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9301: Michael Jordan
... improvisational ability. He is not only the top player of his Era, but is quite possibly the best player to wear the uniform of a NBA team. He is the most recognizable athlete in the world and is believed to be the best there ever was, is, or ever will be. (NBA.com) A person to this magnitude has obviously a success, being able to have a family of his own ... Never get so full of yourself that you only care about what you do. Basketball is what Mike does, Michael Jordan is who he is. Bibliography Davis 6 Works Cited Page Greene, Bob. Hang Time. New York: Doubleday Inc., Nov. 1992 Halberstam, David. Playing for Keeps. New York: Random House, 1999. www. BioLife.com www. GreatsoftheGame.com www. NBA.com
9302: Was Inca Rule Tyrannical?
... they brought the land to a prosperous state was amazing. If the conquered state needed supplies and resources the Incas would tend to them. Religious customs were allowed to continue as a part of the new culture. They were asked to follow the rules and customs that were of Cuzco (they were ordered to observe the sun god) and to speak the common language. This ensured the willingness of the conquered ... food to keep the people well fed. Hanke writes about Viceroy Francisco de Toledo and his attack on the Incas. He was the most public and most determined of all the administrators sent to the New World to justify Spain's right to rule. He appointed Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa to record a history that would prove the Incas had “ruled by force, with deaths, robberies, and rapine without the will ...
9303: Personal Conflicts In Am I Blu
... in life, and his attempt to develop individuality. John Polk’s first conflict is his difficulty of adjusting to adulthood. John is attending college, and he is involved with a fraternity. John realizes the adult world looms ahead, and he exercises poor judgment. Life on the soybean farm is different from fraternity life. John is overwhelmed with this new fast life “of parties, booze, honking horns”(line 34). John states “Oh, God, I need to get drunk”(line115). John resorts to drinking alcohol when he thinks about his problems. The party life of the ... Ashbe is an artistic individual. Whether she is putting food coloring in water or making paper hats, Ashbe expresses her individuality. She makes him see how important being himself is. She introduces him to a new light of individuality, ambitions, and adulthood. By John Polk not going to the prostitute, he shows how he cares for Ashbe and not what the fraternity guys think. For the first time, John Polk ...
9304: Anorexia
... desire to eat, because they are afraid of becoming fat. Anorexia is characterized by extreme starvation that leads to a disastrous loss of weight. Anorexia nervosa affects a large number of people today in the world, and does not discriminate against anybody. Its victims can be overweight, thin, young, old, or either sex although, its primary victims are young girls between the age of thirteen and nineteen. This disorder has become more and more common around the world today. It has populated many college campuses, and it is spreading. Recent studies show that almost 20% of college women suffer from anorexia or bulimia (bulimia is a eating disorder similar to anorexia), and the ... to treat it. Bibliography Baker, C. The Perfect Trap: College-age Women and Eating Disorders. Copyright Catherine Baker. Pirke, K.M., and Ploog,D. eds.(1984) The Psychobiology of Anorexia Nervosa. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo.
9305: Protecting A Computer
... key. However, people are often forget their passwords or lose their keys. A third method must be used. It is using something a person has --- physical trait of a human being. We can use a new technology called biometric device to identify the person who wants to use your computer. Biometric devices are instrument that perform mathematical analyses of biological characteristics. For example, voices, fingerprint and geometry of the hand can ... webbing where the fingers join the palm. After passing the investigation of the computer, people can use the computer or retrieve data from the computer. Although a lot of security system have invented in our world, they are useless if people always think that stealing information is not a serious crime. Therefore, people need to pay more attention on computer crime and fight against those hackers, instead of using a lot ... technologies promises unbreakable security. Experts in the field agree that someone with sufficient resources can crack almost any computer defense. Therefore, the most important thing is the conduct of the people. If everyone in this world have a good conduct and behavior, there is no need to use any complicated security system to protect the computer.
9306: The Most Dangerous Game: Foil Character To Contrast The Protagonist
... foil for Rainsford in the way that he contrasted Rainsford, by making him the hunted instead of the hunter. Rainsford was a hunter by nature. He enjoyed hunting and was always on a quest for new game. In the beginning of the story, he had the following conversation about hunting with Whitney (8): "The best sport in the world," agreed Rainsford. "For the hunter," amended Whitney. "Not for the jaguar." "Don't talk rot, Whitney," said Rainsford. "You're a big-game hunter, not a philosopher. Who cares how a jaguar feels?" "Perhaps the ... understanding." "Even so, I rather think they understand one thing-- fear. The fear of pain and the fear of death." "Nonsense," laughed Rainsford. "This hot weather is making you soft, Whitney. Be a realist. The world is made up of two classes--the hunters and the huntees. Luckily, you and I are hunters." Rainsford never considered what it was like to be the prey rather than the predator, that is ...
