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Search results 9511 - 9520 of 22819 matching essays
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9511: Crazy Horse
... the boy grew older his hair was wavy so his people gave him the nickname of Curly . He was togo by Curly until the summer of 1858, after a battle with theArapaho's. Curly's brave charged against the Arapaho's led hisfather to give Curly the name Crazy Horse. This was the name ofhis father and of many fathers before him . In the 1850's, the country where the Sioux ... troops to move from the forts; Reno,Philkearny and C.F. Smith. During the summer of 1868 his requestwas accepted. The troops moved. A civil war hero William TecumsehSherman moved into the territory as the new commander of the plains. He had plans to get the treaty signed. His hopes were to,shut up the congressional critics, get the Sioux to agree on atreaty and maintain the army's morale. After ... or tribe within the United States shall be acknowledgedor recognized as an independent nation, tribe or power with whomthe U.S. may contract by treaty" (Matthiessen 7-8). General Armstrong Custer was appointed as the new commanderof the plains. He led the Seventh Calvary on a mission to subduea band of hostile Cheyenne. The calvary came across an Indianvillage and attacked them instead. Black Kettle, the chief of thevillage and ...
9512: The Future Of Religion
... with science. But in all of its traditional forms, the supernatural religious worldview makes the assumption that the universe and its inhabitants have been designed and created by "forces" or beings which transcend the material world. The material world is postulated to reflect a mysterious plan originating in these forces or beings, a plan which is knowable by humans only to the extent that it has been revealed to an exclusive few. Criticising or ... battle from the day that scientists got in the fields of the theologises . This war takes place till now. On the one hand science filled all the gaps that man had for life and pointed new directions for thinking. On the other hand religion is providing a felling of safety for humans that someone is out there and keeps an eye on them. But as the years passes through this ...
9513: Death of the Superstars
... And walked off. He was an innovator. Bought down by the vices of his time. On the other side of the scale. Elvis Presley, yes the King, is loved by millions of people around the world. Now I'm thirty years old and I personally was never a fan. I give my age because maybe it is a generation thing. Anyway. Elvis lead a life of excess and it finally caught ... it was someone else on that plane. Does someone up in heaven say wow he/they sound great get them up here. I can just see a Don King look alike up there promoting all new acts that will be performing soon. I'm sure one of my favorite musician of all time, Stevie Ray Vaughn, should have pulled a John Madden and traveled by bus that fateful night. Instead of ... a also a pioneer in his music lyrics. I think his music made the movie Apocalypse Now incredibly good. His music really set the mood. I think he would be good in today's music world. The Doors would be doing there 2nd reunion tour this year. I'm throwing out all these names to point out what a big loss society suffered with all these premature deaths. Today's ...
9514: Vietnamization (Real Version)
... lives lost (58,000 Americans and over 1 million Vietnamese) (“Vietnam War”), the money spent of machines to kill each other, the many years spent on war instead of progress as a human race. The world will never recover from this tragedy; only learn. Works Cited Brigham, Robert K. “The Fall of South Vietnam.” American Journey. Online. 15 March 2000. “Debate Between Sen. William Proxmire (D-Wisc.) And Sen. Barry Goldwater ... Vietnam) to the government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam).” Embassy in Washington Press. Washington Press. Release No. 15/73, September 10, 1973. Rosenberg, Norman L. & Emily S. In Our Times: America Since World War II. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. 1999. Van Don, Tran. Our Endless War Inside Vietnam: Memoir of South Vietnamese General. 1978. “Vietnam War.” Encarta 1998. CD-ROM. Redmond, WA: Microsoft, 1993 – 1997.
9515: Creative Writing: A Passage Of Time
... he could and noticed that as he began to understand the situation, he felt progressively less heavy. It appears as though the effects that a time slow-down would have on the rest of the world were escaping Bradley, himself. Bradley quickly ran outside and watched the normally swift traffic move along at perhaps half the normal velocity. The sounds of the motors humming was deeper and more menacing than usual ... Bradley shouted to no-one in particular. He ran back into his apartment, seated himself in his room and began to type away at his keyboard. It took a while to get used to the new weight of the keys, but if it meant having the chance to complete his assignments on time without worry, he would make the necessary adjustments. As Bradley fiercely hypothesized, analyzed and evaluated his data, the ... bathroom, took a deep breath, and grabbed his pill bottle from the medicine cabinet. After taking his medication, he walked into the kitchen and planned to prepare dinner. As a means of testing out the new speed (or lack thereof) of things, Bradley planned to create a huge meal, preparing several foods at the same time. Bradley knew that he alone had control over the passage of time, so he ...
