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9151: The Ethics of Somatic Cell Cloning
... 23, 1997. On that date, The Observer broke the news that Ian Wilmut, a Scottish scientist, and his colleagues at the Rosilin Institute were about to announce the successful cloning of a sheep by a new technique which has never been fully successful in mammals. The technique, called somatic cell cloning, involved transplanting the genetic material of an adult sheep into the egg from which the nucleus has been removed. The ... being, and that a Supreme Being separated them after creation. When a man and woman marry, they come together to form the original whole. Cloning interferes with the deeply held belief that God created the world such that a man and woman would unite to "be fruitful and multiply" (Genesis 1:28), creating life together. Therefore, most religious leaders condemn cloning as morally wrong. The quest for knowledge is justified in ... humans is not morally or ethically wrong. It is a biological technology that in the future may prove to be very useful. For cloning to be correctly implemented, society and government must deal with the new social issues which cloning presents. Cloning must be proven safe before it can be allowed in humans. Once the safety issues are resolved, the social issues regarding cloning must be addressed. The problems of ...
9152: Iran Iraq War
... administration regarded the lack of an actual American military presence as a tacit invitation to Soviet intervention. The refusal of the Persian Gulf States to accept American military forces frustrated the Reagan government, so the new administration strengthened the rapid deployment concept with significant expenditures for military construction in the Middle East and nearby areas. In the first Reagan administration, the United States spent nearly $1 billion on construction and support ... It was renamed The United States Central Command, its specified theater of operations included Southwest Asia and northeast Africa. Its commander was given charge of nearly All-American military activity in that part of the world. Its total deployment potential stood at 300,000.Despite the increase in the size and capability of the deployable force, there were limits to the American ability to move its forces overseas. The United States ... existed as an independent country, perceptions quickly changed. President Bush quickly decided to uphold the Carter Doctrine and commit the United States to direct military action. With a large majority of the nations of the world opposed to the invasion of Kuwait, President Bush built a broad-based coalition in support of intervention. The United States, which took the lead in developing and coordinating opposition to Iraq, achieved a diplomatic ...
9153: Whats Normal Whats A Freak
... and when something was wrong. She didn t judge people. The only sin she ever committed was trying to help others. That is one reason that we shouldn t judge people. Out there in the world that we yet to explore is something some of us have never seen. To many people it s like a sin to others a gods sake, it s the truth about everyone. We are all ... t care. I like being different because that s me. But, most people don t like being called freak, and other names. Not saying I like to be called those. My best friend in the world is probably the only one that I can tell everything to. Because she knows me, she doesn t care what I look like; she only cares about who I am. Not if I m normal ... the years to who you are, but do you really. Don t some of you change because your friends are and you don t want to be left out? I was that way. I wanted new things that my friends got. I wanted that, and that. Until one day I saw that we were nothing but brand names and things that were so miniscule that we didn t see that ...
9154: Euthanasia
... half of the people who will die in Western society will be connected to “equipment”. Or, you may be one of the other half who will not and if you wish to deliberately leave this world, then active euthanasia is your only avenue. On the other hand, neither suicide nor attempted suicide is criminalized anywhere in the United States or in many other countries, but not because of any “right” to ... from theirs to die painful, protracted, and agonizing deaths. Works Cited Batten, M. Euthanasia: The Time is now. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1989 Cox, Donald W. Hemlock's Cup: The Struggle for Death with Dignity. New York: Prometheus Books, 1993 Egendorf, Laura K. Assisted Suicide. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996 Humphry, Derek. Final Exit: The Practicalities of self-Deliverance And Assisted Suicide for the Dying. Eugene: Hemlock Society, 1991 Internet: Random Euthanasia sites, 1999 Thomasma, David C. / Grager, Glenn C. Euthanasia: Toward an Ethical Social Policy. New York: Continuum, 1990 Wekesser, Carol. Euthanasia: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1995
9155: Cancer
... promptly in every case of cancer at least half of all cancer patients could be saved. The American Cancer Society was founded in 1913. The first United States cancer hospital was founded in 1884, in New York City. Which later became the Memorial Hospital in 1889. The very first cancer hospital was founded in Reims, France in the 1700’s. What is Cancer? Cancer is a general term for more than 250 diseases that are characterized by uncontrolled, abnormal growth of cells. Cancer cells can spread through the blood and the clear fuild that bathes body cells called lymph to start new cancers in other parts of the body. Normal cells can convert to abnormal cancer cells. Cancer cells reproduce more rapidly than normal cells and ignore normal regulations of when, how, and where to grow. Normal ... Renneker M.D., 1988 Bull Publishing Company Cancer and Nutrition, Elizabeth Somer, MA, RD, 1990 Health Media of America, Inc. Glencoe Health, Mary Bronson Merki, Ph.D., Don Merki, Ph.D. Glencoe Publishing Company The World Book Encyclopedia, Vol 3, Enterprises Education Corporation, 1986 I. Introduction A. History B. What Is Cancer C. Types Of Cancer II. How Cancer is Diagnosed III. Seven warning Signs IV. Possible Causes Of Cancer ...
