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9131: Bipolar Affective Disorder
... children with bipolar disorder is that their parents have a tendency to reject them, have disorganized lives themselves, and lack effectiveness in dealing with children (Badal, 1988.) Other factors that may lead to depression are new surroundings and living in poverty. Learned helplessness may also lead to depression (Kaplan, 1991.) Learned helplessness is when a person has a bad or dissatisfying stimulus repeatedly and they eventually learn that they cannot help ... diagnose the patient as delusional or another mood disorder. These pessimistic views lead them to the feeling of depression. This is related to learned helplessness in that the patient sees nothing better than a depressing world. There are many ways to treat a bipolar patient, but some are more widely used and recognized by the psychology community. The first question is whether a patient’s disorder is severe enough to warrant ... 78% of patients treated with ECT, compared to 62% of patients treated only with lithium and 37% of patients who received neither, ECT or lithium (Black et al., 1987). Bipolar disorder affects many people the world over and is somewhat dangerous and unpredictable. Despite its toll on society it can be controlled and people can lead normal lives with the help of drugs and therapy.
9132: Malcolm X
... Marcus GARVEY. Malcolm spent a few years in a foster home but became an excellent student and was voted class president. Nevertheless, at the age of 16, he moved east with relatives and drifted to New York City, where he became involved in Harlem's underworld of drugs, prostitution, and confidence games. In prison for burglary from 1946 to 1952, he read widely and was converted to the teachings of Elijah MUHAMMAD. On his release, he embraced the BLACK MUSLIM movement and changed his name to Malcolm X. Following his initial training, Malcolm became the leading spokesman for the Black Muslims to the outside world. An ideological split developed between Malcolm and the more conservative Elijah Muhammad, and in 1963 Malcolm was suspended as a minister of the Black Muslims. After a pilgrimage to Mecca, he announced (1964) that he ... him a more optimistic view regarding potential brotherhood between black and white Americans; he no longer preached racial separation, but rather a socialist revolution. His career ended abruptly when he was shot and killed in New York City on Feb. 21, 1965, by assassins thought to be connected with the Black Muslims. The AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MALCOLM X (dictated to Alex Haley, 1965) publicized Malcolm's ideas and became something of ...
9133: Red Badge Of Courage: Summary And Character Analysis
... and matter-of-fact like. He also loves pork sandwiches as that is all he eats. Wilson was as excited about going to war as Henry, while Jim was confident about the success of the new regiment. Wilson is acts very confident, and boasts of how well he will fight. After a few days of marching, Henry realizes that they have been wandering about aimlessly in circles. They continue to march ... starts to lose some of his ideals of war, and starts to become scared of running away from a batlle. Lieutenant Hasbrouck, a young lieutenant of the 304th regiment (Henry's regiment), is an extremely brave man. He also is constantly cursing. He, unlike the other officers, cares about and defends his troops performance and makes sure they get the recognition they deserve. He is a true leader and he is ... his death, "the tattered soldier", is impressed mostly by Jim's bravery and courage. The tattered soldier appears to be a simple and innocent man. Though he is very simplistic and unsophisticated, he is a brave, kind, and responsible man. Henry walks away hurting inside and dangerous to himself. In the charge ahead Henry asks fleeing soldiers why they are running. He grabs a comrad and asked "why why" all ...
9134: Mein Ghetto: Black Racism And Louis Farrakhan
... black rage. (Alexander, Pp. 132- 135) However, three years Elijah Muhammad's death, Farrakhan left the mainstream Islamic group and resurrected the Nation of Islam again in 1978. He then preached its members to his new interpretation of the old Nation beliefs: "that separatism is salvation; that black right is righteous; that the poor are not mere pariahs; that prisoners are potential princes; and that black folks are God's real ... the transition of race into the language of black self-determination and a resistance to white supremacy. (Alexander, P. 136) Farrakhan's Beliefs incorporate the ideas that : black people are the Original People of the world, and of the universe; the world is in Allah's hands and Allah is their only God; black people, who are the children of Allah, as being themselves divine. Therefore, the suffering of the black poor, "victims of the white ...
9135: Romanticism In Literature
... the time. Their edition of Lyrical Ballads , stressed the importance of feeling and imagination. Thus in romantic Literature the code was imagination over reason, emotion over logic, and finally intuition over science. All of these new ways discouraged and didn t tolerate the more classic way of literature. Other significant writers of the Romantic Age are noted still as shaping an age of open-mindedness and freedom. Lord Byron was one ... Ages became topic of many stories and settings. The nostalgia of more Gothic times put more exotic ideas into the author s minds. The supernatural became a substantial part of the literature. Outcomes of this new idea were Lines Written a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey , by Wordsworth, and The Castle of Otranto , written by Horace Walpole. The world of the supernatural and exoticness was reinforced by two main things. One was pure rebellion against the standards of the eighteenth-century rationalism, such as the structure of neoclassical society. The second was the ...
