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9741: Alice Munro Open Secrets The A
... difficult. This could be because it is simply written from careful observations as are many of her other short stories. In her short stories, it is as though she tries to transform a common, ordinary world into something that is unsettling and mysterious as was seen in Vandals. Most of her stories found in Open Secrets, are set or focused on Munro’s native Canada, Huron County, and particularly in the ... are somewhere between threats, exemplars of surviving love and pathos (as Munro’s late middle aged couples often are); the adventure of Lottar and the Franciscan priest who helps her escape from what is both new home and prison; the antagonistic mating dance between the bookstore owner and her new, odd friends, Charlotte and Gjurdhi. (Bloom 1995) The change from one character’s point of view or narrative to another is changing the setting and mood of the story. The narrator is indirectly portraying ...
9742: Achilles 2
... took ten years for it finally to get mentioned. Achilles sheds light on the fact that all the Greeks are at Troy to fight over the pride and honour of Agamemnon s brother and is brave enough to stand up to the king and call him greedy and selfish. His lack of hatred towards the Trojans as a people is easily seen in his statements about how the people of Troy ... his destiny. He chooses a fate of death over dishonour, truly a hero s decision. Then after he avenges his fallen companion and the blood lust has left his system, he shows his growth and new understanding of loss in the touching scene with Priam. The last book is not an all new Achilles, but instead the same Achilles who is perhaps wiser due to the lessons that only death can teach. The tragedy of the Trojans is that they are good people who are destined to ...
9743: Society's Views on Family Values and Children as Reflected in the novel The Handmaid's Tale
... very similar to this type of facility; it has soldiers inside the facility and people are being taught how to survive. Women in the "Red Center" are being taught how to become submissive to the new order. The "Red Center" is the place they take women who they believe are prime child bearers, and the women are taught how to become Handmaids. A Handmaid is a woman who goes into a ... another fertile female, who then gives birth to the baby and gives the it to the couple. This practice is not all that common but still can be found happening in various places around the world. The use of a surrogate mother often leaves emotional scars for the biological mother and can possibly end up in the courts if the she changes her mind, and wishes to keep the child. Children ... out of control by fanatics is not all that hard to comprehend. It is possible that the chain of events that lead a society to Gilead has already started to happen. The make believe future world of Gilead is just that, make believe, but the possibility of extremists taking us to a similar point is very real. Incidents like the Oklahoma bombing, the stand off in Idaho with right wing ...
9744: What Is Electricity
What Is Electricity Today's scientific question is: What in the world is electricity? And where does it go after it leaves the toaster? Here is a simple experiment that will teach you an important electrical lesson: On a cool, dry day, scuff your feet along a ... fact that it sinks like a stone. But the greatest Electrical Pioneer of them all was Thomas Edison, who was a brilliant inventor despite the fact that he had little formal education and lived in New Jersey. Edison's first major invention in 1877 was the phonograph, which could soon be found in thousand of American homes, where it basically sat until 1923, when the record was invented. But Edison's ... sell a customer the same batch of electricity thousands of times a day and never get caught, since very few customers take the time to examine their electricity closely. In fact, the last year any new electricity was generated was 1937; the electric companies have been merely re-selling it ever since, which is why they have so much time to apply for rate increases. Today, thanks to men like ...
9745: Computer Security
... key. However, people are often forget their passwords or lose their keys. A third method must be used. It is using something a person has --- physical trait of a human being. We can use a new technology called biometric device to identify the person who wants to use your computer. Biometric devices are instrument that perform mathematical analyses of biological characteristics. For example, voices, fingerprint and geometry of the hand can ... webbing where the fingers join the palm. After passing the investigation of the computer, people can use the computer or retrieve data from the computer. Although a lot of security system have invented in our world, they are useless if people always think that stealing information is not a serious crime. Therefore, people need to pay more attention on computer crime and fight against those hackers, instead of using a lot ... technologies promises unbreakable security. Experts in the field agree that someone with sufficient resources can crack almost any computer defense. Therefore, the most important thing is the conduct of the people. If everyone in this world have a good conduct and behavior, there is no need to use any complicated security system to protect the computer.
