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9561: Land Ethics In Our Communities
... people proclaiming their ethics about the treatment of this planet. I have yet to see a serious and unwavering campaign to stop placing ourselves so high up the evolutionary ladder that the fate of the world we live in, will eventually crumble, as will our race and every other animal along with us. Michael Soule stated in his article, What is Conservation Biology (1985), that we cannot change the past, but ... teaching of basic conservation science classes in elementary school; maybe if we start now, their generation will be brought up to mother the earth that has nurtured them. Other helpful additions include the passing of new city ordinances which would make it mandatory that businesses recycle, and teaching farmers alternative ways to take care of their crops, such as using bats instead of pesticides to keep insects off of their plants. Each culture responds differently to the problems our world is facing. Each generation is hopefully one step closer to saving this planet. We, as the human race, need to adopt the idea of cooperating with our land, rather than competing in a free ...
9562: Cold Fusion
Cold Fusion: The Continuing Mystery In March of 1989, a discovery was made that rocked the scientific world. Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischman had announced that they were able to create and sustain a cold fusion process. After intense media attention, and corresponding interest in future test, the subject seemed to have faded ... numerous different methods and materials that are used to accomplish this goal. The original was a Heavy water solution with an electrolyte, in which a current is passed between a palladium alloy electrode. Several other new methods are in use today but the most promising is the Ceramic Proton Conductor. In this case, a low current is passed through a strontium-cerium-oxide in deuterium atmosphere. The reaction gives off significant ... chemical reaction then there is some flaw in our understanding of chemical reactions. The lack of nuclear byproducts when in theory there should be lends strong credence to this belief though. Only continued experimentation and new exploration will help explain the mystery. The use of cold fusion would be a boon to mankind. It’s use would solve all energy delimmas currently facing the petroleum dependant modern society. Elimination of ...
9563: History of the Propeller
... design propellers with better performance and structural reliability. These advancements led to the development of the first generation of well-designed propellers. One of the first designs was the “Integrale”, developed by Lucien Chauviere, the world’s first industry standard propeller manufacturer. By 1910, the number of propeller producers multiplied, and numerous advancements were made. While most of the manufacturers were focusing on wooden propellers, a few visionaries were experimenting with ... propeller, introduced the “feathering blade”. After WWII, the Hydromatic propeller was improved by Hamilton Standard to include features such as reversible pitch, automatic synchronization, and electrical blade deicing. Many large propeller transports switched to this new system for its reliability and pilot friendly features. The age of the Turboprop brought a few changes to the propeller. Four bladed, wide chord, aluminum alloy propellers, were utilized by most turboprop transports because of their durability. Engineers designed wide, super-thin, hollow blades to increase the performance of the aircraft at high speeds. Advanced applications of the propeller are currently being experimented by Hamilton Standard. The new idea deals with transport category aircraft and the introduction of the “un-ducted fan”. This design incorporates the reliability of the turbine engine, with the efficiency of a prop. Expected savings of 25% in ...
9564: Castro
On August 13, 1926 one of the world's most fierce leaders was brought upon this earth. He would be recognized world wide as Fidel Castro. Born near Biran Cuba he grew up on his mother And fathers 200 acre sugar cane plantation (Groiler 1996 n. Page). When Castro turned age six he was sent away to ... 1956 Castro and 81 others including the Gueuara went into the Sierra Maestro mountains and launched a sussecful gorillas warfare against Batista. Unable to count on the Americans for support Batista fled the country on New Years day 1959 paving the way for Castro's rise to power. In Castro's victory speech he called for unity and stated "we can not become dictators". (Biography n. Page) Castro was swamped ...
9565: Irish Literature And Rebellion
... in the hearts of the Irish and came to a boil in the writings and literature of the sons and daughters of Ireland. The Literary Renaissance of Ireland produced some of the greatest writers the world has seen. John O’Leary said it best, “literature must be national and nationalism must be literary” (Harmon, 65). Although there is an endless stream of profound poets and playwrights; John Synge, Lady Gregory, Oscar ... 1886 he met John O’Leary, an old Fenian leader. O’Leary had been a Young Irelander and fought in the insurrection of 1849. He took Yeats under his wing and introduced him to the world of fenians and fenianism. His influence on Yeats’ writing is undeniable. Yeats began to write “in the way of [Sir Samuel] Ferguson and [James Clarence] Mangan” and evolve his nationalism and anti-English sentiment (O ... cup she lifts to Joy / One grief – the memory of Parnell” (Joyce, 116). Through the words and verses of Yeats and Joyce and all the writers of the Irish Literary Renaissance, the memories of the brave have survived. The purpose of the their writing was to kindle the patriotic flame of the Irish and work towards a united Ireland. In the troubles of today, the memory of the sacrifices of ...
