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Search results 9121 - 9130 of 22819 matching essays
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9121: U.S Involvement In The Vietnam War
U.S Involvement In The Vietnam War "No new taxes." This is a quote that most all of us remember from the 1992 presidential election. Along with it we remember that there were new taxes during that presidents term in office. There are a myriad of promises made and things done in a presidential election year that have questionable motives as to whether they are done in the best ... is the Vietnam War. Although South Vietnam asked for our help, which we had previously promised, the entire conflict was managed in order to meet personal political agendas and to remain politically correct in the world's eyes rather than to bring a quick and decisive end to the conflict. This can be seen in the selective bombing of Hanoi throughout the course of the Vietnam War. Politically this strategy ...
9122: Greece 2
... governed by a mayor and a city council, and cities that have 300 to 10,000 inhabitants are governed by a president and a community council. The most popular political parties are: Democratic Center Union; New Democracy; Panhellinic Socialist Movement (Pasok); and the United Left Alliance, which is a type of communist party. Greece, for administrative purposes, is divided into 13 regions. The 13 regions are Northern Aegean, Southern Aegean, Attica ... of Crete. I would like to visit this place because it definitely has a lot of beautiful things to see, like the natural mountainous background and the ancien Minoan ruins. BIBLIOGRAPHY Baxevanis, John J., "Greece". World Book Online. http://www.worldbookonline.com/na/ar/fs/ar234780.htm., Dec 6, 1999. Culturgram ‘92, Greece. Brigham Young University, 1992. DuBois, Jill. Greece. New York City: Marshall Cavendish, 1995, pp.37-44. Halsey, William D., "Crete". Merit Students Encyclopedia. Vol. 5. Halsey, William D., "Greece". Merit Students Encyclopedia. Vol. 8.
9123: Joshua And The Children
... must turn to the children if he wishes to change the future. He believes that if he teaches the children to not hate, and to respect others, regardless of racial or ethnic differences, then the world will improve when they become adults. This new generation will then bring happiness to the world. Joshua knows that these children were victims of their parents wrongdoings. He knows that they were born into a society filled with hate. Hate for members of a different race. Hate without reasoning. He ...
9124: Sappho (the Greek Poet)
Sappho (the greek poet) One of the great Greek lyrists and few known female poets of the ancient world, Sappho was born some time between 630 and 612 BC. She was said to be small and dark in appearance. Sappho's home was the city of Mytilene on the island of Lesbos. She was ... Sappho composed her own music and refined the prevailing lyric meter to a point that it is now known as Sapphic meter. She innovated lyric poetry both in technique and style, becoming part of a new wave of Greek lyrists who moved from writing poetry from the point of view of gods and muses to the personal vantage point of the individual. She was one of the first poets to write ... popular words to describe female homosexuality--lesbian and sapphic have derived from her. From ancient times to today, Sappho has remained an important literary and cultural figure. Her works continued to be studied and translated, new poets are inspired by her constantly, and speculation on her life remains popular in the form of fictionalized tales and ardent research. For a woman who has been dead for over two thousand years, ...
9125: Don Pepe Figueres
... in nature, they would allow Figueres to institute the socialist policies economically and nationalist policies politically without interference from the U.S.. While his democratic tendencies, and vehemently professed anti-communism was presented to the world, Figueres instituted a variety of policies and committed acts which were not in any sense democratic. Figueres began by establishing his own political party, the PLN (National Liberation Party), and outlawing the Communist party. He ... U.S. would normally never allow. In conclusion, the presidency and political life of Don Pepe Figueres has been transformed into one rivaling the height of George Washington. However, the side of Figueres which the world sees may not be correct. Figueres was a socialist who used democratic reforms to gain friendship with the United States. Once the parasitic relationship with the U.S. had been established, Figueres was then able ... personal socialist political goals, while at the same time creating the persona as the savior of Costa Rica , is uncanny and cunning. Bibliography 1) Cockcroft, Costa Rica. 2) Ameringer, Charles; Don Pepe; 1978; University of New Mexico Press. 3) Langley, Kyle; The Sparrow and the Hawk; 1997; University of Alabama Press. 4)Langley, Kyle; Resistance and Accommodation: The United States and the Nationalism of Jose Figueres; Diplomatic History; V18n1; 1994; ...