9746: Summary of "Ceremony"
Summary of "Ceremony" Ceremony is the story about Tayo, A Native American World War II Veteran, and his struggle to find himself. He struggles to adapt to a world where his people have to fight between the what "whites" say is the true path, and what his culture says the right path. Ceremony displays Tayo's struggle by comparing his struggle to find his ... yet his path paralleled Rocky's until the time when Rocky died. Tayo's path paralleled but was always a step behind, because he was trying to retain his heritage and still keep with the new ways. Tayo walked a thin line trying to keep his path and Rocky's close together because he loved Rocky, and yet could not understand Rocky wanting so badly to leave the old ways. ...
9747: A Good Man Is Hard To Find 2
... with a tiny place to dance. At one time Red Sammy found pleasure from the restaurant but now he is afraid to leave the door unlatched. He has given in to the "meanness" of the world. In contrast to the horrible Tower is the grandmother's peaceful memories of the plantation house that is filled with wonderful treasures. However, the family never reach this house because this house does not even ... s intelligence and mannerisms. O'Connor's writing is so clear in this passage,and her entire work for that matter, because she will not separate what pleases her from what disgusts her. In her world, lacy chinaberry trees and chattering monkeys form a single image and are perfect for one another. This helps the reader become more aware to O'Connor's complex cartoon martyrs. Di Renzo says in his ... to Flannery O'Connor's intentional satirical writing. Works Cited Di Renzo, Anthony. American Gargoyles: Flannery O'Connor and the Medieval Grotesque. Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press,1993. O'Connor, Flannery. Collected Works. New York: Library Classics of the United States,Inc. 1988.
9748: Stephen J. Hawking by Rachel Finck
... enhanced his career by giving him the freedom to think about physics and the Universe. Stephen Hawking has written many essays involving the unified theory, which is a theory summarizing the entire of the physical world; a theory that would stand as a complete, consistent theory of the physical interactions that would describe all possible observations. Our attempts at modeling physical reality normally consists of two parts: a) A set of ... particle. This dilemma is called the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Einstein's general theory of relativity is a classic theory because it does not take into account the uncertainty principle. One therefore has to find a new theory that combines general relativity and the uncertainty principle. In most situations, the difference between the general relativity theory and the new theory is very small. However, the singularity theorems that Hawking proved show that space-time will become highly curved on very small scales. The effects of the uncertainty principle will then become very important. ...
9749: Is There Hope For The Psychopa
In a world full of fears, perhaps the worst one a human being should have is that to be afraid of his fellow man. The human that should be most feared is possibly he who has Anti-Social ... treatments for this dehumanizig disorder. Until then, all we can do is hope and try to determine and diagnose patients early so that they can get help. References Hales, Dianne. (1995). Caring for the Mind. New York: Bantam Books. Hare Ph.D., Robert. (1994). Predators: The disturbing world of psychopaths around us. Psychology Today, 27(1), 54. Myers, Mark. (1998). Progression from conduct disorder to antisocial personality disorder following treatment for adolescent substance abuse. The American Journal of Psychology,155(4), 479- ...
9750: Robber Barons or Captains of Industry
... industrial America and changed the American way of life are J. D. Rockefeller, J. Pierpont Morgan and Andrew Carnegie. Each of these men took their own level of morality and individual business startageis into the world of industry. It was this morality and their personal business strategies that have lead historian to classify these three men as either robber barons or captains of industry. Perhaps the most famous of these three ... his fortune in the oil industry. It was also in the oil industry that he earned his title of robber baron. Rockefeller is known for his oil monopoly which at once controlled 95% of the world oil market. His oil business started with refining. Rockefeller knew that oil drilling was very expensive and he figured that he would let some one else spend millions to blindly drill into the ground looking ... of putting all of your eggs in one basket and then guarding it. He also encouraged imigrants to come to america to work on his railroads or to live near him. He often gave these new citizens free land or land at very cheap prices. The other railroad companies often took the best land and sold it at high prices. Hill also saw oppertunities on the horizon and seized them. ...

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