasonics; Random House; New york; 1968 Freeman, Ira M.; Physics Made Simple; Doubleday, New York; 1965 Jones, G.R.; Acoustics; English Univ. Press; London; 1967 White, Harvey E; Physics and Music; Saunders College, Philadelphia; 1980 Funk and Wagnall; Standard Desk Dictionary; Harper Row, USA; 1985
9854: Queen Elizabeth I
... France concluded by the Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis in 1559, England was able to develop industrially and economically. Under Elizabeth's direction, the government began to regulate commerce and industry on a national scale. A new system of coinage was introduced in 1560 to replace the silver coins that had been the basis of England's economy throughout the previous years. As a result, prices fell to normal levels and confidence ... 1585" (49). He therefore sent a fleet to invade the country in 1588. The Spanish Armada, however, suffered an inglorious defeat, and England eventually took the place of Spain as the great colonizer of the New World and the reigning power on the seas (50). Elizabeth spent the last years of her life unhappy and alone, having outlived a glorious age, the beginning of the history of what would become modern ...
9855: An Analysis of Catch 22 by Joseph Heller
... bombs his own friends and fellow army men for profit. By the end of the book, Milo has become such a robot, succumbed to greed and profit, that, because Milo has just found out a new way to make money, he walks out on Yossarian at a time when Yossarian desperately needs his help. For Heller, Milo is a symbol of the corporate greed that has taken over America. Heller is ... continually go with the flow, even if it is totally wrong, just to be similar and possibly successful. Heller, through satire, also brings to light some of the other institutions in America and the modern world that have gotten out of control and gone too far. The prime example of this is the medical profession. When Yossarian goes to the hospital, everyone has a different idea of what he has. Doctors ... them (all the bad people) all up and subtracted you might only be left with the children...and an old violinist or sculptor...” (p.414). By saying this, Heller blames every one for how are world is except for the children who know no better. To the many Americans who have been brought up on red, white, and blue and Fourth of July celebrations this could be an insult. They ...
9856: Walt Whitmen
... Alone Walter Whitman was an American poet of the 1800’s. Walt was arguably one of America’s influential and innovative poets of his time. Whitman began work as a printer and journalist in the New York City area. He wrote articles on politics, civics, and the arts. During the Civil War, Whitman was a volunteer assistant in the military hospitals in Washington, D.C. After the war, he worked in ... s last edition, it had been reduced to thirty-nine. “I Saw in Louisiana a Live-Oak Growing” was one of the first poems that Whitman put into Calamus. It took Walt two months in New Orleans in the spring of 1848 to write this poem. This poem was originally intended as the key poem of Calamus. In 1860 this poem was place number twenty of the Calamus poems. This poem ... next to. “Without any companion it grew there uttering joyous leaves of dark green, And its look, rude, unbending, lusty, made me think of myself” (Whitman 126). Whitman felt that he was alone in the world just like the tree was standing with no companion near to grow with. Whitman was alone during this time of his work. If Walt was not in this setting of mood, there are many ...
9857: Summary of "Ceremony"
Summary of "Ceremony" Ceremony is the story about Tayo, A Native American World War II Veteran, and his struggle to find himself. He struggles to adapt to a world where his people have to fight between the what "whites" say is the true path, and what his culture says the right path. Ceremony displays Tayo's struggle by comparing his struggle to find his ... yet his path paralleled Rocky's until the time when Rocky died. Tayo's path paralleled but was always a step behind, because he was trying to retain his heritage and still keep with the new ways. Tayo walked a thin line trying to keep his path and Rocky's close together because he loved Rocky, and yet could not understand Rocky wanting so badly to leave the old ways. ...
9858: Ben & Jerrys 2
... interested in making money and can careless about social issues, unless it in the long run will help make more money. Ben & Jerry's seem sincere to want to make a noticeable difference in the world. The Ben & Jerry's foundation, established in 1985, receives 7.5 percent of the company's yearly pretax profits, which is donated to charities. Ben & Jerry's has two bottom lines: one is profit and ... Peace" and, donated one percent of the profits for peace efforts. They also used their ice cream shops for voter registration sign-ups, giving every voter registering one free cone. They helped register thousands of new voters in Vermont. Also Farm Aid and Family Farming issues were put on their ice cream pints. Ben & Jerry s prides it's self on the quality of work life. They won the Optimas Award ... making a difference. In my opinion Ben & Jerry's is one heck of a great organization! 1. David, Ellis. 1992. Sundae school. WORKS CITED 1. Dery, Leonard. 1993. Ice Cream Meets Charity in Harlem. The New York Time. 21 Feb. 2. Ellis, David. 1992. Sundae School. People Weeky. 14 Sept. 91-92 3. Hawken, Paul & Parker, Alan. 1993. Ben & Jerry's 1992 Annual Report. 4. Personnel Journal's. Optimas Award ...
9859: The Great Gatsby: The American Dream
... Save $3.00 per week, Be better to parents" (page 181- 182). Nick says "I became aware of the old island here that flowered once for Dutch sailors' eyes-a fresh green breast of the new world"(page 189). This quote shows the pristine goals of where the possibilities were endless and one could accomplish anything through hard work. The American dream became corrupted, its main aims were wealth and power. Gatsby ... place over there? Do you like it? I love it" (page95). The tainted dream was so empty that having accouterments of wealth could even incite feelings of love. "He's the man who fixed the World Series back in 1919" ( page 78). The dream became so focused on money that any means of a obtaining it were condoned, even if it were unscrupulous. Result of American dream being corrupted is ...
9860: Virtual Reality
... Before virtual reality, students were often required to operate on animals. Because of virtual reality we are able to save money along with animals' lives. We have come a long way in virtual reality since World War II. We have been able to save time, money and many lives, in both medical and flight training. The human race has many new and exciting advancements coming because of virtual reality. I hope that one day this new advancement will not be used in war tactics, rather only be useful for practical purposes.

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