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9371: The American Museum of Natural History: Anthropology
... Natural History has many exhibits that demonstrate many aspects of anthropology. The Museum is located on Central Park West between W81st and W77nd streets. The museum is an excellent place to open oneself to many new ideas and cultures. When looking through the museum the exhibits that are anthropological could enhance ones understanding of a culture. The museum is very big and a lot of time is needed to get the ... gilt and glass was probably made in southern China. The way the Chinese get married is very unusual to our western culture. This exhibit expresses to me that people are very different all over the world and their is much to explore about other cultures even an event such as a wedding. One other exhibit seen in the Asian Peoples were an exhibit about dance. It was called the personality in ... I spent more then ten minutes in it. The only thing I stared at was a tomb they had of one special person and a few other people. There was not a lot of interesting new cultural ideas in this hall and because I found this very boring and not educational it had to be as a hall the worst one in the museum. Some of the other exhbits that ...
9372: Neighborhood Shock
... survive in a global village. Pino is telling his father how tired he is of trying to run their business in a black neighborhood as he asks, "Could we sell this and open up a new pizza parlor in our own neighborhood? Barnlund further explores this surcumstance when he says; "It is a feeling of helplessness, even of terror or anger, that accompanies working in an alien society. One feels trapped ... Both Sal and Buggin' Out refuse to back down and accept each other and their respective cultural values. As Barnlund states, "What seems most critical is to find ways of gaining entrance into the assumptive world of another culture, to identify the norms that govern face-to-face relations…(63). By hanging the pictures of only American-Italians on his wall, Sal is setting up barriers that are stopping him from gaining entrance into Buggin' Out's "assumptive world." Sal is proud of who he is and where he comes from or more generally, his culture. I think he is unwilling to change his views because he still sees himself as a tourist ...
9373: Personal Reflections
... I try to surround myself with supportive friends and make certain I am seeing my therapist once a week or more if needed. The unexpected trouble I now expect is for movies to trigger a world of emotions and healing tears. Smoke Signals this past winter had me sobbing at the end where it talked about forgiving our fathers. It felt so good to let it out in front of my ... and reckless spending. I think I have had frozen emotions for a long time. As I was said, I was forced to seek professional help in institutions starting at age 19. I was in a new town in Illinois with a boyfriend and had taken a hit of acid that did not wear off. I ended up being sent suicidal and got sent to a hospital. He was done with me ... rage. I stayed with him for months after that. I also have had low self-esteem especially when coming down from a manic high. That is the worst, because I feel on top of the world then plummet into depression and low self-esteem. That happened just in November of last year, but I am getting better. I have always been somewhat of a loner. In middle school that was ...
9374: Drunk Driving
... and try to take control of this out of control issue. America doesn t want to watch idly as hundreds of people are killed each day. We want to take a stand and let the world know that we may be the land of the free and the brave but there is nothing brave or free about driving drunk. What should be done about this problem is debatable and certainly open to discussion, but the first step is lowering the BAC (blood alcohol concentration) level from .10 to . ...
9375: Women in Weight Training
... our bodies in good shape and in good health. References Gaines, C. & Butler, G. Pumping Iron II Page, 19-48 Chicago IL: Women In Weight Training, (1982) Sandal, Mary. Little Big Men Page, 59-63 . New York: Weight Training, (1992) “Osteoporosis Disease.” The World Book Medical Encyclopedia: Osteoporosis. (1995) ed. “Exercise and Your Heart, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute” American Heart Association, NIH Publication No. 93-1677. April 07, 1997 http://www.intehealth.com Casper B. Gravensen The weight lifters ABC’ http://users.cybercity.dk/~ ccc7796/newabc/ Workout & Fitness David Lawrence Dec. 96/Jan. 97, page 54 World Book Encyclopidia 1995 “Osteoperosis, Coronary Disease” Paul Auster page 564
9376: B. F. Skinner
... a stenographer and a secretary, in a law office and later in a railroad chief executive's office. His father, William A. Skinner, was an attorney, who studied law with another local attorney at a New York Law School. Skinner's parents were both good students. His father had bought several sets of books, so there was a lot of reading material their children. Skinner said that his parents never used ... Watson John Broadus Watson was born in Greenville, South Carolina on January 9th 1878. He went to college at Furman University and the University of Chicago. Watson created "Psychological behaviorism" in 1912. He told the world about his theory of behaviorism in a 1913 paper entitled ``Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It.'' In the paper he described Behaviorism as the part of psychology that shows behavior as "a series of observable ... and states of mind. Skinner thought that psychology had wasted a lot of time making theories about the mind and personality. He suggested that psychology should only deal with behavior that is "observable in the world in which it occurs." (Henderson, 1990) In conclusion, B. F. Skinner was a very intelligent man that viewed behavior as "a response to a stimulus." Though he may have based his theories mostly on ...
