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9111: Gilded Age
The period in the United States from around 1877 to 1895 was one in which American society underwent enormous change. New social and economic processes such as changing political parties, questioning citizenship, and formations of labor unions disrupted older ways of organizing American society, challenged traditional ways of thinking about what it meant to be an ... factory from the Union and then implement lower wages. America struggled to maintain industrial progress and also allow workers to have time outside work. The Union and talks of strike was not welcome in the world of Carnegie, and was not a change the nation was willing to accept. America portrayed a myth of economic independence and boundless opportunity during the industrial progression, when in reality a worker was controlled by ... person of life, liberty, or property… nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws," (Fourteenth Amendment, 1868). The amendment targeted southerners, who in turn were unwilling to accept the new given rights to blacks nor the governments power over the state. Although America on the outside showed gilded signs of progress, the country was battling as political corruption, labor strikes, and southerner's who ...
9112: Semiotics And Intertextuality
... has made an interesting and very worthwhile decision to reprint Siegfried Kracauer's impressive work on film aesthetics (the term magnum opus would not be inappropriate). (Theory of Film was originally published in 1960, this new paperback edition is the only one currently in print in English.) At a time when film so readily employs digital means to create images, Kracauer's emphasis on film's connection to photography as a ... theories of film belong to the "beautiful ruins in the philosophical landscape" certainly miss out on what is certainly very relevant and consistently challenging in Theory of Film. Written during his exile in France during World War II (Theory of Film differs in many ways from his Weimar writings, the specter of the Holocaust and Nazism, shaped Kracauer's views on film) Kracauer views film as both the perfect medium for the representation of the crisis of modernity and the modern subject as well as holding out the possibility to suggest and encourage new perspectives and constructs in which to change its condition. Now that Theory of Film is once again available to English-speaking readers it will undoubtedly take its place among the works of Bazin and ...
9113: History of the Panama Canal
... from Columbia. The United States eager to build the canal, and control its operation, used and backed Panamanian nationalist. During the Roosevelt administration, not only did the United States manipulate factors isolating Panama from other world powers through the Monroe Doctrine; but it committed troops aiding the revolutionaries against another sovereign state. The reason this is a surprise is because the Roosevelt administration normally held a position favoring stability. The United ... of the Vietnam War and all related military traffic ceased. Second, is the age of the antique machinery dating back to 1914. Inevitably the machinery will need to be replaced. Lastly, the size of the new tankers and cargo ships. The capacity of the canal is too small to handle such a large amount of tonnage. These are viable factors; however, the first argument is concerning whether a war is taking place. It is circumstantial in providing a solid reason for increased traffic through the Zone. This can easily change through and emergence of a new conflict or trading habits of other countries. Thirdly, why have the Panamanians insisted on assuming total control of the Canal. The Panamanians are making millions of dollars annually and the United States run the ...
9114: Self-reliance By Emerson
... he is misunderstood. These people, more often than not, turn out to be correct, and later generations benefit from their genius. The outcast has become great, and his name will live forever, or until somebody new comes along to defy his teachings. I was drawn to this statement because it is so true. It has been proven time and time again that those who elect to be different are banished from ... that I can relate with; others were completely out of the ballpark. I was surprised, and a little excited to read many of the philosophies that Emerson held to be the great truths of this world. Emerson had many ideas that can benefit the world today; they can help societies evolve into better places for people to live. They also provide a call for humans to evolve from conforming automatons to individuals who do and say what they feel. ...
9115: Global Cultures
... educators should go about teaching culture occurs. The article starts out by giving a definition of what is meant by culture and the different aspects of culture. The The author spends significant time discussing the World Culture Model, which could be a very useful tool to a teacher that is developing a unit on culture or just incorporating aspects of culture into the classroom. The model that is presented can be ... as I see it is that if people as a culture learn to look at others cultures and just try to understand them it will be much easier to accept differences in the cultures. The World Culture Model presented in this article could be a very valuable tool to any teacher, no matter what content area they teach in. The model as I see it is an effective visual tool that ... virtually every unit that I teach. I say that it could be used for every unit because then as a teacher I would have a common guideline that the students would be able to relate new information to old, aiding in the retention of such information. Another benefit of this model it also caters to visual learners and gives another method to broadly teach to different learning styles. The example ...
