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9721: The Picture of Dorian Gray: Evil
... judged much upon appearance and status. Dorian was a very wealthy, intelligent man with a very high status. He knew the very influential and rich people in his town as well. His beauty charmed the world. Basil was inspired to draw his portrait in order to preserve his beauty and youth. Dorian recognised that as long as he remained young he would be handsome. He dreaded the day that he would ... malicious deeds. The characterisation of the book is one of the most important elements of this book. Dorian begins by being a very naοve lad. He is very easily influenced by others especially his two new good friends; Basil and Lord Henry. Basil, the painter of the portrait, influenced Dorian in more of a good, honest way. While Lord Henry, although not being evil himself, gave him a more evil insight ... began before he abandoned his soul. His first act of covetousness was when he craved to be infinitely young. He wanted to be different, to be superior to others, to have something that the whole world would be envious of. He believed that to live a simple life was merely to live at all. When he first started his life of debauchery his uneasy conscious made him avoid those he ...
9722: Of Mice and Men: Mini-Critique
... the public school in Salinas. Steinbeck grew up in the beautiful Salinas Valley which furnished most of the material for his novels. His mother read to him, at an early age, famous literature of the world which planted a seed in his imagination. He entered Stanford in 1920, remaining there until 1925 but never graduating. In 1930 Steinbeck married Carol Henning. Steinbeck died in 1968. After college, Steinbeck moved to New York, where he worked briefly for the old New York American newspaper and helped with the construction of Madison Square Garden. His first book, Cup of Gold (1929), appeared two months before the stock market crash and sold about fifteen hundred copies. Steinbeck ...
9723: Microwaves
Microwaves You might remember the heroic role that newly-invented radar played in the Second World War. People hailed it then as "Our Miracle Ally". But even in its earliest years, as it was helping win the war, radar proved to be more than an expert enemy locator. Radar technicians, doodling ... beam in a small oven, but you can't do the same with radio waves, which are simply too long. Microwaves and their Use The idea of cooking with radiation may seem like a fairly new one, but in fact it reaches back thousands of years. Ever since mastering fire, man has cooked with infrared radiation, a close kin of the microwave. Infrared rays are what give you that warm glow ... than radio wave dishes. Industry employs microwaves heat in many ways -- to dry paints, bond plywood, roast coffee beans, kill weeds and insects, and cure rubber. Microwaves trigger garage door openers and burglar alarms. The new cellular car phone is a microwave instrument. Microwaves and Your Body Not surprisingly, as high-powered microwaves have proliferated in the atmosphere and the workplace, a passionate debate has grown over the pontential danger ...
9724: Nuclear Power
... wastes, must for the protection of mankind be stored or disposed in such a manner that isolation from the biosphere is assured until they have decayed to innocuous levels. If this is not done, the world could face severe physical problems to living species living on this planet. Some atoms can disintegrate spontaneously. As they do, they emit ionizing radiation. Atoms having this property are called radioactive. By far the greatest ... decaying' to a stable state their energies can be used according to the kind of energy they emit. Since the mid 1900's radioactive wastes have been stored in different manners, but since several years new ways of disposing and storing these wastes have been developed so they may no longer be harmful. A very advantageous way of storing radioactive wastes is by a process called 'vitrification'. Vitrification is a semi ... binding of radioactive wastes in rock matrix gives assurance of its permanent elimination in the environment. This is a method of disposal safe from the effects of earthquakes, floods or sabotages. With the development of new ion exchangers and the advances made in ion technology, the field of application of these materials in waste treatment continues to grow. Decontamination factors achieved in ion exchange treatment of waste solutions vary with ...