9377: Going Out On My Own
... square feet comprised of a bathroom, kitchenette and a main room. It was admittedly small, but I did not need much room. I was on my own for the first time, and embarking on a new adventure. This apartment was located in Norman, Oklahoma, a college town with your typical diversions of beer, bands and girls; not a bad place to be when you’re twenty-one. My cousin Joe was ... was hired on the spot. I was hired as a cook and was soon running the kitchen for the day shift. Our menu mainly consisted of home cooked favorites such as boiled pot roast with new potatoes and honey glazed carrots, meat loaf with a spicy tomato sauce, and my personal favorite chicken fried steak. Our chicken fried steak was a half-pound monster that was double breaded, deep-fried and ... As I was packing up my little apartment to move back to the city, I realized a thing or two about myself. I learned that I could take care of myself just fine in the world. I learned that the only way people will take advantage of you is if you let them. I learned that the only person who is going to look out for you is yourself. I ...
9378: The Old Lady Next Door
... have got to see this woman’s car. You would really have to see it to believe it. It’s completely opposite from the whole rest of her lifestyle. Everything about her is sparkling shiny new, except her car. It’s like she doesn’t even take care of it. The other thing is her dog. This thing is completely psycho; I’m not kidding. Lastly, her house is really a ... the TV, she’ll gripe at you, because twenty-four hours a day, she has a little black radio that sits behind her couch and plays soft classical music. She thinks everyone in the whole world has to like classical music just because her mom did. And, if you’re lucky enough to get to go over there on a Sunday, then you can help her clean. The crisp smell of ... t get rid of that smell for at least two days either. Another thing I think is very strange is she hasn’t worked in twenty years, but everything in her house is brand spanking new! These things really baffle me. She’s so weird. But for now, I guess I’ll deal with it in a reasonable manner. I really have no choice if you think about it. I’ ...
9379: The Art Of Torture
... of the European countries and even the Roman Catholic church. The Roman Catholic church used torture as a way of punishing heretics at the order of inquisitors. The Inquisition played a big part in the world of torture. The inquisition was a church founded in medieval times that was setup to find and prosecute heretics. The punishments for being a heretic were extreme punishments, stuff you would cringe at thinking about ... action. These people really took executions seriously, and would go crazy if anything would malfunction during the execution. For instance the story of Chalier, a man who constantly threatened the bourgeoisie of Lyons. A brand new guillotine was going to be used on Charlier. The new machine wasn’t set up properly causing the guillotine huge blade to slowly slide down to Charlier’s neck. Three attempts later did nothing but deepen the cut on his neck. Ripert, the executioner ...
9380: Lost Values (Macbeth)
... unlimited amount of money, while others may regard it as having a happy family. People with ambition will always strive for success. However, on the long road, perspectives may change, which may result in finding new values and goals that one truly believes in. In other instances, many that grasp success do not treasure it. When many finally lose it, the memories of success always recur in their minds, torturing them ... a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." (Movie, Forrest Gump). In the long life road, one may not find what he/she truly values, but anything can happen in the world. It is wiser to value everything that is around, because one can find a true beauty in everything in the world.

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