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9571: Analysis of Dickinson's "I Felt A Funeral In My Brain"
... states that she "felt a funeral" in her mind. She focuses particularly on the heavy and constant tread of the mourners' feet, and says that it seemed as though the sense were breaking into the world ordinarily reserved for the mind. In stanza two, the poet continues the figure of the funeral. Now, with the mourners seated and the service beginning, a drumming noise associated with the service numbs her mind ... the poet compares reason to a plank of wood which breaks as a result of being overstrained. The image is continued with the poet dropping away from this broken plank into a universe filled with new worlds. It suggests that the mental anguish has become too much, and that the sense world had won out and a complete mental bbreakdown had occurred. The image is that of the speaker falling through infinite space. It suggests that the order which the mind imposes on reality has been ...
9572: Al Capone
... prostitution. He dominated organized crime in Chicago from about 1925 to 1931. Al Capone's parents immigrated to the United States from Naples, Italy in 1893. Six years later on January 17, 1899 in Brooklyn, New York, Al Capone was born. He quit school after the fourth grade and became involved in petty crime and gangs. In a fight in a saloon, a young rival slashed Capone across his left cheek ... 1947. Alphonse Capone was the most famous and well-known mobster in American history. He was involved and responsible for many serious crimes and has left an imprint in many people's minds throughout the world. He was accountable for many homicides, executions, and many other gruesome felonies. Although he was known for committing terrible embezzlements since he was young, he will always hold a place in the history books around the world.
9573: Computer Security
... key. However, people are often forget their passwords or lose their keys. A third method must be used. It is using something a person has --- physical trait of a human being. We can use a new technology called biometric device to identify the person who wants to use your computer. Biometric devices are instrument that perform mathematical analyses of biological characteristics. For example, voices, fingerprint and geometry of the hand can ... webbing where the fingers join the palm. After passing the investigation of the computer, people can use the computer or retrieve data from the computer. Although a lot of security system have invented in our world, they are useless if people always think that stealing information is not a serious crime. Therefore, people need to pay more attention on computer crime and fight against those hackers, instead of using a lot ... technologies promises unbreakable security. Experts in the field agree that someone with sufficient resources can crack almost any computer defense. Therefore, the most important thing is the conduct of the people. If everyone in this world have a good conduct and behavior, there is no need to use any complicated security system to protect the computer.
9574: Homosexuality
... are seen strolling the streets arm in arm, kissing, and even engaging in unsightly groping. Such behaviour is displayed proudly by homosexuals during their various ‘equal rights’ marches. It seems analogous to lobbying for a new car while driving a Ferrari, no one will listen because they are all turned off by your actions. Often enough, homosexuals attempt to ‘pick up’ straight members of their own sex, causing considerable uneasiness. Having ... would grow up with his personality, lifestyle, and attitude being formed by homosexuals. The problem here is that such input from a decidedly unpopular point of view might not properly prepare the child for the world to come. Learning life through a homosexual’s eyes can do little but cause future confusion for the child when he or she realizes that people are not always raised by same sex couples. These ... feel that no one has the right to tell another how to live. However, this seems absurd in that society needs some moral fabric holding it together. One need not be reminded of what the world would be like if everyone was permitted to behave as they please. Simply by considering the above arguments concerning the gay lifestyle, it seems clear that such activity has no place in a moral ...
9575: Ironclads Of The Civil War
... it. The shell burst into the rail and knocked down nine men of the Cumberland. In the end the Merrimac destroyed the Cumberland. But no ship in the navy ever fought as hard or as brave as the Cumberland did. Once the word got around about the ironclad everyone started to make them. France built the Gloire and England built the Warrior. By the Civil War was a year old the ... started to build in October of 1861 and the monitor was launched on Jan. 30,1862. Captain Buchanan was going to attack the Monitor on March 6, 1862. On that same day, the Monitor left New York for Hampton Roads.The Merrimac and Monitor was compared to David and Goliath. Although the Monitor was smaller it was a lot better She was seven miles an hour compared to the Merrimac who ... Union’s wooden ships. But the Merrimac was no more. The ship was only partly armored and several feet of her wooden hull were out of the water. Since the Monitor was so close. The new Captain Josiah Tatthan decided to save his crew and blew up the Merrimac. All that night they ferried ashore in her two boats. The Monitor and the Merrimac were both “firsts” in the respect ...