9307: City Of Ladies
... An unlikely candidate to dispute the unfair, misogynistic treatment of women by men and society, Christine de Pizan successfully challenged the accepted negative views that were being expressed about women by the all-male literary world of her era. Part of Christine’s uniqueness stems from the time in which she lived, the middle to late 1300’s. The lack of a positive female role model to pattern herself after made Christine a true visionary in the fight for the equal rights of women. Her original ideas and insight provided a new and more intelligent way to view females. Pizan’s work, The Book of the City of Ladies, provided women much needed guidance in how to survive without the support of a man. It is Christine ... she is revealing that she is a good, moral woman -- not the stereotypical "devilish demon." Christine continues to question God as she asks: Alas, God, why did You not let me be born in the world as a male, so that all my inclinations would be to serve You better, and so that I would not stray in anything and would be as perfect as a male is said to ...
9308: Ethan Frome
... of the wood-lot were darkly blue, and beyond the white scintillating fields of far-off forest hung like smoke.’(pg.41) It also seems that whenever Mattie is around, Ethan’s view of the world improves. This is shown on his walk home from the church social with Mattie when the narration states, ‘The night was so still that they heard the frozen snow crackle beneath their feet. The crash ... negative imagery was used in association with Ethan’s wife, Zeena. The narrator says, ‘His wife looked so hard and lonely, sitting there in the darkness . . .’(pg.78) When Zeena explains to Ethan that a new serving girl will be sent for, Ethan sees Zeena as ‘. . . no longer the listless creature who had lived at his side in a state of sullen self-absorption, but a mysterious alien presence, an evil ... can help the reader to obtain a more fully understand-able view of the theme of the novel. Through the repeated use of imagery, the author of a novel can bring the reader into a world where anything can happen, and usually does.
9309: Managers of Organizations
Managers of Organizations Outline Thesis: Managers of organizations today face a demand for change in their organizations if only because change is so pervasive in the world around them. I. ASSUMPTIONS II. CONDITIONS FOR CHANGE A. Widespread felt need. B. Leadership C. Trust D. Resources 1. Funds 2. Expertise E. Positive organizational history III. DIMENSIONS OF THE CHANGE PROCESS A. Relative advantage ... guidelines to aid them in the management of the changes they plan. Managing Change Managers of organizations today face a demand for change in their organizations if only because change is so pervasive in the world around them. One assumption often made by managers is that workers resist change. Mogeson, an industrial psychologist, clarified the limitations of this notion by suggesting that workers do not necessarily resist change, but "resist being ... the organizational context of that change, is a third erroneous (Snyder 164-176). For example, an organization's recent history includes many changes and workers and management are overloaded. Consequently, no matter how important the new change may be to all concerned, they will be reluctant to support it. If there is a climate of fear or distress in the organization's recent history (or not so recent), change ideas ...
9310: Adamantane
... of the slim supply of adamantane, the cost of adamantane skyrocketed.6 Two methods were investigated to be able to create the natural adamantane structure: ring closure and isomerization. Before adamantane was known to the world, the starting material commonly used to synthesize adamantane and its derivatives through ring closure was being developed. In 1922, Meerwein was investigating a way to remove the bridgehead carboxymethoxy group of ring compounds, and reseal ... Tetrahedron, 36, 971 (1980) 6. R. C. Fort, and P. von Rogue Schleyer, Chem. Rev., 64, 277 (1964) 7. S. Coffey, ed. Rodd’s Chemistry of Carbon Compounds. Vol 2. Part C. Elsevier Publishing Co.: New York. 1969. 8. D.A. McQuarrie, J.D. Simon. Phhysical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach. University Science Books: Sausalito, CA. 1997. 9. “Adamantane.” Dictionary of Organic Compounds. Vol 1. 5th ed., Buckingham, J. ed. Chapman and Hall: New York. 1982. 10. Ege, Seyhan. Organic Chemistry: Structure and Reactivity. 3rd ed. D.C. Heath and Co.: Lexington, MA. 1994.

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