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9701: Death Of A Salesman - Analysis
... occur toward the same time where the Lomans were happy. Starting with Biff’s football days in high school. The music in those scenes would make anyone feel like they were on top of the world, just like Biff and Willy felt. Then comes Ben. Ben is Willy’s savior. Always acting like a parental figure, Ben was Willy’s answer to everything. A pure, fast paced song represented Willy’s ... for a loan to start the sporting goods business is a good example of music interpreting confidence. Another bit of confidence is felt when Willy is going to ask Howard for a stationary job in New York. The music that sounds troublesome in this play would have to be anything that involved the Woman. The Woman is involved in many conflicts, but mainly between Biff and Willy. When Willy is in ... Willy would ask Ben for advice or for a short story about their father, Ben would whip out that big grin of his, breath in, and talk away like there was no worry in the world, and to Willy, there wasn’t at that period of time. The saddest song in the play though would be the teary sound of the flute at Willy’s funeral. Starting out a bit ...
9702: B.f. Skinners Walden Two
... have, the more distractions we clutter our lives with. I think an artist must have a certain amount of solitude, even, perhaps, loneliness in order to develop the kind of depth needed to create a new and crucial work of art. Frazier goes on to argue, "When artists and composers aren't patronized, they generally get a modicum of leisure by becoming irresponsible. Hence their reputation with the public." He doesn ... is blackmail. The antidote to manipulation is the same as the antidote to blackmail: to tell the truth. The victim of most forms of manipulation is not as much afraid of the blackmailer telling the world as he is of becoming aware of his own secrets, carefully hidden from himself. A self-aware human being is enured to manipulation. It always costs us to face our inner demons and that is ... honesty and cooperation among it's members. Such a society would be one of power-with at its best. While Skinner has offered some very compelling ideas on the reorganization of a free society, involving new applications of the law of supply and demand as well as democracy, his application of behaviorism in terms of training are less original, impressive or far-reaching. The gradual introduction of aversive stimulation is ...
9703: Heart of Darkness: Mystery and Suspense
... long time, because h eis up the river from the station where Marlow is at. People are wanting the boss, and they're getting restless. Is Kurtz, sick? Could one of these people get a new promotion in their job? The people don't want Marlow to go explore up the river a ways and kind Kurtz, suppling him with help that he might need. And yet, Marlow needs Kurtz. Yet ... a way with the people that come into it and try to explore it's orgins. It seems to drag you in, and not let you go. All of this, because they were curious and brave. But not all brave men will make it through this jungle that the Congo river lays on. Eventually, Marlow fixes his steamboat, and carefully goes to meet the mysterious man he has heard so much from the people, ...
9704: Extinction of Dinosaurs
... an asteroid five miles across blasted through the Earth's crust, and threw up molten rock, ash, and dust. Adding to the support to this theory is the discovery of a layer of iridium in New Zealand, Denmark, and Italy. This layer became known as the iridium anomaly. Remarkably, this layer of iridium was found in sedimen tary rock that is abundant on other celestial bodies. This was too remarkable to ... space debris which resulted from the collision of Earth and another celestial body. At first, Alvarez's theory was not widely accepted, but as more iridium was found from that period of time around the world, it became the leading theory. Other evidence includes the discovery of stishovite, a mineral created by high heat and pressure. These two minerals were most likely caused by a cosmic collision. Even more stunning, geologists ... million years old. Whatever hit the Earth would have caused extreme and immediate havoc, includ ing, a blast wave which would have incinerated everything in its path. Tsunamis would occur in oceans all over the world and would affect vast areas. Water and rock would evaporate. The impact of the asteroid would cause massive earthquakes all over the Earth, and these earthquakes would increase volcanic activity. The power of the ...