9725: "A Raisin In the Sun": An Analysis
... is a play written by an African-American playwright - Lorraine Hansberry. It was first produced in 1959. Lorraine Hansberry's work is about a black family in the Chicago's South-Side after the Second World War. The family consisted of Mama(Lena Younger), Walter Lee(her son), Ruth (his wife), Travis (their son), and Beneatha (Walters younger sister). The Younger family lived in poor conditions, and can't afford to ... her belief that the $10,000 should not go towards the liquor store. She ended up giving him this money to boost his "manly" pride, but not before she put a down payment on a new house. Although she was going against her values, she is proud in her family and keeps her faith in them. Walter Lee has never wanted anything mere in his life than that $10,000. He ... room couch…Yeah - and tell my wife, Mama tomorrow when she has to go out of here to look after somebody else's kids. And tell it to me, Mama every time we need a new pair of curtains and I have to watch you go out and work in somebody's kitchen. Yeah, you tell me then. At the end of the play, after Walter lost the money his ...
9726: Muammar al Qaddafi
... because he felt he was he was a real leader for all Arabs. He supported the use of terrorism. At that time he was friendly with the Egyptian leader Nasser, but after Nasser died the new Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat did not like Qaddafi and thought he was sick and possessed of the devil. When Qaddafi went to Egypt in 1973 he lectured the Egyptians that women should stay in the ... coup, or under mind- controlling drugs. Libyans told U.S reporters that they no longer had cash or food. Slowly Qaddafi was disappearing from everyone's view. His big dream of uniting all the Arab world under his power was flushed down the tubes. He had flunked the leadership course. His main weakness is that he thinks he conquer all the Arab world. He doesn't realize that he is really alone without much support. He has some strange personal habits. The CIA reported such things as taking too many sleeping pills, wearing make-up and carrying ...
9727: James "Jimmy" Earl Carter
... of peace between Egypt and Israel, the SALLT II treaty witht he Soviet Union, and the establishment of U.S. diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China. He championed human rights throughout the world. On the domestic side, the administration's achievements included a comprehensive energy program conducted by a new Department of Energy; deregulation in energy, transportation, communications and finance; major educational program order a new Department of Education; and major environmental protection legislation, including the Alaska Land Act. On January 19, 1981, Jimmy's turn was over.
9728: The Great Gatsby: Realism
... novel, and by using great detail, he was able to reproduce his interpretation of the 1920's. At this time the Great War (WW1) had just ended and the United States was becoming as dominant world power. The novel takes place during the summer in New York as Nick Carraway has just moved to persue a career in the bond business. This is a very realistic setting because just after World War 1 the eastern United States were flourishing with people and business. As depicted in The Great Gatsby, during the 1920's jazz music was all the rage. Large, fancy homes and big parties ( ...
9729: Kinsolver's The Bean Trees: Problems in Today's Society
... breaks down and she is given an Indian baby, she finds herself in the predicament that she was trying to avoid in Kentucky. Back in Kentucky she was proud that sing herself off from the world. In the second chapter we meet Lou Ann a soon to be mother that is having troubles with her marriage. Later she has a baby boy and her husband ends up moving out. Lou Ann ... the familiess had been split up in some way or anther. Taylor left her family, Lou Ann's husband leaves her, Esperanza and Estevan had to leave their families. Yet this seems to help form new families. Near the end they talk about the bean plant and how is needs the rhizobia to survive. This kind of symbolizes Taylor and her new family and friends. They also learn to rely on each other. I think two theme statements for this novel could be: 1 - The concept of family, isn't always just people who are related ...
9730: Lena Horne
... E-mail: heath20@aol.com Lena Horne Heather Donahue March 23, 2000 Humanities 15 Tues. & Thurs. 9:30 - 11 a.m. Page 1 Lena Horne Lena Horne was born on June 30, 1917 in Brooklyn, New York. Her parents were Teddy and Edna Scottron Horne. After her father left her at the age of two in order to pursue his gambling career; her mother leaving soon after that to pursue her ... women in Hollywood. Her enduring and indelible career took her from cabaret performer in the ‘30s to stage and screen star in the ‘40s, ‘50s, and ‘60s. She is currently recording today while living in New York City. I think that she is overlooked too quickly when it comes to naming great performers. She was finally recognized for her achievements in 1989 when earned a Grammy for Lifetime Achievement. Lena Horne has paved a way for other African Americans to enter into the world of film. I think that she is a great pioneer of equal rights because she did it on her own terms and was not as forceful as some of the other advocates. She achieved ...

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