9576: Is Macbeth Responcible For His
... kinsman of the king and also being Thane of Glamis. "By Sinel's death I know I am Thane of Glamis" q Should have some good qualities He does have some good qualities by being brave, honourable and heroic as demonstrated when the sergeant enters Duncan’s court and says “For brave Macbeth – well he deserves that name” And “Doubly redoubles strokes upon the foe Except they meant to bathe in reeking wounds” q Should have a tragic flaw that's played on by circumstances. This flaw ... crime of regicide would have been horror. The Elizabethans and the Stuarts believed that murdering a king was the worst offence that could ever be committed, as it would upset the natural balance of the world. Shakespeare shows this in Act 2 Scene 4, where Ross and an Old man discuss the unnatural events that happened on the night of King Duncan's murder. A quote from Act 2 Scene ...
9577: Cultural Inheritances In Polyn
... the way he uses their mythologies in his poetry. In his poem No Return there is an obvious use of culture s mythology: her journey to Pulotu has no dawn. (p109) Pulotu is the spirit world in Polynesian mythology. In The Mountains of Ta u he draws on the famous legend of Maui: like spinning tops or Maui s endlessly / inventing mind. (p110) Maui is an important part of Polynesian mythology ... of Roma Potiki. Her poem Compulsory Class Visits suggests that maori culture is falling because their own people are being moulded into the shape of the settlers: and even the maori start to call themselves new zealanders. The only interest in maori culture now only comes through compulsory class visits . Further, the class visits are suggested as simply aesthetic, synonymous with plastic maoridom : at the powhiri they are directed to sing ... and language. Following this, their voices being informed by their Polynesian culture, has been shown to be from their addressing of their culture s concerns. Bibliography Bornholdt, O'Brian, and Williams (eds). An Anthology of New Zealand Poetry in English. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1997.
9578: Analysis of Jarrell's "The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner"
... the turret with a hose. "The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner" by Randall Jarrell is a poem about a soldier dying in the ball turret of a fighter plane during what was most likely World War II. The poem tells of the fear of young soldiers being sent to war and their thoughts of dying. The poem is told from the point of view of a young fighter aboard a bomber during World War II. The fighter is positioned in the ball turret which was an enclosed bubble with a swivel gun in the belly of the plane. This poem reads like a nightmare or dream being told ... he implies that there is nothing left including the memory of him and the war goes on. Works Cited Jarrell, Randall. "The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner." The Harper American Literature. Ed. Donald McQuade. New York: Harper Collins , 1996. 2594.
9579: I Heard An Owl Call My Name
... The Bishop’s ulterior motive was to help Mark grow as a person. He does not tell Mark about his illness because he wants him to get involved and attached to the Indians. Mark meets new people and learns all about the Indian cultures, traditions, and rituals. He had to overcome many great difficulties in order to help and convert these proud, Kwakiutl native people. The old ones were unreligious while ... respect towards the old people and the old ways of life. His first problem was trying to be accepted into this struggling primitive community, which was starting to be swallowed into the white man's world. Then he had to help preserve the old culture of totems and salmons from being replaced by a new culture of alcoholism and residential schools. A few Indian youths went to a school in Vancouver, to which the elders disapproved because they knew the young people would never return to the village. In ...
9580: Surfing Has Been Around For Ma
... things, such as Kneeboards, Body boards, Kayaks and many other weird and wonderful things. A few of the really dedicated surfers, and those that can afford to, will spend some of their time travelling the world trying to find their own perfect wave. Some of the lucky ones will actually find one. But now that we have all different types of boards peoples opinion of their perfect wave has changed to ... Summer¡¨ and ¡§The Endless Summer II.¡¨ The first film was made around 35 years ago and the second was made in 1994. The two films are about a couple of guys who travel around the world trying to find a perfect wave. Looking at the two movies you can notice how much surfing has improved over the years and how many new spots there are to surf. There are many different things that can effect the characteristics of a wave such as size, shape and speed. The main influence on a wave is the wind, but ...

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