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9621: The Twenties And Thirties
... largest industry there was. The assembly line made mass production possible, and the industry boomed. Henry Ford's assembly line, located in Detroit, Michigan, was the largest one in the country and possibly in the world. When Ford first started making cars, the only car he made was a black Model-T. Almost everybody in the United States had a car. Three-out-of-four families owned one or more cars ... money, they would buy the car with credit and pay off the debt later. The thirties was a bad time for the automotive industry. By now Ford had made a Model-A and had three new colors: tan, purple and black. All of the companies were making more cars than they could sell. Nobody had enough money to buy a car because of all of the banks going under. Millions of ... one had the money for a car, the cars were not being sold. This caused a big problem. The dealers were very optimistic. They continued to make cars hoping that sales would go up. The new credit law was a wonderful idea. It allowed people to purchase items like a television or radio. The invention of the radio united the nation. The news that was heard on the radio was ...
9622: The Battle Of Saratoga
The Battle of Saratoga is considered to be the major turning point of the American Revolution. This battle proved to the world that the fledgling American army was an effective fighting force capable of defeating the highly trained British forces in a major confrontation. As a result of this successful battle, the European powers took interest in the cause of the Americans and began to support them. In the British Campaign of 1777, Major General Burgoyne planned a concentric advance of three columns to meet in Albany, New York. He led the main column, which moved southward along the Hudson River. A second column under General Barry St. Leger would serve as a diversionary attack, moving eastward from Canada along the Mohawk River ... plan, Howe would direct General Henry Clinton to move northward along the Hudson River and link up with Burgoyne in Albany. The goal of this plan was to isolate and destroy the Continental forces of New England. Initially, the British plan appeared to be working. Burgoyne's army continually pushed back the Americans southward along the Hudson River with only minor casualties. In an attempt to slow the British advances, ...
9623: Understanding Computers
... fingers, to the high-tech machines of the future that were once only a figment of our imagination but now dominate most of our everyday lives, people and computers have evolved into an ever changing world where the toys of today are the outdated machines of tomorrow. Its hard to think that just a few hundred years back we would all be counting on our fingers and that anything more than ... major role because in was the machine that introduced the ten-key keyboard that is used right now on most of todays machines. In late 1800’s punched cards were introduced. this invention was a new idea for data storage. It worked by punching holes in a card or tape strip in a basic code that code be later processed again and then printed out on paper. in 1880 the U ... no matter what job you want it will probably use a computer in some way or another. Legal issues There are Some many issues that relate to computers right now because they are still relatively new not that many laws have been set forth and this causes many problems especially containing to the Internet. things like: Should porn be allowed on the Internet where children may see it be allowed ...
9624: Criminology, John Widemans Bro
... in jail, he reminisces deeply about his troubled past and the consequences of the future that now haunts him. John, on the other hand, chose the path less taken by those living in the same world as he did and in due time become a successful professor at a University. How did two people from the same origin, living in similar environments, and raised by a caring family choose such different ... explaining this inversion of values is captured during a school strike. Robert recaptures the greatest moment of his life when he took over the school. Through his eyes, [i]t was the white man s world and wasn t no way round it or over it or under it ... so I kept on cutting classes and fucking up and doing my militant thing every chance I got. (114). It seems that ... can t be changed. Only through times of isolation did Robert realize his mistake. We can change our attitudes by first looking within ourselves for that commitment. Works Cited Wideman, John E. Brothers and Keepers. New York : First Vintage Books, 1984
9625: The Marquis de Sade's Attitude Towards Women
... tragic one, taking the naive young girl abroad, where she is used and discarded by man and woman alike. This is due to the fact that she is a good woman in a predominately male world. "Justine is good according to the rules concerning women laid down by men." Her reward is rape, incessant beatings, and humiliation (Carter 38). Justine's first encounter in life is with a priest who tries ... hopes the woman of the future will resemble: uninhibited, free, equal (Lynch). So says Gullaume Appolinare in Lynch: Justine is the old woman, subjugated, miserable, and less than human; Juliette, on the contrary, represents the new woman he glimpses, a being we cannot conceive of, that breaks loose from humanity, that will have wings and will renew the universe. Sade justified his writings and feelings by saying, "Flesh comes to us ... troubled by it. In turn, he wrote about these women, represented in Justine. The woman he saw in the future were a bolder, free-spirited kind, represented in Juliette. It was the promise of this new genre of women he looked forward to and was enlightened by. In short, Sade disliked subjugated women and liked empowered women. He liked women closer to his own persona. Sade was probably the first ...
