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Search results 9441 - 9450 of 22819 matching essays
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9441: Nuclear Power Plants
... then there would be no more problems. In the past century many advances have been made in terms of energy. Power plants became the main source of energy, and towards the end of the century, new advances have been made such as solar power. I predict that in the upcoming century, many new advances will be made which will benefit the human race enormously. If these advances are made, than the U.S. will not have to spend billions of dollars towards building plants but rather use the money for more global issues. Pollution will almost disappear, and the world will be a better place to live in. However, because this is a reality does not mean that people should stop thinking about how bad pollution really is because we’ll be fine in ...
9442: Creative Story: Death Cload
... Air Force straps on his G-suit and goes over his mission briefings one last time. He walks out into the hanger and awaits his chariot. The SR-71 Blackbird, the fastest plane in the world with it's twin turbine engines and slick black radar absorbent skin make him a flying shadow in the air. His mission, to fly a covert reconnaissance mission over Moscow, the heart of the USSR ... a violation of their air-space. So it begins. The Russians make the first crucial move, launching twenty-four nuclear armed missles on populated cities scattered throughout America. Strategic cities like Washington DC, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, and Dallas fall among the list of targets. American satellites pick up the launch, forcing them into Defcon 1. The United States counter-attacks with a wave of their own missiles aimed throughout ... the landscape naked. For tens of thousands of years our Earth cannot support life all because the hands of man. The upraise in humanity results in the annihilation of the human race and of the world. We created our own demise ; we created our own Doomsday.
9443: Elizabeth Bishop
... four or five finest American poets of this century. One reason it's taken so long may be Bishop's low profile: she lived in Brazil for almost half her productive life, published a slim new book of poems only once a decade, disliked giving public readings, and participated in none of the "movements" of her time. Bishop's masterly descriptive powers were the energy she invested in an attempt to ... Bishop, besides being an award winning poet, was a prolific letter writer. Her friend and publisher, Robert Giroux, has assembled and edited over 500 of the letters Bishop wrote to her friends from around the world. Emily Dickonson's closest friends knew she wrote poetry, because she often included poems or lines from poems in her many letters. What they had no way of appreciating, however, was the magnitude of her ... by editors to suit the day's standards of rhyme, punctuation and meter. The many similarities between Bishop and Dickonson are clearly evident in their lives and their writing styles. Both women were from the New England area; both never married; both wrote about their pain, suffering and anguish; both were minimally published before their deaths; both used a simple. easy to read, writing style; and both wrote or incorporated ...
9444: Creative Story: Joseph
... in the church so he left. What he did not know and what most of us did not know was that there was a battle just a town away. The nuns never told us about World War II. They always said in the sweetest voice "The world is such a peaceful place." Well, Joseph unknowingly went to this town in search for a new place to live. But stepping into this town was like slitting your wrist. Anyway a Jewish man saw him with his swastika on his arm. This obviously made the Jew mad. The two of ...
9445: Computers, I Don't Like Computers. So Why Can't I Get A Job?
... good? That doesn't matter because people are trying to find the fastest way to get things done, and computers are the answer. One of my relatives is having trouble finding a job in a new city he just moved to. I feel sorry for him because he was not introduced to computers when he began his career. If only he was born near the technology age he might of been ... have to insert cards into to give it instructions. But my point is that she was not exposed to a computer as everyday life. Now she is really behind so to speak in the computing world. Computers back then were huge, they were usually stored in wharehouses. The earlier ones used paper with holes in them to give it instructions. Later the pre-PC's used tape cartridges to store data ... not doing this as well as IBM and microsoft was. We are now in the information age where information and computers are one. The information age is going to be responsable for most of the world's changes. In the future pc's are going to be connected as they are now, but with greater speeds, making it possible to video teleconference with your friends and co-workers. Tv will ...
