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9101: Baseball And American Popular
... from playing it has turned the game into a tradition of American culture. It has formed itself into the business of professional baseball, namely major league baseball. Professional players have become recognized all over the world. They are sought out and admired by fans. Because of their popularity, these players have written books, endorsed commercial products, and found successful and rewarding careers by playing a game. According to Wallup, author of ... college educated and outspoken individual. In 1957, he retired from the major leagues and took a position as Vice President for a restaurant chain. Later, in 1959, Robinson began writing a regular column for the New York Post. He wrote of social issues, foreign affairs, and the upcoming elections. In the 1960 election, he decided to back Richard Nixon instead of John Kennedy. His logic was that the black community should ... Bank in Harlem. The black-owned bank had the goal of being owned by the African-American community it served. Robinson was able to raise 1.5 million dollars for the community. Also in 1964, New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller asked Robinson to be one of his deputy national directors. He accepted and was later named to the Executive Committee as Special Assistant to Community Affairs. "He had many firsts ...
9102: Schizophrenia
... apart from the others because of the persons with it unique catatonic, or motionless, state. These people spend lomg periods of time weeks, months, and occasionally years motionless or in other words "dead to the world" (Hamilton 120). When they do snaqp out of their catatomic state they are extremly hostile and aggressive. Last is paranoid schizophrenia which is characterized by the false beliefs or delusions the person has. For example ... so hard to understand and frighteming is the faxt that all these symptoms can show up more in one person and less in another. That is also what makes schizophrenia so hard to diagnose. The world is in the midst of an explosion of knowledge about the causes of schizophrenia. There has always been theories about the causes, but now as the knowledgeaccumulates the theories will become fewer and fewer. Almost ... of the disease, shorten a patients stay in the hospital, and reduce the chances of rehospitalization (145). Persons with schizophrenia, when entering psychiatric hospitals, used to stay for several weeks or even months. With these new antipsychotic drugs, though, the stay has been reduced to just days. In fact a person who takes the drugs has a 3-out-of-5 chance (60 percent) of not being rehospitalized (Keefe 164). ...
9103: Catcher In The Rye 2
... encounters or experiences into drawn out rhetorical metaphors. We must think about them first, relate and compare them to past experiences, and then form associations. This is based on the Jean Piaget theory of assimilating new situations, accommodating them with previous knowledge, then forming generalizations for understanding. [Houghton-Mifflin Psychology, pgs. 49-50] That is exactly how Salinger describes Holden's thoughts. Holden, like many of us, has difficulty explaining things ... prime cases of paranoia. Then in his swing to depression, he comments on people making him depressed, his feelings of being "lousy," and once expressed thoughts of suicide. When he spoke of people coming to New York to get up early, he voiced his wish to jump out of the hotel window. Holdenn Caulfield, being afflicted with such handicaps, was doomed to fail in school, and his breakdown inevitable. Living in ... establishing his wishes he considers it impossible by expressing thoughts of its craziness. He is resolved that he cannot be in control, and yet it remains his one desire in life. He exists in a world where no alternatives to his chaotic lifestyle exist, and therefore he is forced to blindly play the game of life, while unknowingly he continues to step closer and closer to his edge of sanity. ...
9104: The History of Hewlett-Packard
... their innovative restructuring ideas put them in a category comparable to AT&T and ITT Corp. who also split themselves to become more profitable. The split of this company has already gained approval from the New York Stock Exchange, and soon the rest of the world. Look around some day and take all the products formulated by the Hewlett-Packard Co. and see what you have left. You might see what kind of a computer reliable world, and Hewlett-Packard is one corporation on top of the game. References: The Salt Lake Tribune, Online, “Hewlett-Packard Splits in Two,” (Mar 99). http://www.sltrib.com:80/1999/mar/03031999/business/87701. ...
9105: Ghana And Mali
Before Columbus sailed to the New World and before Europe reached their “Enlightenment Era” two significant kingdoms flourished on the west coast of what some refer to as the motherland: Africa. The name of these two mighty states are Ghana and Mali ... Songhay and Mossi people. Mali continued to exist as a small, semi-independent state for many years. Ghana and Mali were two very important kingdoms in the history of the continent as well as the world as a whole. Researching their times of prosperity and also their decline can be keys in unlocking the mysteries of the twenty-first century.