9126: Spanish Conquistadors: Heroes or Murderers
... Some American Indians went so far as to commit mass suicides and not to have children, because they knew their fate if they were to go on living or to bring another child into the world only to see him or her worked to death (Collier, 63). Another very important factor in the demise of Native American Indians was disease, the native Americans had no immunity to the European diseases. A ... this happening in our own country are slim, the United States of America, the consequences are unimaginable. But, what would happen if another country “raped” the USA? Bibliography 1.) Aiton, Arthur Scott. Antonio de Mendoza. New York: Russell & Russell, 1967. 2.) Collier, John. The Indians of the Americas. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1947 3.) Lummis, Charles Fletch. Spanish Pioneers and the California Missions. Chicago: A.C. McClurg & Co., 1930
9127: Tourette's Disorder
... another's body movements, to speak with an odd inflection, or to accent a syllable just the way it has been pronounced by another person. Such modeling or repetition may lead to the onset of new specific symptoms that will wax and wane in the same way as other TS symptoms. TABLE 2. EXAMPLES OF MOTOR SYMPTOMS Simple motor tics Eye blinking, grimacing, nose twitching, lip pouting, shoulder shrugging, arm jerking ... of TS symptoms and may worsen as the tics develop. The increasing difficulty with attention may reflect an underlying biological dysfunction involving inhibition and may be exacerbated by the strain of attending to the outer world while working hard to remain quiet and still. Attentional problems and hyperactivity can profoundly affect school achievement. At least 30-40% of TS children have serious school performance handicaps that require special intervention, and children ... child has received stimulant medications, it is important to determine what the indications for the medications were, whether there were any pre-existing tics or compulsions, and the temporal relation between the stimulants and the new symptoms. Catecholaminergic agonists are contained in other drugs, such as in decongestant combinations used in treating allergies and in medications used for asthma. If a patient with TS is on a stimulant or a ...
9128: Reproductive Technologies
... integrity of person, that is, women are independent, integral beings, not breeders”. Janice agues that the lack of integrity stems from the “woman’s supposed desperate need to have children”. That the orphans in the world need homes and that the women have a need to feel that they own their children, and that this is fulfilled by the pregnancy, carrying, and birth of a child. She argues that regulation in ... that what ever makes you happy, as long as it is not harmful to anyone else, is worth doing. Your character and habits of thinking are very helpful in making a decision about bring a new life into the world. These procedures can help you to do that, and willing to spend the money, time and effort are all based on your character and willingness to make yourself happy. But you have to find ...
9129: The Evolution of the Eye
... by some medium, such as film or special light sensitive cells which can distinguish colors and/or contrasts. The human eye is a remarkable, and yet simple device that allows us to visually perceive the world around us (see figure 3). This is accomplished by the lenses in the eye that focus light onto the retina, a group of photo receptive cells on the inner back wall of the eye. The ... upright image (see figure 5). This difference is of no importance to the animal. The nervous system, which has evolved along with the eye, determines what is up and what is down in the real world, irrespective of how it is represented on the retina. The two main types of eyes are the simple eye and the compound eye. The simple eye receives light through a common image-forming structure, such ... p. 298-307. Wald, George, 1950. Eye and camera. From Cell to Organism, W.H. Freeman and Co., p. 142-151. Wells, M.J., 1966. Cephalopod sense organs. Physiology of Mullosca Vol. 2, Academic Press, New York, p. 523-545.
9130: Unconventional Medicines
... promotes a beneficial response throughout the body, providing a break from stress. Although researchers are still looking for the how's and why's of reflexology, Kevin and Barbara Kunz, reflexology researchers in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and authors of Hand and Foot Reflexology, say “The results are obvious. Reflexology can be a great contributor to overall health.” (Gottlieb,1995:107) According to reflexology, the body is divided into ten zones ... brain records these experiences, often unconsciously, and when the odour is re-encountered, one recalls the specific point in time.” (Monte,1993:212) Essential oils have the ability to help heal and prevent infections. During World War One, chemist Maurice Gattefosse experimented with the use of essential oils for the treatment of soldiers war wounds. In July of 1910, he burned his hands in a laboratory explosion. He rolled in grass ... way into acceptance in society. In the past few years, acupuncture has also established itself as an effective and considerable form of medicine in North America. It’s recognition has increased in the conventional medical world, and has also made an impression on the public. Acupuncture has a reputation for treating the person as whole, as well as curing specific ailments and complaints, and its growing role in the west ...

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