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Search results 9791 - 9800 of 22819 matching essays
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9791: Analytical Essay On The Grass
... to stop the revival meeting. Even the road she lives on is named after her- Talbo Lane. Verena is extremely domaineering over the people that live in her house, especially her sister. " Put on that new pink dress I bought you.... and hold your head up. It makes me dizzy to watch you...... and do something with that mop of hair." Verena treats her sister like an incapable child, and makes ... a hard charger. The filmaker also uses clothes and mannerisms to highlight Dolly's character. She wears loose, flowing pink dresses and acceseries and a veil, which she uses as a barrier to the outside world, or when she has to talk to someone, as she has no confidence. She also has a breezy walk. Dolly's kitchen, pink with lots of open space, contrasts with the rest of Verena's ... own descisions. Dolly's modest rebellion unwittingly throws her into a process of self-discovery. " For the first time in my life, I'm doing exactly what I want to do. It makes the whole world look bright and beautiful." Dolly has broken free of verena, and the space that is now between then allows Dolly to change. Dooly to Verena when Verena orders Dolly home " You wanted me to ...
9792: Greek Olympics
... between Elisan the holy city of Olympia. Then the caravan will stop and sacrifice a pig before step on the sacred soil of Olympia. At the same time travelers from all over the ancient Greek World were crowding to the Olympia games some were coming on foot along the coastal road from Athens and Corinth. The others on horses and in carriages crowed the valleys and jammed every road and mountain ... or Diaulos. It was added to the order of events because of the growing interest in the games during the first half-century of the Olympics. For the 14 Olympiad in 724 B.C. this new foot race was added. The meaning of diaulos is double flute. Its name describes the race: twice the length of the stadium, a distance of 1,200 feet. After the foot races the crowd would ... the Olympic Festivals. Even though the Olympic Games changed a little bit through the years, for example, they now include synchronized swimming, they are still the greatest test and celebration of athletic ability in the world.
9793: The Serious Problem of Acid Rain
... officials called it the most pressing environmental issue facing the nation. But it is important to bear in mind that acid rain is only one segment, of the widespread pollution of the atmosphere facing the world. Each year the global atmosphere is on the receiving end of 20 billion tons of carbon dioxide, 130 million tons of sulfur dioxide, 97 million tons of hydrocarbons, 53 million tons of nitrogen oxides, more ... acid neutralizes chemicals vital for growth, strips others from the soil and carries them to the lakes and literally retards the respiration of the soil. The rate of forest growth in the White Mountains of New Hampshire has declined 18% between 1956 and 1965, a time of increasingly intense acidic rainfall. EFFECTS There is evidence that acid rain is destroying the productivity of the once rich soils in America and Canada ... enough. In order for things to be done we need to find a way to work together on this for at least a reduction in the contaminates contributing to acid rain. Although governments around the world are taking steps in the right direction, they should be cracking down on factories not using the best filtering systems when incinerating or if they are giving off any other dangerous fumes. Acid Rain & ...
9794: Dinosaurs
... modern crocodilians and lizards; the term Saurischia means lizard hip. The ornithischian pelvis was usually rectangular or tetraradiate; hence the name, which means bird hip. During the 140-million-year reign of the dinosaurs, many new varieties evolved and older kinds died out. Not all kinds became extinct at once; but the last of the dinosaurs disappeared at the end of the Cretaceous. Many other animal kinds died out at about ... widespread extinction among so many different kinds of organisms is not known; it must, however, have involved major changes in the environment. Their extinction has been attributed to many causes, including cosmic radiation, exploding supernova, world-wide fluctuations in sea level, acid rain caused by volcanic activity, climatic change, and continental drift. Independent evidence indicates that sea levels did fall and temperatures dropped at the end of the Mesozoic Era, a time when continents were drifting apart and new mountain ranges were rising. Although none of these conditions is likely to have been solely responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs, collectively they may have been important. Whatever the cause, the dinosaurs are ...
9795: Satanism 2
... bodies would have been found by now. Members of the Church of Satan are involved and advanced exactly as their own desires, abilities, and accomplishments dictate. There are no set activities, meetings, or contacts. A new member comes into the organization ideally with his or her own goals and plans of achieving them. When being brought to the church of Satan new members are told to not let anyone tell you what to believe or what to do. Advice or recommendations are one thing; orders or commands quite another. Remember that you are a free being, not ... as The Dabblers adopt Satanic beliefs for a brief period of time, usually for entertainment rather than serious purposes. Many modern youths fall into this category. A Promethian Gnostic believe that the creator of the world (Jehovah) is the evil deity. They look at Satan as the "bringer of life"; a beneficent god. Then there is the Dark Gnostic who worships the dark force of nature. These type of groups ...
