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9141: Robinson Crusoe 2
... seaman and it gained great popularity as soon as it was published. It goes beyond any literary codes or restrictions. Deniel Defoe with great independence of creativity made his novels a model of a completely new literary style and just because of this he was awarded as the father of the English and European novels. In the novel, Robinson Crusoe was a young Englishman with great interests in traveling in sea ... own hands. And it was just this ability which made it possible for him to lead a quite comfortable life there. The crash of his boat and the death of his fellowmen mean that the world on which he used to depend on had ended, and he had to start from the beginning. The main problem Robinson was facing was to live, that is, to eat, drink, and get warm under ... almost made his raft up side down. For twelve times he went between the shore and the raft by jumping and swimming until the last piece of tools was safely carried to the raft. The new life began and gradually developed. First Robinson got things and foods readily from the nature and later on he began to grow things and raise animals. What's more, Robinson also dug caves in ...
9142: Hiram Ulysses Grant
... in 1872. His second term as president was marked by even greater scandals arising from the dishonest acts by the officials he appointed. After he retired from presidency he took a long trip around the world. In 1881 Grant moved to New York City where he became a partner in the Wall street firm of Grant and Ward. In 1884 the company collapsed when he was close to ruin. Grant died at Mount Gregor, New York, on July 23, 1885 of throat cancer.
9143: Aristotle- Thoughts And Philos
... what lies beyond the physical. In 322 BC, in Chalcis, Euboea, Greece, Aristotle found out what happens after the physical body ceases to function. His student and friend Theophrastus took over his position in the world and continued the legacy of the Lyceum. Although Aristotleianism began its descent in the 3rd century BC, Aristotle is anything but forgotten. His work is still study today and many scientists and psychologists use these beliefs as bases for their own thought. A man schooled in just about every subject, Aristotle’s memory was not lost in the ancient world. He lives on in our own thoughts, and of course, in every library. Bibliography 1. Aristotle, Jonathan Barnes, Oxford University press 1982 2. Aristotle, Sir David Ross, Jarrolds and Sons LTD 1966(reprint) 3. De Anima, Aristotle translated by William of Moerbeke and St Thomas Aquinas, Kenelm Foster, O.P., M.A., Silvester Humphries O.P., M.A New haven and London Yale University press 1965 (reprint)
9144: Hitler
... bavarian politics, aided by high officials and executives. In November 1923, a time of political and economic chaos, he leads the up rising in Munich against the postwar Weimar republic, proclaiming him Chancellor of a new authoritarian regime. Without military support, however, the Putsch collapsed. As a leader of the plot, Hitler was sentenced to five years imprisonment and spent the eight months he actually served dictating his autobiography Mein Kampf ... in 1941 and quickly carried the German armies to the gate of Moscow, but then in December they were pushed back by the Russians. Hitler knew then the war was lost militarily, but hoped that new weapons and strategies would help. As time went on the defeat became more certain, but Hitler refused to give up, but believed that Germany did not deserve to live because it did not finish its ... he had Married the day before. Hitler had a Charismatic personality of overpowering forcefulness. An amoral man rootless and incapable of a personal friendship, he look at his fellow humans as mere bricks in the world structure he wish to erect. He knew how to appeal to people’s baser instincts and made use of there fears and insecurities. He could not do that, however, only because they were willing ...
9145: Tiger Woods
"Let your clubs speak for you." Tiger Woods was too young to notice the racism around him. He didn’t understand that in this world, people were judged by the color of their skin. He couldn’t speak out about it; he couldn’t voice his opinions, or come up with possible solutions because he was too young. Tiger faced ... that moment on, he was obsessed with the sport. The way that Tiger played, it was no longer a sport, it became an art. With every hole he played, his game progressed to a whole new level. As Tiger grew older, he still played tournaments and racked up his victories, he even played for Harvard’s golf team. Harvard was interested in having him play for them since an early age ... golf or not. This book isn’t 100% golf, it is the biography of Tiger Woods and it is all about how Tiger rose to fame and became one of the best golfers in the world. It is a good book and it should be shared with everyone else.
