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9631: Hinduism
Hinduism People known as the Hindus practice Hinduism. Hinduism is practiced all over the world, including countries such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and other areas of the world. Hinduism evolved from the ancient Indo-European religion of Vedism. Hinduism has religious, social, economic, literacy, and artistic aspects. The Hindu people rely on the ancient texts, called Vedas, for religious support. Three important Hindu ... by 1) Law of Karma 2) Knowledge 3) Devotion to God The Hindu people are divided into four social classes: Priests, Warriors, Agriculturists, and Servants. Hinduism teachings include nonviolence, vegetarianism, celibacy, and social tolerance to new social and political uses. A major principle focus is fire sacrifice. That is when a god is invoked.
9632: The Force Of Evil
... himself, had stopped, and was taking stock of himself and the situation." Mr. Rainsford, an experienced hunter himself, had found himself in a position he probably had never imagined before. This kind of hunting was new to him, for this time the quest was for him and his pursuer was of the most wicked species; the devil, so to speak. "Is there anything a man don't stand to lose when ... him. Spangler noted in the beginning of the story, "He went to softly, at too swift a pace. He was there upon you sometimes like a cat. Looking before us, sometimes, seeing nothing but the world before us, suddenly we felt a shadow at our backs and, looking up, would find that Dick was there. And there was something in the night. We never saw him come or go." Spangler and ... the trouble in our minds and in our hearts remained." Like Rainsford, Spangler did not realize the danger or the evil intentions of Dick in time to tell anyone. When Randy and Spangler found a new rifle in Dick's room. He sweet-talked them into keeping their mouths shut. Only after the damage had been done did they realize their mistake. ". . . we both stared there for a minute, aware ...
9633: Native American Genocide
... on Genocide. Beginning in 1778, the United States Board of War, a product of the Continental Congress appropriated grants for the purpose of, "the maintenance of Indian students at Dartmouth College and the College of New Jersey…" The young people who had returned from the schools are described by Seneca leader, Cornplanter as, "…ignorant of every means of living in the Woods, unable to bear either Cold or Hunger, [they] knew ... at these schools, the students were forced to learn an idealism completely foreign to them. They would study histories, which had no significance to there lives. "The books talk to him [the student] of a world which in no way reminds him of his own," (Noriega, ??). This is exactly how the students must have felt; as if they were in another world. To compound the torture, the 'students' at these institutions were forced to work as maintainers and farmers in order provide for the continued existence of the very establishments, which were destroying them. The methods ...
9634: Lasers and Their Uses
... Laser Welding, Cutting & Blasting Once again the laser's intense energy when focused make it ideal for providing concentrated welding and cutting. Laser Shows The intense color of laser light has opened up a whole new world for laser artists to weave a new kind of art using different coloured lenses, mirrors and crystals. Power Generation Laser-powered fusion holds hope of generating tremendous amounts of electricity through the use of lasers. Information Technology Using fiber optic bundles ...
9635: Inclusion
... do and this serves no difference for the Downs child. As we look back in time, we find that the notion of educating every child to achieve his or her greatest potential is a relatively new concept. The current use of the term exceptional is itself a reflection of the radical changes in societies views of people whom differ from the norm. The world has come along way from the Spartans’ practice of killing infants who did not meet their standards of normalcy, but the journey has been slow, moving from neglect and mistreatment, to pity and overprotection and ... their favor as well as points against. Neither group denies the legitimacy of the other’s priorities. The issue is which should have precedence. Since the ideologies behind inclusion and the concept itself are fairly new, it was an idea that was not dealt with by the great thinkers and theorists of educational psychology. Yet it is possible to take their writings and see just how these thoughts applied to ...
