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9671: Ptolemy of Alexandria
Ptolemy of Alexandria Ptolemy of Alexandria was the most influential astronomer of the ancient world. The books and theories Ptolemy developed served as a major basis for future astronomers. It was during the Renaissance period that his work became thoroughly studied and revised. Ptolemy collected all ancient knowledge of astronomy ... were not always reported in the greatest scientific detail and some accounts were exaggerated. Astronomers made a several series of observations to reduce the effect of one individual error. Little thought was given to formulating new methods of accurate and scientific data recording. Ptolemy carefully distinguishes between forecasts related only to the sky and those connected to the human world. He states that it is possible to read human fate in the stars. Strangely, Ptolemy, as did other astrologers of that time period all agreed that the Dog Star was red. Today the Dog ...
9672: Canterbury Tales Wife Of Bath
... of her husbands. The knight did seek what women desire most, and that is power. When someone has power over someone else than they also have control. Works Cited Evans, Joan. The Flowing Middle Ages. New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1966. Hallida, I.E. Chaucer and His World. New York: Viking Press, 1968. Fuller, Maurice. Chaucer and His England. Williamstown: Corner House Publishers, 1976. Williams, David. The Canterbury Tales, A Literary Pilgrimage. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1987.
9673: Isolation Of Islamic Families
The presence of European thought could be observed in most societies throughout the world's history. Therefore, from a historical aspect, European culture has affected the Islamic society, although not as intensely as it was in the case with other non-Western cultures. In the novel Palace Walk, Naguib ... activities of Fahmy, Abd al-Jawad's second son that the audience learns about what motivates those who fight for a better future and for autonomy from political domination. Fahmy, like other "brothers," was a brave and intelligent young man. Perhaps, his tragic death was unexpected, and it really touched his father, who may be for the first time realized how he will miss his son. Abd al-Jawad was concerned ... Abd al-Jawad, they represented a regular middle-class Islamic family. However, the fear and strict rules of the father did not allow the other members of the family to be connected to the outside world. Amina, the wife of Abd al-Jawad always listened to him, since he was the only source of news. Because of the lack of information they stayed isolated. One of the daughters became married ...
9674: Vladimir Ilyich
... went abroad, where together with G.V. Plekhanov he began to publish the newspaper "Iskra" ("Spark"). At the 2nd conference of the Russian Social Democratic Working Party (1903) Lenin was instrumental in setting up a new type of Bolshevik Marxist Party. During the revolution of 1905 -1907 Lenin developed the idea of the hegemony of the proletariat in the bourgeois democratic revolution, and worked out the theory of the expansion of ... this time he developed a Marxist programme on the nationalities question. At the end of July 1914 he was arrested by the Austrian police, but was soon released and left for Switzerland. During the 1st World War he promoted the slogan of converting imperialist into civil [revolutionary] war. Following the bourgeois-democratic revolution of April 1917, he moved to Petrograd and pointed the socialist revolution towards victory, whilst hiding from the ... the Soviet Government, Lenin moved to Moscow, which then became the capital of the Soviet state. During this time Lenin worked out a plan for the construction of socialism and put forward principles for a new economic policy. In 1922 he fell seriously ill. In December 1922 - March 1923 he dictated a series of articles which formed his legacy to the Party and the Soviet people in their struggle for ...
9675: Summary of 1984
... did, but he was sure there must be. The Party was reconstructing society as a whole, and no one seemed to notice. it was done so systematically and effectively, it was hard to believe the world had ever been otherwise. Children were raised to love Big Brother (the human face the Party took on). They were taught to turn anyone in who showed signs of deviation from the Party, even their own parents. they were born not knowing anything of the past, and without anyway of finding out. Anything that was taught to them as true, was taken as the truth. Even a whole new language had been in development, called Newspeak. Newspeak effectively limited the amount of words to a bare minimum. The goal was to completely get rid of any words that allowed for individual or original thought ... freedom) were all nonexistent. People had no way of expressing anything, because there were no words to do so with. That way,any possible threat to the Party could be wiped out of existence. The world had been divided into three large countries: Eurasia, Eastasia, and Oceania. Oceania was the country in which Winston lived, and the Party controlled. The three countries were constantly at war with one another. Oceania ...
