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Search results 9781 - 9790 of 22819 matching essays
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9781: Hololiterature: a Holographic Interpretation of the Scarlet Letter
... itself but its effects. Just as humans cannot see light, in the imaginary "holographic" Scarlet Letter "life" cannot be seen, only its effects. So life, however defined, is the energy source to sustain that imaginiary world. The second major component is the recording medium, which is the characters themselves. From the subtle nuances possible in each character comes the resolution to record all that effects a person. Some characters are already ... knives drive into it. All things considered, certain literature can be compared to a hologram with the act of comparison making clear things not understood before. Even as viewing a hologram from different angles reveals new vistas so does examining the allegory peel away new layers of meaning. Even in individual settings, such as the scene in which Hester reunites with Arthur in the forest, they and Pearl seem to be in entirely different worlds with separate lighting. Other ...
9782: The Persian Letters
... of people across nations. It is not to say that it is not in the king s interest to allow more than one religion in that state. Even if every Dellaportas 4 religion in the world gathered together there it would not do him any harm, since every single one of them commands obedience and preaches respect for authority (165). In response to someone asking him of all the religious wars ... government and education did not appeal to them. Monterquieu criticized the church for the power it had over the people. No one was allowed to speak against the church for those who [brought] out some new proposition [were] immediately declared heretics (81). Montesquieu felt as though the church did not enforce the most important idea, which was the precepts of God. Instead they were more concerned about rituals and domination over ... to dominate the other religions instead they should live together harmoniously. Religious toleration was the area in which the Enlightenment had its greatest impact in Europe (O Brien et al 633). During the Enlightenment many new ideas and philosophies came about. The Persian Letters is just one example of an enlightenment thinker s ideas. Montesquieu challenged and spoke about many topics in his novel, religion being one of them. Through ...
9783: The Red Badge Of Courage
... his character dramatically changed, and he became confident and fearless. Henry was greatly concerned with how he was perceived by others. He wanted his fellow soldiers to think highly of him, as someone who was brave and would fight until death. After Henry enlisted, he went to tell his friends, thinking that they would consider him a hero. When Henry first arrived at training, he felt that he was invincible. However ... bound to declare, by an offer to carry the emblem, his willingness to further risk himself. The youth roughly pushed his friend away," (141) The person who held the flag was considered to be very brave. Many people in Henry's regiment overheard the lieutenant and the colonel say that Henry should be a "major general," because of his performance in the battle. Henry's confidence was so high that he ... wrong or cowardly, he rationalized, in order to believe he did the right thing. When he began to feel less insecure, and started to build up his self esteem, he became courageous and heroic. These new characteristics allowed him to be a valuable resource for his regiment and country.
9784: A Separate Peace; Chapter Summaries
A Separate Peace; Chapter Summaries Chapter 1: The narrator (Gene) returns to the Devon School in New Hampshire, that he graduated from 15 years earlier. He goes to a certain tree and switches back to the past. Phineas dares everyone to jump from a branch in the tree into the river. Phineas ... to war. Chapter 3: The boys join The Super Suicide Society of the Summer Session. The club meets every night. Phineas and Gene open each night by jumping out of the tree. They make a new kind of war game called blitzball, in which everyone is everyone elses enemy. Phineas breaks the schools swimming record, but tells Gene not to tell anyone, he just wanted to do it for himself. Gene ... The boys have returned from Christmas vacation. Leper Lepellier enlists in the ski troops. Gene reacts that war must be unreal for a peaceful Leper to enlist. Finny tries to draw Gene into a private world with just them two. Finny comes up with a plan for a winter carnival. Finny establishes a separate peace for the boys at Devon. A telegram arrives from Leper, saying that he has escaped ...
9785: Gender Roles 2
... Mr. Richards, can I have the same baby again tonight, you know, the one that looks like me! That makes me feel so good inside, and there will be one less single mother in the world. Why it is so hard to communicate with someone of the opposite sex? Is it really the genetically make up, X and Y chromosomes, or is it that we really truly think differently? We really ... and the object of a man s desire. As corrupt as it sounds, entertainment media thrives on this and goes as far as they can to make sure they reach every young girl across the world. Look at the magazines aimed at young boys, there is a totally different theme being carried out. Most boys magazines are comic, sport, and action orientated. The message is totally different. They model they way ... July 1999. Hales, Dianne. Invitation to Health: Power of Prevention, eighth edition. California: Brooks/Cole, 1990. Richards, Orland. Personal Interview, 13 July 1999. Tannen, Deborah. You Just Don t Understand: Women and Men in Conversation. New York: Ballantine, 1990.