9146: Tiger Woods
Biography of Tiger Woods "Let your clubs speak for you." Tiger Woods was too young to notice the racism around him. He didn't understand that in this world, people were judged by the color of their skin. He couldn't speak out about it; he couldn't voice his opinions, or come up with possible solutions because he was too young. Tiger faced ... that moment on, he was obsessed with the sport. The way that Tiger played, it was no longer a sport, it became an art. With every hole he played, his game progressed to a whole new level. As Tiger grew older, he still played tournaments and racked up his victories, he even played for Harvard's golf team. Harvard was interested in having him play for them sinc e an early ... golf or not. This book isn't 100% golf, it is the biography of Tiger Woods and it is all about how Tiger rose to fame and became one of the best golfers in the world. It is a good book and it should be shared with everyone else.
9147: Implementing Employee Assistance Programs
... 5). In any situation, this could become quite costly if there were an accident on the job. There are the obvious medical bills, Workers Compensation, destroyed or otherwise broken machinery, and the cost of training new employees. 47 percent of industrial accidents are alcohol related (Cascio 587). It is clear that an alcoholic employee is a troubled employee. Next on the list is Sharon. Sharon comes into the office every morning ... are altruistic, this simply isn’t the case. EAPs exist so that the company can be run in an efficient manner. It is not always expedient to fire the Sharon’s and Gus’ in the world. Sometimes it is less expensive to rehabilitate the trained employee rather than train a new employee - an employee with no guarantees that he won’t have more problems. People, in the site of companies, are not expendable. EAPs are in place for employees that need assistance because of personal ...
9148: Hazelwood History Of Censorshi
... school papers . . . If you want student papers to deal with the issues of the day like AIDS and teen pregnancy, you have to let freedom take place. The paper should prepare students for the real world. They have to learn to make their articles meaningful and address real issues. (Devault 4) Which was the case with former Blue Springs High School journalism teacher, Valerie Halas. Two years ago, student journalists got ... law soon “maybe the Blue Springs folks wouldn’t have been so vunerable to prior review.” The momumental hazel case has had major ramifications for the past decade and will continue Works Cited American Voices. New York: Phillip Morris, 1987. The Associated Press. “Schools Retain Right to Censor.” The Kansas City Star. 13 January 1988: A2, A8. Dauner, John T. “Judge Upholds Suspension of Valedictorian.” The Kansas City Star. 20 May ... Darrin M., ed. “The First Amndment Deserves Support.” Student Press Law Center Report. 8.3 (1987): 3-4. Essex, Nathan L. “A Landmark Supreme Court Decision Grants School Gross, Gerald. The Responsibility of the Press. New York: Fleet, 1966. Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier. 484 U.S. 260. 1988 Halas, Valerie. Personal Interview. 23 November 1998. Jones, Melanie Lynn, and MaryAnn McKibben, eds. “Paper Pulls Officials’ Names From Story.” Student Press Law ...
9149: Religious Imagery In Moby Dick
... statement shows the comparison between the whale and the claim made by Christians that Jesus had to submit to death at the hands of mankind in order to rise and become a light for the world. The word light can be used for both the whale and Jesus, as they illuminate the world in different ways. ...it is a thing most sorrowful, nay, shocking, to expose the fall of valor in the soul. Men may seem detestable as joint stock-companies and nations; knaves, fools, and murderers there ... Devil. Although man is divine, it takes Christ to combat the size of such an opponent. Just as Eve cannot refuse the charming words of the serpent, Starbuck cannot resist the force of captain Ahab: ...brave as he might be, Melville writes, Starbuck cannot withstand those more terrific, because more spiritual terrors, which sometimes menace you from the concentrating brow of an enraged and mighty man. (Melville 126) Mankind has ...
9150: Spontaneous and Induced Abortions
... used during the second trimester or later. In general, the more advanced the pregnancy, the greater the risk to the female of mortality or serious complications following an abortion. In the late 20th century a new method of induced abortion was discovered that uses the drug RU 486 (mifepristone), an artificial steroid that is closely related to the contraceptive hormone norethnidrone. RU 486 works by blocking the action of the hormone ... be permitted, encouraged, or severely repressed is a social issue that has divided theologians, philosophers, and legislators for centuries. Abortion was apparently a common and socially accepted method of family limitation in the Greco-Roman world. Although Christian theologians early and vehemently condemned abortion, the application of severe criminal sanctions to deter its practice became common only in the 19th century. In the 20th century such sanctions were modified in one ... circumstances under which abortions might be permitted soon sprang up, and the issue became entangled in social and political conflict. In rulings in 1989 and 1992, a more conservative Supreme Court upheld the legality of new state restrictions on abortion, though it proved unwilling to overturn Roe v. Wade itself. Opponents of abortion, or of abortion for any reason other than to save the life of the mother, argue that ...

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