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9231: Online Addiction
... the Internet is accessed by millions of people from the young to the old. The reasons range from gathering information on a topic, to checking E-mail, to chatting with people from all across the world. The Internet is used in business and in homes. It serves almost any purpose imaginable. The Internet can be used as an information source, a learning tool, even for entertainment purposes. Surfing the Internet is one of the most popular pastimes around the world exceeded, some think only by music. Getting On-line and surfing around even for a couple of hours is common. Normally this is just an occasional thing, but for some it becomes an obsession. These ... aware that people form addictions to many things, from cocaine to gambling. References to alcoholism, "workaholism," even "chocoholism," are commonplace throughout our society. The idea that people can form addictions to computing is a relatively new one, but quickly gaining ground. Take for instance my brother, who was once an "A" student and a model son. He now has to be forced to get off the Internet to do his ...
9232: R.I.C.O
... Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) was passed as part of the Organized Crime Control Act. The purpose of the act was to curb the apparently increasing entry of organized crime into the legitimate business world. (Miller and Jentz 1998). G.R. Blakley (1980) who helped draft RICO, takes the position that while broad usage may or may not have been Congress’ intent (he believes it was), certainly it was his ... crime of being a criminal”. Under Title 18 section 1963 & 1964 of the United States Code RICO took aim to eliminate organized crime by concentrating on illegal monies made from crime through the use of new criminal and civil forfeitures, rather than the old means of attempting to dismantle the mob by imprisoning gang bosses. It turned out that they could too easily simply be replaced. RICO’s maximum criminal penalties ... money set aside for victim restitution. Although RICO’s perceived purpose is aimed at organized crime, its impact has been much broader. The broad latitude that the courts have given in RICO cases also raises new questions concerning double jeopardy. If a defendant is charged with the same crime under state and federal statutes (possible without violating double jeopardy), that crime can be used as separate crimes for the purpose ...
9233: “To legalize or Not to Legalize”
... a major problem if they are legalized? (Toward a Users’ Drug Rights Policy - pages 386-387) Drugs are also a way to provide personal insight and self-knowledge. They also are a way of teaching new modes of consciousness. One expert says that “Alcohol has been called a teacher of truth, Marijuana has been praised as an instructor on the realm of senses, bodily self-awareness, sexuality, music, and dancing. Drugs ... drugs and if they are legalized many more will die also. Drugs are also not just effecting teenagers, they are effecting the older generation as well. Heroin addicts have been getting older with relatively few new recruits which is a very good sign. This means that heroin is dying out and may die out altogether sooner or later. Two of the main reasons that heroin as shone such a dramatic decreases ... there are things that they have and that USA does not. Do we want our counrty looked down upon like those or do we want to set a good example to the rest of the world by showing ways of controlling these substances that people abuse? Another question that comes to mind if drugs were legal would be who and what would sell them? Would the local convient store down ...
9234: Things Fall Apart 3
... the title of his book, and with good reason: Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world. These lines form the epigraph of the novel, and are a conduit for expressing Achebe's main theme i.e. the destruction of one being by another. They also help in focusing the reader throughout ... stalking it, waiting for the right moment to strike. Finally, when the killer does find his mark, the falcon is shaken from its blissful state. It finds itself involuntarily falling from the sky, and its world crashes around it. For the falcon, everything that it holds dear including itself has been destroyed, and therefore 'anarchy' prevails. Thus, from the very outset, Achebe introduces the idea of desolation. Before the coming of ... his sphere of influence. When the latter finally found one his many targets, the Ibo, he gradually entered their lives and instilled in them, his own materialistic system. As some people chose to follow the new system while others still remained loyal to the old one, the very center (i.e. the unity and uniform beliefs) that held them together was destroyed, and confusion or anarchy consequently reigned. Thus, the ' ...
9235: Asian Organized Crime
... Crime Introduction The Yakuza is a form of organized crime which is older than the Sicilian Mafia. With over 300 years of history, this Japanese form of “the mob” is perhaps the oldest in the world . However, When one thinks of “organized crime,” certain images come to mind. First and foremost we think of America’s Mafia as well as Italy’s La Cosa Nostra. Both the Irish and Jews run ... including child-families and grandchild-families. A typical family has between 20-200 members, therefore the whole family group may number in the thousands. Sometimes, a strong child has his own children, consisting his own new family. For example: Big Father | +-----------+------------+ | | | child child child / Small Father | +----+----------+ | | child child A “Lone” Yakuza has no family in which he belongs to. He has no companions to help him. Because the Yakuza is an ... organized business, going alone is not easy. No families permit a Lone Yakuza to operate in their territories. A Lone Yakuza can survive several years. Only a few genuine Yakuza manage to build his own new family from scratch. Asian Organized Crime Since 1900 One of the key sects of the Yakuza is the Yamaguchi-Gumi. Initially a small gang created by Yamaguchi Nobru, the Yamaguchi-Gumi is best known ...