9705: Social and Personal Ethics: The Subject of Abortion
... the life cycle has been started. He rejects the arguments from other philosophers that the fetus is not a human being until it has had certain experiences, until it has been exposed to the real world through birth, or until a feeling of loss would be suffered by the parents if the child were to die. He also believes that at the point of conception a new being that has been created has it’s own genetic code and cannot be duplicated. Now, the opposing views expressed by Mary Anne Warren and her definition of a human being has two parts a ... after the vital organs are in tact is if the woman is raped or she has precipitated in incest. If abortion is allowed after the point at which I have defined a human being the world might be missing out on great minds like a philosopher or even our next President of the United States.
9706: Black Holes
... accidentally. In the 1930's, a technician trying to clear up intercontinental phone calls discovered radio waves coming from the Milky Way. Curiously enough, nobody really seemed to care very much; an amateur built the world's first radio telescope. A modest 9 meters in size, it had extremely poor resolution, and the larger dishes that were to slowly follow did not fare much better. As in X-ray astronomy, the ... simple detectors in the noses of rockets to full fledged X-ray telescopes housed in orbiting satellites, and radio astronomy went from crude dishes to continent spanning arrays, gravity wave detectors may show a completely new spectrum. And, just as X-rays brought a completely new universe into focus, one can hardly imagine what a gravitational view of the universe will reveal. At the very least, we will have definitive proof or denial of black holes, but we may find ...
9707: My Son's Story
... shadow of apartheid. Gradually, though, Sonny becomes more and more connected to his people's struggle, an exceedingly dangerous one, which leaves him with less time for his family. Sonny's exertion to achieve a new world for his people leaves his family's world, as well as his own, in serious danger. His dedication to his political responsibility results in an affair with a white human-rights worker that ultimately leaves him estranged from his family, an immense ...
9708: The Old Man and the Sea: Isolation
... and people behind him. Hemingway describes this through the old man talking with The fish many times, First: " My choice was to go there to find him beyond all people. Beyond all people in the world. Now we are joined together and have been since noon. And no one to help either one of us." ( P 50 ). Second : " Fish, he said softly, aloud, I'll stay with you until I am ... Back in his first home the cottage no one used to come and visit him , and he always wished for someone to knock his door, but it never happened. Now when he is at his new home the boat he still has the same wish he wants to kill his loneliness that is why he called the bird his visitor. Calling the bird a guest was the only way to convince the old man that someone in this world is not isolating him. Along in his proving of isolation Hemingway uses DiMaggio who is Santiago's hero in baseball as a symbol of Santiago. The old man supports this idea through : " But I ...
9709: Peter The Great 4
... rushed back and saw 1800 servants in chains. He knew there was more behind this revolt than just bad ruling. He had every one of his guards interrogated 6 days a week, but found no new evidence. In the end, Peter had hung 1200 men. The day Peter returned from his voyage, he went to the church about the way Russian men must crop their beards. Peter saw in Europe, that ... Charles of Sweden pursued his conquering north towards Poland. Peter, hearing this, takes advantage of it and goes to the Swedish port. Peter takes over the land and destroys the army protecting it. With this new land, Peter began the construction of St. Petersburg. The expense for the development of this city was immense, and Peter had all of the materials imported. Hearing of Charles return to take over the land ... the wrath of Peter. Peter takes Alexis away has him tried for treason and tortured. Soon after Alexis dies. Peter continues to glorify St. Petersburg s beauty and puts Russia on the map as a world power. In 1723, Peter is struck down with a bladder infection but survives. A few years after, while at sea, Peter catches a cold and dies after jumping in the ocean to save a ...
9710: Jay Gatsby: A Confused Man
Jay Gatsby: A Confused Man Jay Gatsby was a wealthy businessman who lived in the east side of New York City, a well-established section of the city often referred to as the East Egg. He was the owner of an extensive stone mansion where he held many parties for dignitaries and other established persons throughout the New York City area. At the time when the novel took place,the 1920's, America's economy was booming. Cars were becoming a common way of transportation and women were becoming more independent in the ... very confused man and this seemed to rub off on the reader as well. Some incidents left the reader confused as well. Gatsby had many things and ways about him that were confusing to the world around him, such as his attending Oxford and so on. Gatsby was an antagonist from what I could see, because he changed little if any throughout the course of the book.

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