9156: Should Steroids Be Banned From Society?
... make him the idol of all his classmates. Being such an attractive drug, as shown in the analogy above, and seeming harmless to the unaware user, steroids can have a potentially jeopardous effect. Consistently, users, new and experienced, have no knowledge to the dangerous consequences' steroids can have on their minds and bodies. Although steroids cause minimal deaths in our society, banning of steroids is purely justified because steroids have extremely ... levels of performance. One might say this is how competition works though. Race car drivers and gymnasts are out there every day, pushing themselves harder and harder, going just a little faster, or doing a new, more difficult trick. Many believe they are forced by their own desire to win, and the hazardous risks they take, be it taking a corner a little faster or pulling an extra flip in a ... lives of current users, but prevent the further spread of addiction to steroids in our communities. Works Cited Voy, Robert. Drugs, Sport, and Politics. Leisure Press, 1991 Schrof, Joannie M. Pumped Up. U.S. News & World Report, 1992 Hemme, John. Steroids in the 90’s. Group Press, 1994
9157: Snow Falling on Cedars
... this, Kabuo loaned it to me". Kabuo had lent Carl a bamboo fishing rod made by his father. Though this friendship was condemned by Etta Heine, it continued until such a time that the "real world" of maturity and prejudice and cultural differences removed was brought into their lives by the war. Hatsue and Ishmael also shared a very close friendship for many years, from the time of childhood till their ... her culture. The transition from the setting of childhood to that of an adult was brought on by the war. Through this the reader may view how each reacted to the change. Hatsue embraced her new life and moved on, while Ishmael held back and chose not to stay angry and bitter hoping that the his world would return to what it had been. "Outside he found that the snow had stopped - only a few scattered flakes fell" At this point the trial had not come to an end, but to ...
9158: Xenotransplantation
... from kidney failure. Even know the scientist found his current results to be good the girl only lived for an extended two weeks. The reason for the girl dying was unknown and baffled the medical world. Xentransplantation was the put on the back shelf until the 1960's when scientists started researching why Xenotransplantation was rejected by the body so quickly. It was not until the last decade that transplantation of ... into play with Xenotransplantation the first thing that would come to mind would be that animals may harbor diseases that, like the Ebola virus or "mad cow" disease, can harm people. (Scientific American, July 97). New viruses can form when viruses from one species infect another. These new viruses can have properties different from, and more deadly than, the original ones. Xenotransplantations from pigs may be less likely to pose a public health risk, but on the other hand we know less ...
9159: American Families
... professionals, they worried who was going to feed and care for them. Preschool children feared that now that one parent had abandoned the other, both would abandon the child, leaving him unprotected in a scary world. But it is reasonable to ask - are the bad consequences of divorce really caused by divorce itself or by the family disharmony that precipitated the split? Even though most were bright, after their parents' divorce ... If we cannot bring ourselves to feel compassion for these young people on a personal level, we must at least recognize that our economy and our society will suffer along with them. CITING: Brokaw, Tom. "New Realities of Changing Families," Good Housekeeping, Oct 98, Vol. 221 Issue 4, p106. Congressman William D. Ford, Annual Publication, September 1998. Etzioni, Amitai. "The Day Care Generation," George Washington Review, Winter/ Spring 1997. Glendon, Mary Ann. "Family in Western Law" 1987, p 117. Hamburg, David. "The New Family" Current, Jul/Aug 1996 Issue, p59. Kantrowitz, Barbara. "Step by Step" Newsweek, Winter/ Spring 1992. Smith, Brain. "FAMILY: Children in Crisis" Fortune, Vol. 116, Issue 3, Aug 95, p42, p6. Whitehead, Barbara. Institute ...
9160: What Modern Teenage Girls Conc
... the sick. She was the first important person in Britain to indicate people that AIDS victim are not untouchables, touching them doesn‘¦t meant death. Princess Diana made the statement to people all over the world, "HIV does not make people dangerous to know, so you can shake their hands or give them a hug." Princess Diana was the royal patron of seventy separate charities and had a restless work schedule ... into problems of the unborn child, including stillbirth, infant death, and infertility. Since Diana came aboard, many of the obstacles were solved and tackled. Her involvement with the charity has attracted stars from the entertainment world, which has helped it improve the survival rate of some premature infants by up to seventy percent. Meeting with the Princess brings new hope to the suffering patients. She understands the joy of having a baby and the anguish if something goes wrong. In 1987, she became patron of Turning Point, the largest national charity in Britain ...

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