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Search results 9771 - 9780 of 22819 matching essays
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9771: The Children in "Sons and Lovers" by D. H. Lawerence and "What Maisie Knew" by Henry James
... Henry James The characters in Sons and Lovers by D. H. Lawrence and the characters in What Maisie Knew each have a special meaning. They all seem to be interwoven with one another portraying a new cycle in another characters life. For instance, in What Maisie Knew Mrs. Wix was introduced, in my opinion, at a time when Maisie needed a mother figure. Also, Sir Claude is introduced when she seems to need a father figure. On the other hand, in Sons and Lovers there are not very many new characters introduced. However, the ones that are introduced seem to want to try and break the bond that Paul and his mother have. Thus, James and Law¬ rence seem to be using similar themes with ... doing is hurting their children emotionally. Lawrence and James choose to write this way so that it reflects the moral sense as well as the fate of the moral sense in a corrupt and sinister world. The moral sense is the conscious which is reflected through Maisie and Paul. The characters that represent the consciousness seem to be full of unconditional love. For instance, when Maisie's parents abandon her, ...
9772: Radioactive Wastes
... wastes, must for the protection of mankind be stored or disposed in such a manner that isolation from the biosphere is assured until they have decayed to innocuous levels. If this is not done, the world could face severe physical problems to living species living on this planet. Some atoms can disintegrate spontaneously. As they do, they emit ionizing radiation. Atoms having this property are called radioactive. By far the greatest ... decaying' to a stable state their energies can be used according to the kind of energy they emit. Since the mid 1900's radioactive wastes have been stored in different manners, but since several years new ways of disposing and storing these wastes have been developed so they may no longer be harmful. A very advantageous way of storing radioactive wastes is by a process called 'vitrification'. Vitrification is a semi ... binding of radioactive wastes in rock matrix gives assurance of its permanent elimination in the environment. This is a method of disposal safe from the effects of earthquakes, floods or sabotages. With the development of new ion exchangers and the advances made in ion technology, the field of application of these materials in waste treatment continues to grow. Decontamination factors achieved in ion exchange treatment of waste solutions vary with ...
9773: All Quiet on the Western Front: "The Cause of Death"
All Quiet on the Western Front: "The Cause of Death" Erich Maria Remarque's ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT is a very interesting and true-to-heart novel based in the first world war where many men and women died because someone called them the enemy. The main character is Paul Baumer, a nineteen year old man who is swept into the war, along with his friends, not ... everything "as never before."(30) As more of Paul's friends die, he realizes just how bad this war is . Not did his friends brings this to his eyes, but other people he sees, the new soldier who loses his mind, the lance-corporal who lost his head, and the dying French soldier whom Paul saw as a person, not a monster as the Kaiser would have him believe. These people ... to his accurate portrayal of the military. His unique styles of suspenseful endings are also well liked by readers. All of this helps make all of Tom Clancy's books adored by faithful readers and new ones alike.
9774: Computer Viruses
Computer Viruses It is morning. You awaken to the sweet smell of flowers and the sound of birds chirping. You turn on your new I B M compatible computer only to find that every bit and byte of information has been erased. A computer virus has struck. Yes, these small bits of computer code have slowly overtaken the world of computing. A computer virus is a small program that attaches itself to disks and computer systems with instructions to do something abnormal. Sometimes the effects of a computer virus can be harmless. Sometimes the ... Michelangelo virus vaccine is about 160$. To sum up my whole report I would think Clifford Stoll said it best when he said "a safe computer is one that isn't connected to the outside world."
9775: Song Of Solomon Interpretation
... name, and believing that he cannot act independently (120). The first lesson his father teaches him is that ownership is everything, and that women's knowledge (specifically, Pilate's knowledge) is not useful "in this world" (55). He is blind to the Pilate's wisdom. When Pilate tell Reba's lover that women's love is to be respected, he learns nothing (94). In the same episode, he begins his incestuous ... to her history of herself. Her beloved granddaughter has been sacrificed to him, and this is the only way he can make amends. Pilate does not only release him because she is overcome by this new understanding of her past, but because he has learned to be a man. He accepts the box of Hagar's hair, a reminder that "you can't fly off and leave a body" as he abandoned Hagar (334). With this act, he ritualistically accepts his inheritiance of responsibilty for others, specifically the women in his life. As Pilate dies, he sings for her, an act of kindness, signifying a new paradigm in his relationships with women. She tells him,"I wish I'd a knowed more people. I would of loved 'em all" (336), reinforcing the significance of kindness and responsibility. He realizes that ...