9136: Heart Of Darkness
... god. He has encountered two extremes, the European mentality, which is ignorant to reality, and Kurtz, someone who has found his reality, but is one of horror. Marlow returns to Europe, to face his former world, but now he has a new understanding of it, he has been enlightened. He now sees the life in the sepulchral city through the prism of his experience in Africa. Marlow resents the way Europeans live their life, and this is ... imperialistic ideals and the meaninglessness of their standards at the time. The European s cruelty and hypocrisy in Africa leaves a permanent imprint on Marlow s mind, and therefore changes his entire perception of the world he lives in. With the character of Marlow, Conrad achieves his ultimate goal - to show the bitter reality of the European colonies in Africa.
9137: Why Our Grading System Is Impo
... are naturally, stupid dolts who must somehow be coerced, cajoled, persuaded, threatened, strong-armed into learning. Those few however, who are not, can go to college where an honor code is in place, such as New College of USF or Harvey Mudd, and the farce called grading will be of no encumbrance to the individual. The rest of the students need a system by which academic achievement can be measured. After ... is apparent that without a system of scholastic comparison very few would strive to learn. What motivation would there be to read that extra page or two the night before the big examination? In the world of grading, the extra page could mean 20 points on a physics test. In the unrealistic world of Lean, however, that one page which could result in the absolute epiphany of the reader, could mean nothing, save the written reports of descriptive comments dependability, intelligence, and honesty. Arthur Lean claims that ...
9138: Cambridge
England is famous for its educational institutes. It has some of the most famous universities of the world like Oxford, Cambridge and London universities. The city of Cambridge is in the county of Cambridgeshire and is famous because it is the home of Cambridge University, one of the oldest and most prestigious universities of the world. The Cambridge City occupies an area of 16 square miles. It is 50 miles north of London and stands on the East Bank of the River Cam, and was originally a place where the river ... and Thomas Cranmer were graduates of Cambridge. The students were mostly poor and indigent. The university had no demands for admission in those times. The Dutch Scholar Eramus went to Cambridge in 1511, bringing the new learning of the renaissance. In 1546, King Henry VIII founded Trinity, which remain the largest of the Cambridge colleges. As the humanistic method of teaching was replace by scholastic, it produced a group of ...
9139: Tom Clancy
... novel, The Hunt for Red October. This book was noticed by President Reagan, who praised the book and helped boost it to bestseller lists. Clancy continued to use plots based on political issues of the world. All of his novels were on bestseller lists. Clear and Present Danger sold more copies than any other novel that was published in the 1980’s. Clancy has been called the creator of the "techno ... s most popular books is Rainbow Six. This book starts with a prologue that introduces us to the main character, John Clark, an ex-Navy SEAL. Clark is the commander in charge of starting a new European anti-terrorist group called Rainbow Six. Rainbow Six is split into two teams: Team 1 and Team 2. They are based in Hereford, England, but any European country can call on them at any ... most unimaginable terrorist act is attempted. Using the cooling system at the Olympics, the terrorists will launch a deadly virus. They are immunized against the virus, but within a few years, the rest of the world will be killed. The Rainbow team manages to stop this and find the base where they were going to hide and manage to defeat the terrorists. Red Storm Rising follows the attempt of the ...
9140: Evaluating Financial Performance of GTE
Evaluating Financial Performance of GTE Current event article from “Financial World” reflecting the use of financial ratios to assess the operating health of GTE telephone company GTE, known for years as poorly run company GTE through some well-timed transformation has become one of the leading ... long-term debt has swelled almost 5 times, to $1 billion, since 1994. This drives the Debt-to-Capital Ratio to 61%. Cash flow exceeds interest expense by a comfortable five times. Revenue growth from new and enhanced services increased 35% last year, to $1.2 billion and has grown 35% annually. GTE’s Return on Equity was 40% that far exceeds rest of its major competitors listed. The company’s ... on the GTE’s continuous profitable growth for the past 4 years and company’s operating health is fair and accurate. From the article, it looks like GTE is positioning itself to prosper in deregulated world. Analyzing GTE’s operation and financial strategies, my advice to the company is to improve its cellular business which currently has a growth rate of 25%, that lags the industry growth average of over ...

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