9566: Fahrenheit51
... a war is taking place. Oddly enough the city has its own problems. The protagonist , Guy Montag, goes against society and steals books to read at home, meets a friend to help him in his brave stand against society but gets discovered, then barely escapes his punishment to join a group of people who attempt to preserve knowledge through memorization. At the beginning of the novel Guy Montag is described as a "minstrel man" (4). He is a fireman who "never questioned the pleasure of watching pages consumed by flames." (Back cover). He is a brave individual who decides to rebel against society. Montag meets a crazy and imaginative seventeen-year old girl named Clarisse McClellan. She tells him of a time when firemen used to put out fires instead of ... the history of the profession."(53). Montag disagrees with him and meets an old retired English Professor named Faber who helps him understand the books. "The things you're looking for, Montag, are in the world, but the only way an average chap will ever see ninety-nine per cent of them is in a book."(80). In doing this he gets wiser and learns more about famous poets and ...
9567: Is Antigone A Tragic Play As D
... a man, who at that moment cares nothing for the Gods. But in the case of Antigone, the Gods do act out their revenge. Tireseas spake: “I tell you Creon, you yourself have brought this new calamity upon us. Our hearths and altars are stained with the corruption of dogs and carrion birds that glut themselves on the corpse of Oedipus’ son. The gods are deaf when we pray to them ... later tells Creon of the revenge of the Gods, “The time is not far off when you shall pay back Corpse for Corpse, flesh of your own flesh. You have thrust the child of this world into living night, you have kept from the gods below the child that is theirs: The one in a grave before her death, the other, dead, denied the grave. This is your crime; And the ... touching this matter? A: It was public. Could I help hearing it? C: And yet you dared defy the law. A: I dared. It was not God’s proclamation. That final Justice that rules the world below makes no such laws. Your edit, King, was strong. But all your strength is weakness itself against the immortal unrecorded laws of God.” Antigone is not a tragic play, it is an edict ...
9568: Iron And Silk
Salzman, M., (1986). Iron and Silk. New York: Random House. This book was given to me by a good friend who knew that I had an interest in Asia. I chose to read it because it was a true story and was ... it be martial arts or calligraphy. Mark Salzman was perfecting his calligraphy skills and as weeks had passed he began to make progress. He was getting tired of the models and wanted to try something new. When he told Hai Bin,(his teacher), he frowned and said,”Some people spend their entire lives researching a single model. You should be willing to spend a year on this one.” This is an ... had stay strong and focused for his calligraphy and martial arts. Mark Salzman’s Iron and Silk did a wonderful job of illustrating the people of China. He brought to life a corner of the world that we would rarely be able to see, outside of picture books. His representation is a very personal one, taking you beyond the scenery and into the action and heartache. Throughout this book, Salzman ...
9569: Analysis of William Blake's Poetry
... wild kingdom. In the first stanza the author prophasizes the future, foretelling of a serious situation. William Blake then goes on in the poem to tell about how the young girls parents react to the new knowledge that their daughter is missing. The parents are fearful because they know the dangers of the jungle their daughter is lost in. The parents, caretakers, of the young girl can not conceive the possibility ... the lion begins to lick Lyca's body, and a softness emerges in his heart. This kindness surprises the reader. It is something we could not expect as a human being used to a violent world. The reader is shocked by this softness in the heart of a ferocious lion. In the last stanza of the poem the mother lion undresses the sleeping girl, and carries her away to her cave ... the symbolism of co-caretakers. Both the lion and the biological parents of Lyca are adequate caretakers to Lyca. Both will treat her with the love and care that she needs to survive in this world. The next poem I will analyze is also from the Song of Innocence. Its title is "The Chimney Sweeper." This poem is about a small child who loses his mother, his primary caretaker and ...
9570: Fasle Memory
... of the Archetype Model can be traced back to Plato's various beliefs about the eidos. (Forms of reality which were variously described by Plato but always were held up as 'more real' than the world of sense experience which, in some way, was always held up as inferior to and dependant on the eidos.) The Platonic Model avoids the problem of determining whether or not a memory is accurate by ... 1995). Prompting false childhood memories. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 9, pp.181-197. Lindsay, S. & Read, D., (1994). Applied Cognitive Psychology, 8, p.302. London., (1995). Independent Practitioner, March 1, 64. Loftus, E., (1980). Memory, Surprising New Insights Into How We Remember and Why We Forget, Reading, Mass,: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. Loftus, E., & Ketcham, K., (1987). Eye Witness Testimony: Civil and Criminal, New York, N.Y.: Kluwer Law Book Publishers. Loftus, E., (1980). Eye Witness Testimony, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. Mason, M., (Sept. 1991). The McMartin case revisited: the conflict between social work and criminal justice," ...

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