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9451: Middlemarchvpride And Prejudic
... that instead of gaining her freedom in marriage, she has become trapped in a "still white enclosure". The images also function as symbols of the pretentious nature of Casaubon's studies, the narrowness of his world and the 'dried up nature of the man'. The death like aspects of the images reflects the relationship between Dorothea and Causabon, and prepares us for his illness. Elizabeth is greatly depicted in the outdoors ... her own social position. "Mrs Cadwallader said you might as well marry an Italian with white mice", nonetheless, she defies the rules and expectations of the society that has reared her to move to a world that is less exclusive. The freedom extended to do as both Dorothea and Elizabeth wish reproves male authority, a keystone for the foundations of society portrayed in each of the novels to an extent is ... that Lydgate's pride was a flaw in his nature that that led to his downfall, so too was his ignorance of the true nature of women. Despite his intelligence and willingness to adapt to new methods in medicine. He displays the classic male attitude towards the woman. His rejection of Dorothea is because she "did not look at things from a proper feminine angle", and he found it troublesome ...
9452: Creative Writing: Equality
... a choice but to alter their kids unless they wanted them to be permanently on the low end of society. Even an average person would seem like a fool when surrounded by perfection. With a world full of beautiful, brilliant people, it will start to be difficult to recognize beautiful or brilliant. The only reason that beauty exists is because there are things that are not beautiful. If it wasn't ... negative one. Therefore when the negative is eliminated, the positive also ceases to exist. Essentially what this meant was the eradication of comparison. No one will be praised or punished; equality would spread like the new plague throughout the world. I decided that I had heard enough, and decided to catch the next bus home. I turned on the news that night, and found out that Dr. Zimmerman had already received a grant from ...
9453: Fraternities: Hazed & Confused
... at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia on December 5th 1776. After half a century of existence, it became and has since remained a scholarship honor society. Throughout the nineteenth century, many new fraternities were founded, but none of these were permanent. Then, in 1825, the Kappa Alpha Fraternity (now Kappa Alpha Society) was born at Union College. Two years later, Sigma Phi and Delta Phi had been ... toward the community. It is common for some fraternity members to stay active after graduating from college. In this way they can help the chapter in many ways and especially as "advisor of the real world." It is also a positive experience for the graduate member, who will be able to keep in contact with the new and old members of his chapter. As Sidney S. Suntag wrote "I know of no better way to keep young than to associate with young people"(pg. 15). Even if some members are not ...
9454: Rudyard Kiplings Kim
... explores how Kim embodies the absolute divisions between white and non white that existed in India and elsewhere at a time when the dominantly white Christian countries of Europe controlled approximately 85 percent of the world's surface. For Kipling, who believed it was India's destiny to be ruled by England, it was necessary to stress the superiority of the white man whose mission was to rule the dark and ... Lama, and interaction with the natives during his travels. Mahbub Ali initiates Kim into the "great game" of the secret service. The spiritual Lama provides him with a sense of maturity and introduces him to new ideas and aspirations. And Kim's own curiosity for learning, his keen sense of observation and spirit of adventure instill in him self-reliance and resourcefulness. In consequence, by learning to manipulate people to his ... spirit for adventure motivates him in the pursuit of knowledge. Hence, Kim's ability to understand the natives and assimilate with them endears him to one and all who call him "little friend of the world." Word Count: 790
9455: Personal Writing: My Uncle
... in for nearly 34 years, fishing, and keeping up on his garden.The day he died was a day in which he would of usually spent relaxing, fishing, and drifting of in to his own world, but on this day he drifted away into a new place which he had never been. My uncle's time had come and gone and he was now adventuring into new places that hopefully would be as good to him as life was. I felt deeply sorried for everyone who had none him and his life. He was always a person who was willing to ...