9106: Cleopatra
Cleopatra Many countries have had important rulers who were well-known throughout the world. One country whose leaders particularly stand out is Egypt. The leaders of ancient Egypt were extremely essential in history. Cleopatra was a key example of these significant rulers of Egypt. The Egyptian queen Cleopatra VII ... men helped further her position as a ruler. Cleopatra was a liberated woman who assisted in strengthening the society of ancient Egypt. Works Cited "Cleopatra." Compton's Encyclopedia & Fact Index. 1997 ed. "Cleopatra VII." The New Encyclopedia Britannica. 1997 ed. Krapp, Philip. "Cleopatra VII." Collier's Encyclopedia. 1995 ed. Nardo, Don. The Importance of Cleopatra. San Diego: Lucent Books, Inc., 1994. Sinnigen, William G. "Cleopatra." World Book Encyclopedia. 2000 ed.
9107: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
... of every day from this killer. #2 Some findings that scientists have discovered from their researches have helped with the knowledge of SIDS. This knowledge is made availble for people in all parts of the world. Some common facts are: (1) More boys die than girls do; (2) SIDS is seen more in the fall, winter, and early spring; (3) and the infant dies suddenly, it’s unpredictable, and occurs during ... suggested to keep the number of SIDS fatalities down, In dealing with the compression fo the compressed vertebral artery, it has been suggested ultrasonic imaging of vertebral blood flow may help come up with some new answers. #1 Scientists also suggest that new parents should do the following: (1) positioning a baby to sleep on his or her side; (2) avoiding bed clothes or bedding that could get in the way of free breathing; (3) over-heating ...
9108: Ghanas Economy
Ghana is a country in the developing world. It is making great progress for the situation it is in. Compared to most sub-Saharan countries, Ghana is the best off. It has been making the most efforts for recovery in the government and ... defense, economic and technical cooperation, education, extradition, postal matters, telecommunications, and treaty obligations. Ghana's economic well-being and recovery program were closely tied to significant levels of foreign loans and assistance, especially from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Altogether, between 1982 and 1990 countries that gave foreign aid gave a total of approximately $3.5 billion in development assistance; at the same time. This caused the country ... cautious optimism. It may be that the return of Jerry Rawlings in 1981 will turn out to be the coup that ended the cycle of coups and the act that led at last to a new political era in Ghana. So aside from the past military problems in overthrowing the present governments, Ghana is making strides to a better country with a better future. The people will be seeing democracy ...
9109: Essay On Human Sexual History
... the 60’s and 70’s. Sexual images were allowed to be seen outside of the privacy of one’s home, even more so than before, which in my mind, is a symbol of a new sexual freedom most people had access to. Of course the feminist movement carved the way for women’s liberty, however, I am sure there were many negative affects that also followed. For instance, I could ... homosexuality. It was the climax of sexual boundaries and taboos to be broken. The media was becoming overly fascinated with “kinky” sex and sex without love, to the point that sex took on a totally new symbolism in society. As we can now see in the 90’s, sexual obscurities have increased, as well as the chances of getting raped, and receiving a sexually transmitted disease. My generation is receiving the ... not fed with so much evil propaganda concerning it, one might have found a very different sexual outcome, than the present one. On a more universal level, most of the problems or issues that the world and its people face today are, merely, the effects of endless oppression. Human beings have disgraced the very essence of sexuality, and manipulated it to reflect our own perverse and twisted state of life.
9110: Hard Times 2
... Gradgrinds and most importantly, the way her father helped to hide Tom when he was running from his crime. Such things were typical only of the circus life and not of its opposite, The Gradgrind world. Existentialism was also the most effective philosophical theory at the novel's end. Out of Tom, Louisa and Mr. Gradgrind, the only one who I view as truly being happy and making a change for the better, was Tom. Louisa was left in the same dreary monotonous state, but her only contentment now would be to know that Tom is happy in the New World where he is free to roam and commit himself to his own projects; clearly so he became an existentialist. Mr. Gradgrind was probably somewhat educationally enlightened by the whole experience but continued to sit ...

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