9786: The Quicksilver
... formed this "Quicksilver" as the alchemists called it. One day a French chemist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier tested and proclaimed it a metal. And he named it Mercury (Hg). With strong controversy from scientists around the world, Lavoisier was never given credit until after his death.. During the late nineteenth century and early twentieth is when a significant amount of work went into developing a good use to mercury- thermometers. Before people ... developing thermometers but they were not as accurate as the ones produced around 1900. In the later twentieth century people developed a increasing "need" for pure gold and silver. European and American scientists developed a new advanced way for this- amalgams. Amalgams are alloys of mercury usually used to extract elements from there various ores. Then, once the common metal is extracted mercury is then separated through distillation. Without mercury our world would be much different. We would have different, if any, ways of determining temperature. Mercury is also used in cleaning modern day swimming pools as "Mercury Vapor lamps" for sterilization. Mercury can be used ...
9787: Huckleberry Finn - Lies
... effort to find someone or some place that will bring him happiness. Almost immediatly he finds this person in the form a run away slave. In this story, Huck and Jim are against the entire world, and every person they come in contact with has the potential to destroy their plans of happiness and freedom. Under these circumstances Huck is forced to tell many lies, but the only one he regrets ... if it had not been for his situation with Jim. However, he does not want to risk doing anything that might get Jim captured, so he writes no letter. Huck finds himself working against the world. He is not an immature boy that tells lies just for the sake of doing so, but rather he tells them in order to protect himself and also Jim. In the instance where he dresses ... in the first lie and it is discovered that he is actually a young boy rather than a girl, Huck manages to convince the woman that he simply a run away. He quickly creates a new lie and better lie, and she has no idea about his true identity. In this instance of lies that Huck tells there is no victim. Huck learns crucial information that he would have never ...
9788: Night by Elie Wiesel
... reaction to Elie Wiesel's book "Night" ? The only way I can express my reaction is disbelief. I could not believe how much pain was inflicted on the Jews. I could not believe how the world stood by as this extermination happened. I especially could not believe how Elie Wiesel survived to tell this tragic story. I suppose I would have had to be a Jew during the time of the ... Jews. In my opinion, it could not have been written any better. What was my reaction to this book ? Disbelief. I truly could not understand this extermination unless I was there. It showed me a new degree of inhumanity. Furthermore, even though I am not jewish, I have obtained a new hatred toward the nazis due to this book.
9789: Acid Rain
Acid Rain Acid rain is a great problem in our world. It not only causes fish and plants to die in the waters it contaminates, but adversely affects the entire food chain. Acid rain is all the rain and snow that contains an unnatural acidic. Often ... and God forbid a human being. Acid rain also causes other serious problems such as the release of aluminum and into our water supplies. As of yet there is little action being taken either in world governments, industrial complexes, or even the environmental movement to stop acid rain production. Still, the effort is growing, the problem is being identified, and solutions are being tested and enacted. We can only hope that the solutions are found before the problem becomes too big to handle. The last thing this planet needs is another imminent natural disaster. Sources Cited Microsoft Encarta 98 Windows Software c. 1998 New Brunswick Precipitation Monitoring Program http://www.gov.nb.ca/environm/operatin/air/acidrain.htm Acid Rain: A Modern Day Stratagem http://www.angelfire.com/ri//acidrain/index.html
9790: Center of Gravity
Center of Gravity The center of gravity, according to the Webster's New World Dictionary, the point in a body, or in a system of bodies, at which the weight is equal to the forward of the object as the rear. In other words, it is the point where ... and personal aircraft. Pilots must remain ever vigilant to ensure that the center of gravity stays within its prescribed limits as they add fuel, passengers, and cargo. The center of gravity will always effect the world of flight.

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