9776: Flouridation
... on about fluoridation was how to fund it. Most organizations supported fluoridation, and those that did not soon did, including, the National Research Council, the American Water Works Association, the American Medical Association, and the World Health Organization. All of these organizations endorsed fluoridation (Waldbott pg. 277). However in 1977, the fluoridation controversy was brought back up by John Yiamouyiannis. A committee was commissioned to clear up the fluoride controversy once ... one's health to use it. It will benefit one's dental health, but will harm many other aspects of their lives. (Coffel) Works Cited 1. Behrman, A. S., Water is Everybody's Business. Doubleday, New York, 1968. 2. Coffel, Steve, “The Great Fluoride Fight”, Garbage, Vol. 4, Issue 3. Dovetail Publishers, New York, 1992. 3. Waldbott, George L., Fluoride: The Great Dilemma. Coronado Press, Kansas, 1978. 4. Yiamouyiannis, John, Fluoride: The Aging Factor. Health Action Press, Delaware, 1986.
9777: Fossil Fuels: Our Society's Dependency
... attention until the demand is needed, it's the old supply and demand scenario. Although my opinion may seem pessimistic if you look at past events it points to the supply and demand scenario. During World War II rubber supplies were cut off to the western world and we began to work on a compound that was a synthetic rubber. We succeeded in supplying the demand and now that same synthetic compound is used today. My theory is that the same thing ... found before the need, but as history demonstrates the use of it will either be delayed or will not occur. As for the economy jobs will be lost, but jobs will also be created in new areas. The big oil companies will lose big and so may some small countries like Kuwait. No one can really predict how the economy will turn out but if the substitute or substitutes are ...
9778: The Scarlet Letter: Background
... a spell, taking her out of the ordinary relations with humanity, and enclosing her in a sphere by herself."2 A heroic character is "bigger than those found in ordinary life" and also is strong, brave, noble, risky and powerful. Another characteristic he includes is the writing of mysterious events such as the adultery of Hester, the birth of Pearl and the return of her husband Roger Chllingworth. The uses of ... is when Hester is let out of jail for her trial. "Open a passage; and, I promise ye, Mistress Prynne shall be set where man, woman, and child may have a fair sight of her brave apparel, from this time till an hour past meridian."14 The quote is saying that after an hour past noon the crowd will be able to see Hester. During noon the light is very bright ... atmospherical medium" which is the ability to manipulate the light in the scenery to illuminate the shadows in the scenery. His theory is what makes him such an important figure in literature in the whole world. "It is because of his mastery of that form of fiction known as the "romance" ..."16
9779: Nuclear Legacy
Nuclear Legacy "There is 10 thousand tons of nuclear waste on Earth." Many scientist are in search for new and efficient ways to dispose of these lethal by-products which can destroy life itself. Radioactive products can be either beneficial or devastating. It all depends on how we use them. In the field of ... actions. In this case, those who have decided to create radioactive products lacked the responsibility to dispose of them. The consequences resulting from our lack of responsibility is utterly devastating. It is frightening how our new creations and discoveries can be so destructive despite their benefits. I was indeed inspired from this video. I will do all I can to help reduce radioactive pollution by the source. Through the video, I ... of the many people who were killed and those who were left to die. It is thoroughly frustrating to see how one discovery, the discovery of the atom, had changed the way we view the world today.
9780: Political Allegory In The Book Animal Farm
... to be that one class, the working class, and against another class, the rich or higher class. The Revolution was started by men who believed with Karl Marx's theory that the history of the world was the history of a struggle between classes between oppressors and oppressed. This happened in the book "Animal Farm by George Orwell" Orwell uses this example to base his book on. He makes the characters ... on the role of the Communist Party as the leader of the working class. When Lenin reached Russia in 1917 a first revolution against the crumbling regime of the Czar had already taken place. The new government was democratic, but "bourgeois." Lenin victoriously headed the radical socialist (Bolshevik) revolution in October of that year. This was immediately followed by four years of bloody civil war: the Revolution's Red Army, organized ... hands. In the 1930s, massive arrests and a series of public trials not only eliminated all possible opposition, but loyal Bolsheviks and hundreds of thousands of other absolutely innocent Russians. Still, people all over the world who felt the pull of Marx's ideal- an end to exploitation and oppression, as they saw it- thought of the Soviet Union as the country of the Revolution. It was hard for many ...

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