9676: Frank McCourt
... passionate night together that ended up producing their first son, Francis(or Frank as introduced to the reader). Later, the couple had another son, twins, and a daughter while living in a small apartment in New York. Margaret soon died and the family moved to Ireland where their lives were only worsened. Angela had two more children that lived, but the young twins died. Malachy was an alcoholic who rarely held ... his job and was determined to make a good life for himself, his brothers, and his poor mother. Frank learned to depend upon no one but himself and his determination to succeed won him a new life in America where he now lives happily married. I noticed numerous literary devices present throughout the book. One such device is the use of apostrophe. Apostrophe is used continuously when Frank speaks to the ... McCourt said that the women stand because “all they do is take care of the children, clean the house, and cook” but the men sit because the spend their time “discussing the problems of the world and wondering what to do with the rest of the day”(107). This is a humorous, almost satirical look at the traditional male-female roles in a family. Humor is also used while Frank ...
9677: Edgar Allen Poe
Edgar Allan Poe Overview On January 19, 1809, in Boston Massachusetts one of the world’s most distinguished writers was born. This writer’s name was Edgar Allan Poe, he was born the son of an actress and an actor . At the age of three, Poe’s mother gave him ... called Tamerlane and Other Poems at his own expense. After Poe’s leaving the army, with the help of John Allan and his fellow cadets he wrote his second book. In 1837, Poe went to New York in search of work and this is where he not only marries his cousin Virginia, but is also the place in time when his writing courier really launches. In 1847 Poes’ life becomes a ... story The Black Cat ,Poe once again shows part of his many sides. In the story it talks about a man who is sick minded and is an alcoholic and take his frustration of the world out on his cat. The way that Poe is involved in this story is that he to was an alcoholic. Poe had allot of problems due to his drinking, he had lost jobs and ...
9678: Great Expectations: Themes of Love, Redemption and Isolation
... in love to be advised by anyone." At Compeysons desertion her anger and sorrow became extreme and she threw herself and Satis House into perpetual mourning and a monument to her broken heart, shutting the world out and herself from the world. Her only concession is in her adoption of Estella. Miss Haversham has ulterior motives in adopting Estella, this is not a loving action on her part, but a calculated manoeuvre to turn the child into ... of human relationships is best shown through Pip. The relationship between Pip and Joe changed as Pip grew up. As a child, Pip regarded Joe as an equal, though he loved him, "I had a new sensation of feeling conscious that I was looking up to Joe in my heart." Though there is love, the snobbish Pip is critical of Joe, not verbally, but in his thoughts. When Pip attains ...
9679: Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier
... behaviour. In the beginning of the novel, the narrator is the insecure, shy and inexperienced paid companion of Mrs. Van Hopper. However, when she marries Maxim De Winter her life totally changes. She enters a new and unknown world as she becomes part of the elite class of society. She also has to cope with the many responsibilities and expectations imposed on her as the wife of the famous Maxim De Winter. This experience ... takes the narrator for a drive in his car, he tells her of Manderley, the sun setting and the nearby sea. At this moment, Manderley is the most precious thing to him in the entire world, and he chooses to share this with the narrator. This time spent with the Mrs. De Winter changes him. He realises that he needed companionship and perhaps unconditional love, both of which could be ...
9680: A Room With A View By E.D. For
... the difference between Cecil and George and how Cecil lacks the aggression and desire that George has. Lucy has to make the decision between the mind and the heart. She is torn between Cecil’s world of books and conformity and George’s world of passion and nature. This decision is not easy for Lucy to make. Lucy came really close to marring the wrong man due to her lack of thought. She has grown up and lived a ... to let out her frustrations brought on by her surrounding characters. Lucy is brought up to be proper and not outgoing or passionate. George will eventually show her how to be passionate and open to new ideas. George is a man that breaks the chains of conformity to free Lucy’s spirit and he does this efficiency. George kisses Lucy for the second time and he explains that love exists ...

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