9516: Industrial Music
... and broke off into categories, one specific type of alternative offspring, industrial music, made the best attempt in a decade to revive the long forgotten era of rock and roll. The only problem with this new rock is that it was angered from being forgotten for over a decade and now it's back, filled with angst and hatred. Industrial music has weaved rock and roll with evil and misery. The ... Merhiet, which is Little pity for the tyranny. Instead of using the suicidal, evil lyrics, KMFDM has used their music as more of a philosophical communication. They sing about how screwed up they think the world is and how much we are controlled by people we didn't know existed. The lyrics may sound depressing still, but the music is a little more upbeat. KMFDM got rid of the tortured machine ... little more demented. Now that people are getting bored of the same old pointless rap songs, all of the little alternative categories are getting looked into more seriously and industrial music is thriving, creating a new future for the once destroyed rock and roll.
9517: Oil Spills
... until the disaster of the Exxon Valdez. The Valdez spill, tragically unnecessary though it was, has served as a laboratory for scientists, in which they can study the effects of oil pollution and experiment with new cleanup methods. It has also served as a costly lesson in the pitfalls of petroleum shipping and the shortcomings of emergency plans. It is time for us to learn from such an expensive lesson, and ... removing spilled oil. Even though we had such a costly lesson to teach us the simplest things in life, such as the importance of nature and life, it's not too late. Now that the world is aware of the frightening disasters oil can create, hopefully we can now try to reduce the usage of petroleum in our daily lives. In the memory of the hundreds of lives that have died in agony, in the memory of every cent spent to reduce the damage of oil spills, we should start caring for our home, our world, our planet Earth. For the sakes of beautiful creatures that we have yet to uncover in the depths of the oceans, let's do everything that we can. But as we do, we must ...
9518: Airika
... for alcohol and firearms in exchange for slaves. The slaves were then traded with Americans for molasses and (later) cotton. In 1619 the first black slave arrived in Virginia. The demands of European consumers for New World crops and goods helped fuel the slave trade. A strong family and community life helped sustain African Americans in slavery. People often chose their own partners, lived under the same roof, raised children together, and ... such as these have been instilled in our society for years, which leads to the occurrence of racial hate. It is obvious that racism still exists in many forms throughout our nation and throughout the world. Example of this racism is present in almost every aspect of society to this day. Although slavery was outlawed in our country following the Civil War, African-Americans have never been able to enjoy ...
9519: The Aztec Civilization
... place where they would see an eagle eating a snake, while perched on a cactus, which was growing out of a rock in the swamplands. This is what priests claimed they saw when entering the new land. By the year 1325 their capital city was finished. They called it Tenochtitlan. In the capital city, aqueducts were constructed, bridges were built, and chinapas were made. Chinapas were little islands formed by pilled ... 52 years, the Aztec held a great celebration called the Binding up of the Years. Prior to the celebration, the people would let their hearth fires go out and then re-light them from the new fire of the celebration and feast. A partial list of the Aztec gods: CENTEOTL, The corn god. COATLICUE, She of the Serpent Skirt, EHECATL, The god of wind. HUEHUETEOTL, The fire god. HUITZILOPOCHTLI, The war/sun god and special guardian of Tenochtitlan. MICTLANTECUHTLE, The god of the dead. OMETECUHLTI and his wife OMECIHUATL, They created all life in the world. QUETZALCOATL, The god of civilization and learning. TEZCATLIPOCA, The god of Night and Sorcery. TLALOC, The rain god. TONATIUH, The sun god. TONANTZIN, The honored grandmother. XILONEN, "Young maize ear," Maize represents a chief ...
9520: Modern Music Composition
... goal of the piece of music. Music composition is a very modern thing these days. It has grown because of the advanced availability of better technology. Technology, which is changing every day, has opened up new and more innovative doors. Included with the advanced technology that has brought music to life, there has also been a steady increase of musicians. This is in direct proportion with the growing number of music ... or she would like to compose the piece of music, he or she could be making a total-career choice. For, whenever he or she makes a piece music, they are deciding to let the world see his or her composing stature. So, as you can see, it is very important to compose on the level at which you would like the piece to be performed. In conclusion, composing music is ... music, but only the most strong-willed can complete a full musical composition. Bibliography: Swope, Carole M. Activities in Musical Composition. Portland : J. Weston Walch, 1983. Schoenberg, Arnold and Gerald Strange. Fundamentals of Musical Composition. New York : St. Martin's Press, 1967. Bernstein, Martin. An Introduction to Music. Prentice Hall, 1951. Beginning Music I Reading and Playing Melody. Morristown : Silver Burdett, 1985 Hunter, Tammy. Personal Interview. 07 February, 1997.

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