9796: Acid Rain
... also causes sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. Some of the many problems that come from acid rain is the killing of of many plants and underwater life in thousands of lakes and streams around the world. It strips forest soils of nutrients and damages farm crops. Acid rain can also corrode stone buildings, bridges, and priceless monuments. Acid rain can also be harmful to humans because acid rain kills the crops ... the acid and it doesn't effect the crops. Areas more sensitive to acid rain is in the western United States most of Washington all of Oregon, sectons of California and most of Idaho. Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and a large section of north east Canada. The soil in these places can not neutralize acid rain deposits, then the nutrients are stripped which means the crops in those places may not ... are only slightly developed. Mollisols develop in praire regions. They have thick organically rich topsoils. Oxisols are the most chemically weathered soils. They have a reddish color and occure in the tropical parts of the world. Spodosols contains iron, aluminum, and organic matter in there B horizons. They form in humid climates. They are moist, well-developed, acid soils. Vertisols form in subhumid and arid warm climates. They make wide, ...
9797: The Scarlet Letter: Hester's Alienation
... the edge of the town, and socially, as she this chapter Hawthorne presents the most profoundly destructive aspect of her estrangement in her psychological condition. Hester, deemed a social pariah, is left alone in the world, with only her thoughts to keep her company. In her present condition it becomes apparent that her outlook on life has changed for the worst. Hester's life becomes a pitiful mess as she feels ... lacks too much trust in her own good judgment to leave her lover, the only friend she may still have. Though she is free to leave the town , "hide her character and identify under a new exterior" she has to stay by her lover to whom "she deemed herself connected in a union." She hopes that, though they are unrecognized on earth, once dead they will be joined at the "marriage ... her home, but she conjures up images to torment her soul. She is bound by no earthly bonds, but by the manacles in her mind. The poor girl is left without a friend in the world and her trust in humans falters and becomes tainted. Her self confidence is a shattered mess as well. Because of her psychological alienation Hester's outlook on life has become a murky pit with ...
9798: Acid Rain
... rain is caused by burning of fossil fuel that emits SO2 and industrial factories from the North America that emits pollution that travels to Europe. Acid rain is now becoming a growing problem in Third World countries such as China and India due to rapidly expanding populations where energy demands are increasing. Thus, the rate of fossil fuel consumption have greatly increased and where pollution controls are all non-existent have ... oxides by cars and industrial. As our society get more advance there is also the effect of pollution that rises, to stop the effect we need to find alternatives way to stop car emission with new fuels and slowly removing fossil fuel that causing most of the nitrogen oxides. The government need to put stricter laws on the industrial that pollinated and removing harmful chemical from the earth. People should find a efficiency and alternatives way to stop the pollution that is happening around the world because the effect can be seen all round us starting with the forest, lakes and in the heart of are city where the buildings and monuments are being eating away by pollution.
9799: 1984 by George Orwell: Character Sketch
... corner writing in his diary. In his diary, he writes things that could easily have him killed. Winston is a quiet person who has a few friends. He has a strong feeling about how the world is and a stronger feeling about how it should be. Here is my example from the book that shows Winston's character: "Just now I held up the fingers of my hand to you. You ... normal again, and the old fear, the hatred and the bewilderment came crowding back again. But there had been a moment – he did not know how long, thirty seconds, perhaps – of luminous certainty, when each new suggestion of O'Brien's had filled up a patch of emptiness and had become absolute truth, and when two and two could have been three as easily as five, if that were what was ... Julia is quiet, and she likes to think of the future and the past rather than the present. She enjoys small things that are old and simple. Julia is somewhat interested in the way the world is turning. She enjoys nature and animals. Here is my example from the book that shows Julia's character: She fell to her knees, threw open the bag and tumbled out some spanners and ...
9800: Analysis Of Steppenwolf Diseas
... this would come and that it would be an obstacle he would have to overcome. She also helps him overcome his disease by making him more social with other people. She introduces him to many new people, two of them though help Mr. Haller the most through his many problems. The first person to help him is Maria. Maria is a beautiful young woman who Hermine has set Mr. Haller up ... of it’s goal. Pablo’s cure is to send Mr. Haller through a funhouse of sorts, a funhouse that pokes fun at the mind and makes one become much less serious about the real world. Mr. Haller though, is far too serious for this make believe world and he soon shatters it by killing a so called reflection of Hermine. Even though it is a reflection it still shows him that he has not come very far and it returns him ...

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