9636: Lyndon B. Johnson
... 1937, Johnson sought and won a Texas seat in Congress, where he championed public works, reclamation, and public power programs. When war came to Europe he backed Roosevelt's efforts to aid the Allies. During World War II he served a brief tour of active duty with the U.S. Navy in the Pacific (1941-42) but returned to Capitol Hill when Roosevelt recalled members of Congress from active duty. Johnson ... especially among young, draft-aged people. Escalation also failed to win the war. The drawn-out struggle made Johnson even more secretive, dogmatic, and hypersensitive to criticism. His usually sure political instincts were failing. The New Hampshire presidential primary of 1968, in which the anti-war candidate Eugene McCarthy made a strong showing, revealed the dwindling of Johnson's support. Some of Johnson's closest advisors now began to counsel a ... of the treaty by which the United States withdrew from Vietnam. Bibliography Evans, Rowland, and Novak, Robert, Lyndon B. Johnson, The Exercise of Power : A Political Biography (1966); Geyelin, Philip, Lyndon B. Johnson and the World (1966); Goldman, Eric F., The Tragedy of Lyndon Johnson (1969); Johnson, Lady Bird, White House Diary(1970); Kearns, Doris, Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream (1976); Schandler, Herbert, The Unmaking of a President: Lyndon ...
9637: The Catacombs and Christian Persecutions
... family, but opened them to their fellow people, showing the faith. As time went on and room started to run out in the catacombs, these areas grew larger by gifts or by the purchase of new properties, sometimes by the Church itself. Saint Callixtus was a very typical case that the Church took up directly as well as the organization and administration of the cemetery, assuming a community character. With the ... the other catacombs. The very traces of their existence were lost. During the late Middle Ages they didn't even know where they were. The Christian religion developed rapidly in Rome and all over the world past the 1st century. This was because it was original and suitable for all mankind to believe in. It was also due to the testimony of fervour; this was that the Christians expressed brotherly love and charity to everybody. The Roman authorities were at first unconcerned about the new religion, but soon the people showed themselves hostile to the authorities because the Christians refused to worship the ancient pagan deities of Rome, and also the emperor. The Christians were accused of disloyalty to ...
9638: Global Warming 3
... past 200 years people have been affected by global warming. The last 40 years have been the most damaging. As the impacts of human influences have grown, so have the risks associated with those impacts. New technologies carry increasing risks, and the scale, frequency, and impacts of disaster caused or influenced by human activity are growing tremendously. The risks to the Earthˇ¦s natural systems are becoming significantly concerning. The worldˇ¦s population, currently 5.2 billion has grown from about 3 billion in 1960, and around 2 billion in 1925. Today it increased by almost 90 million each year, and is likely to reach 10 ... sources including CFCs from aerosol cans, refrigerants and cleaning solvents. This damaging cycle is called The Greenhouse Effect. The growth of human numbers and their impacts on the earthˇ¦s resources have greatly accelerated since World War II. The production of food, energy, and industrial commodities is associated with much of the deterioration of the Earthˇ¦s life-support systems. Some of the ways that Earth may respond to global ...
9639: Cry, The Beloved Country
... he now understands what Kumalos people were going through. Rev. Stephen Kumalo was a man of great moral value. He was very firm in his beliefs, yet very nave when it came to the "real world." Kumalo could not imagine why his son did what he did nor did he want to except the fact that it was solely his sons fault for killing a man. The same goes for his ... understood their sons. Jarvis was a key element in the plot because he was almost exactly alike Kumalo. Kumalo and Jarvis both changed tremendously in this story. They both came to a realization of the world around them. It was ironic that at the very end of the story, when Kumalo went to the mountain to pray for his son (who was being executed that day), that Jarvis said that he too would think about Absalom, and that he would build a new church for Kumalo. It was like the realization that Doug had in "Dandelion Wine" but much more complex. I stated at the beginning that my words alone would do an injustice on this book. ...
9640: William Faulkner 2
... in his writings. William Faulkner s background is a very important detail that will help his readers understand the psychological implications of what he wrote and to appreciate his work. William Faulkner was born in New Albany, Mississippi, on September 25, 1897. His parents were Murry and Maud Faulkner. He married Estelle Franklin in 1929. They had two children together, both daughters. The first daughter was named Alabama, and she died ... 26), as described in the story. At this point, it is unclear who is actually telling the story about Miss Emily. Ray B. West believes that [w]hen, as in A Rose for Emily , the world depicted is a confusion between the past and present, the atmosphere is one o distortion-of unreality (192). The narrator recounts different stories about Miss Emily. The stories about Miss Emily are told out of ... Faulkner presents the South in comparison from past to present and his ability to make the reader wonder about the point of view. Faulkner s writings are enjoyable and open the reader up to a world of interpretation and intellectual challenge. All of the qualities make William Faulkner s stories literature. However, it is how these qualities are shown to the reader that make William Faulkner fit to be included ...

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