9446: Microwaves
You might remember the heroic role that newly-invented radar played in the Second World War. People hailed it then as "Our Miracle Ally". But even in its earliest years, as it was helping win the war, radar proved to be more than an expert enemy locator. Radar technicians, doodling ... beam in a small oven, but you can't do the same with radio waves, which are simply too long. Microwaves and their Use The idea of cooking with radiation may seem like a fairly new one, but in fact it reaches back thousands of years. Ever since mastering fire, man has cooked with infrared radiation, a close kin of the microwave. Infrared rays are what give you that warm glow ... than radio wave dishes. Industry employs microwaves heat in many ways -- to dry paints, bond plywood, roast coffee beans, kill weeds and insects, and cure rubber. Microwaves trigger garage door openers and burglar alarms. The new cellular car phone is a microwave instrument. Microwaves and Your Body Not surprisingly, as high-powered microwaves have proliferated in the atmosphere and the workplace, a passionate debate has grown over the pontential danger ...
9447: Thomas Edison
... spent a long time studying Newtown's Principles. He also read lots of books such as Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Hume's History of England, Sear's History of the World, Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, and The Dictoinaries of Sciences. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. In October of 1879 Edison patented his incandescent lamp. Edison and his team made a new vacuum pump to make better vacuums in glass light bulbs. It was better known as the "glow bulb." Thomas' second attempt at the glow bulb successfully lit for forty hours. On New Year's Eve Edison lit up Menlo Park with thirty glow bulbs. Electricity would replace gas for lighting purposes. The light bulb gives off light so that we can see with out lanterns and ...
9448: Ethan Frome 3
... of the wood-lot were darkly blue, and beyond the white scintillating fields of far-off forest hung like smoke. (pg.41) It also seems that whenever Mattie is around, Ethan s view of the world improves. This is shown on his walk home from the church social with Mattie when the narration states, The night was so still that they heard the frozen snow crackle beneath their feet. The crash ... negative imagery was used in association with Ethan s wife, Zeena. The narrator says, His wife looked so hard and lonely, sitting there in the darkness . . . (pg.78) When Zeena explains to Ethan that a new serving girl will be sent for, Ethan sees Zeena as . . . no longer the listless creature who had lived at his side in a state of sullen self-absorption, but a mysterious alien presence, an evil ... can help the reader to obtain a more fully understand-able view of the theme of the novel. Through the repeated use of imagery, the author of a novel can bring the reader into a world where anything can happen, and usually does.
9449: Benjamin Franklin 4
Benjamin Franklin: New World Physicist Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 in Boston Massachusetts. He was one of seventeen other brothers and sisters. His father, Josiah Franklin, who emigrated from Oxfordshire, England, worked as a soap boiler ... his older brother James, who was a printer. Soon Franklin had ambitions to write and by age 16 he had written a series of letters by an imaginary author. The letters were printed in the New England Courant, which was published by his brother. Still pursuing his writing career, he ran away to Philadelphia and continued working in the printing business. He arrived in 1725 with one Dutch dollar and ...
9450: The Prince
... task from the beginning of time. In every country there will be people to who are unhappy and will disagree with your rule, causing your system to fail. So, century after century, people have tried new ways to make their politics suffice everyone’s needs. However, the art of politics is a complicated and challenging issue that will always be needed to be dealt with. There have been many ways in ... concept of political success is the idea of virtue. Virtue means strength, intelligence, and courage, the necessary qualities of any human being. Machiavelli felt that the quality of virtue was found in some of the world’s most important leaders; Moses, Cyrus, and Romulus to name a few. Governments ruled by an individual depends upon this leaders virtue. Without it, the political success will crumble. Aside from virtue there is fortune ... lion and the fox. He is saying that the qualities of a ruler must show the bravery and strength of a lion, but also, the slyness of the fox. These characteristics are imperative for a new ruler especially. That way he can get the respect from the people right away. An example of one ruler who showed both the qualities of a lion and a fox was Septimus Serverus, a ...

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