9236: Things Fall Apart
... novel from a poem called "The Second Coming," by W.B. Yeats. It appears that Yeats is making some judgement on the European way of thinking that was so greatly affecting the rest of the world at the time. The poem describes human flaws resulting in social collapse. Achebe successfully holds on to the same theme in "Thing Fall Apart," as the narrarator tells the story of a small African society and the British colonizers that come to take over the Ibo community introducing new religion, technology, and government. Yeats' poem implies that the final invocation of collapse is lead by an anti-christ. Achebe does not trail away from this same idea. In his novel he introduces the colonizers ... black legs, waving long black arms...." In Achebe's essay, "An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad's Heart of Darkness," he writes that, " Heart of Darkness projects the image of Africa as 'the other world,' the antithesis of Europe and therefore of civilization." Achebe wrote his novel to tell the misunderstood story of African society. In the novel, the narrator tells the story of an African culture in it' ...
9237: Ireland, Land Of Two Countries
... in Ireland. Movements in the nineteenth century to over throw the government were such acts as the Home rule movement in the 1870's and the Repeal movement in the 1880's. In 1916, during World War I the Irish Republican Army. (IRA) While the British were focused on the war in mainland Europe the IRA was back home in Ireland causing havoc in Ireland. The IRA had a political party ... Since the 1880's, Many Ulster Protestants had become increasingly concerned about the possibility of home rule in Ireland. They prepared for resistance. In 1912 a civil war seemed imminent, but the focus shifted to World War I and by Easter which was right in the near future. Ulster Protestants increasingly settled for a fallback position and set out to ensure the northern counties of Ireland to be ruled from Great ... war broke out in the southern 26 counties, between those who were willing to accept the settlement and those who believed that it was a betrayal. Northern Ireland was given the name to the six new county administration, had been created through demographic compromise. It was the largest land that could be held without confrontation from the Republic of Ireland. Belfast was set to be the capital of Northern Ireland ...
9238: Virtual Communities
... in communication with one another for extended periods of time, the question of whether it is a community arises. Virtual communities might be real communities, they might be pseudocommunities, or they might be something entirely new in the realm of social contracts, but I believe they are in part a response to the hunger for community that has followed the disintegration of traditional communities around the world. (p. 4) ? Virtual community can be liken to a neighborhood salon or coffee shop where one visits friends for conversation, whether idle chat or spirited debate about philosophical or political issues; for gathering information on ... events that become landmarks in a community's life. And in the end, it is this spirit the type of fundamental human regard that so often appears to be in short supply in the "real" world that may prove to be the most exhilarating and empowering aspect of this evolving technology. (p. 175) Although CMC offers some advantages over face-to-face communication, e.g., no preconceptions of another person ...
9239: The Seat Belt Law
... dad always taught me to assume the other person will do something wrong. Therefore, I always wear my seatbelt. Within the past few years, the talk about seatbelt violations has been a big controversy. A new legislation is tightening down on seatbelt laws. In Michigan and many other states, under the current law of 1986, police may ticket those people who are not wearing a seatbelt if, and only if, they ... enacted, seatbelt use instantly rose 10-15%. With these statistics, federal auto safety regulators are estimating that nearly 100 lives a year would be saved in Michigan, as well as 10,000 others around the world. Presently, wearing a seatbelt is required in every state except for New Hampshire, either as a primary offense or a secondary offense. The law will take effect on April 1, 2000, in Michigan, as long as opposition in the legislature does not shut it down. Just ...
9240: Chaucerian Commentary
... classes, no doubt becoming quite familiar with the culture and attitudes of the commoners. Perhaps most vital to Chaucer s ascension into poetic greatness evolved because of his unusual access and acceptance into the upper world of aristocracy. As an adolescent, Chaucer was sent by his father to serve as a page to Lionel of Antwerp. This initiated Chaucer into the world of the nobility to which he became a distinguished honorary member. Chaucer worked in many critical posts for the aristocracy, parliament, and the royal family. Chaucer s service to the aristocracy provided him with an ... in the prologue. The pilgrims further reveal their true nature as they tell their tale to the travelers. Works Cited Abrams, M.H., Donaldson, Smith, Adams, Monk, Ford, Daiches. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. New York: W.W. Norton and Company Inc., 1962. 74-81. Brother Anthony. Chaucer and Religion. http://www.sogang.arc.kr/-anthony/religion.html Goffinet, Ben. Approaches to the Pardoner s Tale. http://www.wsu. ...

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