9456: Skydiving
... the airplane, arch, take a deep breath, open your hands, and float off on the wind! You will note that I did not say "push off." Until your parachute opens, your last contact with the world of solid objects is the airplane. If you push off, you will have some momentum that will tend to make you go over on your back, just as if you stood with your back to ... In fact, square parachutes have no known inherent design malfunctions. Theoretically, given proper packing, a stable deployment, and barring material flaws, a square parachute will never malfunction. However, we do not live in a perfect world, and malfunctions are common enough that no sensible person would intentionally jump without a reserve. The malfunction rate for sport parachutes is about one in every thousand deployments. Nearly all are preventable. The catalogue of ... stability for the other skydivers usually causes the formation to break up. FXC. A company manufacturing AADs. One FXC design is common on students but considered by many to be unsuitable for expert skydivers. A new FXC design, the ASTRA, went on the market in the spring of 1996 and is relatively unknown. The Letter G Glide ratio. The distance a canopy flies forward compared to down. A canopy with ...
9457: Benjamin Franklin 3
... our national heritage. Most of Franklin s education was self-taught through his hard work and dedication to learning. This education helped Franklin in many ways to write many books, outsmart other politicians, and create new inventions. Franklin knows he can not relive his life so decides that writing a book would be the next best thing. In Franklin s autobiography, which he writes to his son, he tries to retell ... a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. (Perkins) This saying shows Franklin s intelligence on time management. Here Franklin claims to be a precise, healthy, and wise person. Franklin s inventions contributed greatly to both the world then, and the modern world. Franklin invented bifocals, the dumb waiter, the Franklin stove, and completed many experiments on electricity. Another of Franklin s great contributions to America was establishing the first lending library, hospital, and fire station. Franklin ...
9458: Personal Writing: If I could Meet Three People, I Would Meet....
... he knew he might be in trouble for his theories, he was not afraid to telling the truths. Last, he worked harder than anybody else. He finished his last book called the "Discourses Concerning Two New Sciences" before he became blind. He did not give up writing his book for illness of his eyes. He did not even had a chance to read the published version. So, Galileo Galilei is another ... ability in boxing by winning the championship in three different times. The last reason of all, is that his life is fulfill with challenges. He came out from retirement to challenge Larry Holmes for the World Boxing Council heavyweight championship. Therefore, I would be glad to talk with Muhammad Ali. In conclusion, if I got a chance to go back in time, I would want to meet Marco Polo, Galileo Galilei ... experience which could help you to getting away from mistakes. I can see one day, an inventor produce a time machine, bring people back and forth. They learned much more about the past, and the world will be improved by those who learned the mistakes from history.
9459: Benjamin Franklin
... parts of the Atlantic Ocean. From these measurements, he was able to chart the Gulf Stream in detail. When he was 61, Franklin used his influence to make his illegitimate son, William, royal governor of New Jersey. Franklin was later greatly disappointed when William was unwilling to repay his father's generosity by supporting the American Revolution. At age 62, he was given the honor of being inducted into the French ... as a diplomat was greatly due to his fame among the European elite as a scientist. While in Paris, Franklin was the first to propose the idea of Daylight Savings Time, hoping to provide the world with a greater opportunity of doing productive work during the longer daylight of the summer months. Then at age 69, after spending years in France, Franklin was recalled to the colonies and named to the ... Adams and John Jay. He went back to France, and the next year he signed the Treaty of Paris, ending the American Revolutionary War. When he was in Paris, he was able to watch the world's first known hot air balloon flight. Franklin was very interested in the idea of flight, predicting that balloons would be used for military spy flights and to drop bombs during battles of the ...
9460: Benedict Arnold
... 21-22, 1780. After the plan for the surrender of West Point was complete, Andrι and Arnold went their separate ways. Arnold went to King s Ferry, while Andrι was to return to White Plains, New York. Andrι disguised himself as a civilian and took route along the West Bank of the Hudson River moving south. However, he made a wrong decision when he came upon a fork in the road ... if Washington had read this message before Arnold, he undoubtedly would have realized that Benedict Arnold was a traitor. Arnold armed himself with two pistols and left for the Sir Henry Clinton s headquarters in New York aboard the boat The Vulture . The Americans hung John Andrι on October 2, 1780. He was considered to be the Eye for the Eye . The second eye was the fact that they lost Benedict ... be looked down upon with even more contempt than he is today. However, if Benedict Arnold had died, in his prime, on the battlefield of Saratoga, he would be viewed much differently all over the world, possibly as the greatest general that even lived.

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