9116: Catcher In The Rye Symbolism
... in the Rye by J.D. Salinger is a roller coaster ride through the mind of an angry, frustrated and confused teenager named Holden Caulfield. After getting expelled from Pencey, Holden takes a trip to New York City where Holden keeps asking the cab drivers where all the ducks in the lagoon near the Central Park South go in the winter. This lagoon and the animals in it are constantly are ... goddamn ice. It's their nature, for Chrissake. They get frozen right in one position for the whole winter"(82). This symbolizes a person becoming an adult in the perspective of a person from the world of experience. During spring and summer, the fishes swim around the pond. This is similar to child who is allowed play and has a lot of freedom. But as fall and winter comes around and ... lose more and more space to swim around in, similar to the way that a child loses more and more of his freedom as he grows up. From the perspective of a person from the world of experience such as the taxi driver, it is the fish's "nature" to live right in the ice which suggests that a person's "nature" is to grow up and become an adult. ...
9117: Scarlet Letter:bewilderment At
... started doubting the religion because, if this man who they considered holy and righteous, could not live a sin free life, then how could they? Clearly, Arthur was asking these questions as well, and the world in which he had lived in a had served so faithfully in was beginning to close in on him. It was because of this that his health began to fail and his body could, at ... because they eventually took the "A" on her chest to stand for "Able". What she did do was give up her dreams and goals of leading a revolution to make people see women and the world in a new way. When she internalized what the "A" had stood for throughout all of those years, and what the townspeople truly thought of her and especially of what she had done, she abandoned her hopes ...
9118: Computer Protection
... key. However, people are often forget their passwords or lose their keys. A third method must be used. It is using something a person has --- physical trait of a human being. We can use a new technology called biometric device to identify the person who wants to use your computer. Biometric devices are instrument that perform mathematical analyses of biological characteristics. For example, voices, fingerprint and geometry of the hand can ... webbing where the fingers join the palm. After passing the investigation of the computer, people can use the computer or retrieve data from the computer. Although a lot of security system have invented in our world, they are useless if people always think that stealing information is not a serious crime. Therefore, people need to pay more attention on computer crime and fight against those hackers, instead of using a lot ... technologies promises unbreakable security. Experts in the field agree that someone with sufficient resources can crack almost any computer defense. Therefore, the most important thing is the conduct of the people. If everyone in this world have a good conduct and behavior, there is no need to use any complicated security system to protect the computer. f
9119: Deppression And Teens
... with their relationships. "Teenagers constantly vacillate between strivings for independence from family and regressions to childish dependence on it." (Elkind 89) But today's teens face an additional challenge: They're growing up in a world quite different from that of their parent's youth. Adolescents today are faced with stresses that were unknown to previous generations and are dealing with them in an often self-destructive way. Contemporary society has changed the perception of teenagers. New parental lifestyles, combined with changes in the economy, often give less time and energy for parents to devote to their offspring. Society all too often views teens for what they can be instead of for ... destructive behavior and through physical symptoms. For a teenager to admit that he or she needs help feels like regressing back to childhood. To be a teen means to externalize feelings and deal with the world through action. (Arbetter 6) Depression ranks second only to advanced heart disease in exacting a physical toll, measured by days in bed and body pain. It's common for people with depressive disorders to ...
9120: Scarlet Letter Chapter Summari
... whom the reader suspects to be the questioner himself). He finds himself pictured as a "learned man, English by birth," who, after living for a long time in Amsterdam, had decided to come to the New World to join the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Remaining in Holland to settle some "necessary affairs," he had sent his wife (Hester Prynne) ahead. Over a period of two years, nothing has been heard of him, and ... off. He explains that it might be that he does not care to be known as the husband of a "faithless woman." Then Hester swears an oath that as far as the rest of the world is concerned her husband (Dr. Prynne) is dead. Above all, she is not to tell the secret of her husband's identity to her lover. Chillingworth smiles as he leaves Hester. She asks if ...

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