9626: Sir Wilfrid Laurier of Canada
Sir Wilfrid Laurier of Canada Laurier gained great achievement over his political years because he represented Canada as a whole. His family first came to Canada dating back to the time of New France and the early Montreal years. Laurier's father, a government surveyor and a genial, settled down in Canada and got married to Marcelle Martineau. Wildfrid was their first child who was born on November ... had denied him that supreme quality without which all other qualities, however brilliant, are of no avail. Nature had denied him a well-balanced mind. But," he announced, "we cannot make a nation of this new country by shedding blood." These fine words were noted in Parliament. The rebellion ended as Riel surrendered on May 15. He was later tried for treason. Riel pleaded guilty and was executed. This put great ... Today. Scarborough, Ontario: Pretice-Hall Canada Inc, 1988. Brown, George W. Building The Canadian Nation. Toronto: J.M Dent & Sons limited, 1958 Schull, Joseph. Laurier. Toronto: The Macmillan Company of Canada Limited, 1965. "Laurier." The World Book Encyclopedia, 1987, Vol. 12.
9627: Animal Farm and Russian Revolution Comparison: Highlights, Events, Characters, Themes
... in Animal Farm strive to create a better life for themselves by taking over the farm. But in the end their lives are no different than before except they have different leaders. In addition, their new leaders became the same way as their old leaders. The Russian Revolution was a series of events that eventually led to the formation of the Communist government of the USSR. It began with the overthrow ... The Provisional Government set up in Russia involved many different factions and people, yet only a few individuals really possessed any power (3 158-73). Similarity the animals in Animal Farm gather to form a new society that would improve life for all, only to find that the pigs have already planned how the farm would be managed. The increasing frequency of disagreements between Snowball and Napoleon can be compared to ... The Battle of the Cowshed could be compared to the various uprisings and confrontations that took place in Russia in the early days of the Revolution. The Battle of the Windmill can be compared to World War I and the Russians’ main enemy, Germany (“Russian Revolution”). The author of Animal Farm bases much of the events on the Russian Revolution. The characters in Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution can ...
9628: Mark Antony
... was during this period in Rome where Antony met Fulvia. Fulvia also had a hate for Cicero from her last marriage. They soon were married and Antony was making his way higher in the Roman world. In 49BC, he received the title of Augur (priest and soothsayer). It was during this same year that he vetoed the Senates attempt to take Caesar’s command. Antony left Rome and traveled to Gaul ... shared power by Antony ruling the eastern providences and Gaul, Octavian took Italy and Spain, and Lepidus took Africa. Their first objective was to start making a list of their enemies to be killed. The new triumvirate marched on the corrupt senate. In 42 BC, the two opposing armies met at Philippi where Antony led a great victory. The two assassins who were the leaders of the senate both committed suicide ... Lepidus in exile, Antony and Cleopatra dead, their personal treasures and the wealth of Egypt captured, the Pompeian party dead, and the corruption of the Senate, Octavian became the ruler of the Greco-Roman-Egyptian World.
9629: Internet Gambling
Internet Gambling This essay will cover the subject of Internet gambling. Since this is somewhat of a new subject, my essay will include some speculation and guesswork on mine and others behalf. As of this moment the gambling industry is bigger than both the movie industry and the music industry combined. It's ... run the gambling can also cheat by writing in the programs to deal more 21's to the house. The governments biggest fear is that the technology has outgrown the regulations. Some of the other new ways that companies are going to try to use the Internet are through interactive t.v. Home viewers can bet on live horse races through an interactive cable system that will be monitored by their ... day will soon come when people can sit in front of their computer and obtain odds on just about everything: they could compete for cash in live-action video game tournaments or wager on real- world events such as who will become the next president or where the next hurricane will hit, and how strong. All these lead to the fact that people are always going to be either for ...
9630: British Literature Women Of Lo
... choose to write about women, and their roles in these tales. The fact that they were involved in sex, deceit, and adultery had nothing to do with my decision. And as Oscar Wilde said, “The world is packed with good and evil women. To know them is a middle class education.” I’m certainly a believer in that philosophy! After all, that’s why I’m in school. In beginning to ... about Mak when an angel appears to them that night, telling them of the birth of Christ. They visit Christ, and leave, sing songs of praise. That is filled with His grace and have a new joy and hope in life. In The Second Shepherds’ Play, the beginning is very bleak, but is balanced out by the optimistic ending. The author’s opening has the shepherds addressing the dismal climate, their ... shelter and a place to say mass on Christmas Eve. She answers his prayers and leads him to Bertilak’s castle. When Gawain comes to Bertilak’s court he is thrown into a totally different world. And therefore sighing he said, “I beseech of Thee, Lord, And Mary, thou mildest mother so sear, Some harborage where haply I might hear mass And thy matins tomorrow-meekly I ask it, And ...

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