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Search results 9041 - 9050 of 22819 matching essays
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9041: The Many Faces Of Love In Arth
... have taken from me the one man for whom I was to live my life…. Yet if it is not your will to return him to me, then be reminded, Lord God, that all the world is familiar with the words that you have spoken…: that a man and his wife shall be one body.” The poet reminds us here that love involves, in his view, a lot more than physical ... is his intermingling of love with the almighty. When Enite laments her plight to the Lord, she reminds Him “that a man and wife shall be one body” (Hartmann, Erec, 129). This brings a whole new variable into the equation of love: God. Neither Geoffrey nor Wace mention God as having anything to do with the love between two human beings. But Hartmann does make this connection, intimating that true love ... court and, more importantly, to prove his love and worthiness to his wife, Condwiramurs. The narrator laments the ways in which love can drive a man to his downfall: Mistress Love, with old ways ever-new you foster disloyal ties…. Under your suasion many a lord has wronged his vassal, vassals their lords, friends their companions: thus do your ways lead to Hell. Mistress Love, you should be ashamed that ...
9042: The Many Faces Of Love In Arth
... have taken from me the one man for whom I was to live my life…. Yet if it is not your will to return him to me, then be reminded, Lord God, that all the world is familiar with the words that you have spoken…: that a man and his wife shall be one body.” The poet reminds us here that love involves, in his view, a lot more than physical ... is his intermingling of love with the almighty. When Enite laments her plight to the Lord, she reminds Him “that a man and wife shall be one body” (Hartmann, Erec, 129). This brings a whole new variable into the equation of love: God. Neither Geoffrey nor Wace mention God as having anything to do with the love between two human beings. But Hartmann does make this connection, intimating that true love ... court and, more importantly, to prove his love and worthiness to his wife, Condwiramurs. The narrator laments the ways in which love can drive a man to his downfall: Mistress Love, with old ways ever-new you foster disloyal ties…. Under your suasion many a lord has wronged his vassal, vassals their lords, friends their companions: thus do your ways lead to Hell. Mistress Love, you should be ashamed that ...
9043: Mergers
... don’t produce well and make people happy then they will go out of business or bought out by a bigger company. Mergers aren’t what I would call the most successful thing in the world either. Lots of mergers don’t last very long or don’t succeed. This past year we had quite a few merger failures. Here are the top 10 Biggest Merger and Acquisition Bloopers of 1999 ... Williamson is a 17 year old Will C. Wood student that has been involved in two mergers. The first one happened when he was in 6th grade and forced to he moved to Vacaville from New Jersey. His dad’s company, Exxon, bought out another small company and his dad and the family were transferred to California. His dad has been working for Exxon for 19 years, and when Exxon acquired ... of employment with Exxon, he will get no pension, retirement or severance pay from the company. Todd shared a few words about mergers with us. He says that “families are torn apart by moving to new jobs in other places, people suffer from a loss of financial support, and jobs, and there is no compensation or care for the employees that it affects.” He also talked about the business aspect. ...
9044: Health
... multiple, chronic, and treatable but not curable. Acute illness may be superimposed on these conditions. Although there are factors that affect our health and the aging process that are not in our control , In a World Health article , K. Warner Schaie(1989), research director of the Andrus Gerontology Center at the University of Southern California, cites three reasons for optimism about future old age: The control of childhood disease, better education ... completed at least high school, and studies show that people with more education live longer. They get better jobs, suffer less economical stress, and tend to be more engaged with life and more receptive to new ideas. Finally, the fitness revolution has changed our habits with respect to diet and exercise and self-care. An article in Generations, Joyce Carrol Oates (1993) states, " per capita consumption of tobacco has dropped twenty ... and not being afraid of the aging process may slow the process. REFERENCE Oates, Joyce Carrol. (1993, Spring/Summer). The ageless self. Generations, (Vol. 17 Issue 2, p13). Schaie, Warner K. (1989, Nov). Looking ahead. World Health, pp.2-4. Health, Disease, and Disability
9045: Switzerland's Industrialized Economy
Switzerland's Industrialized Economy Switzerland’s has a developed industrialized economy, and has one of the highest standards of living. It is a major financial center of the world, and is known for it’s stable Swiss banks. Switzerland is known for it’s traditional secrecy regarding banking transactions. The Zurich Stock Exchange is one of the most important in Europe, and the country ... sponsored tax which would have modernized Switzerland’s tax system by a tax called Value Added Tax. The Swiss currency is called the Swiss Franc, and 1.5 francs equal one U.S. dollar. The new common currency adopted early this year called the Euro, was rejected by Switzerland, although eleven nations participated. Therefore, Switzerland preserves its’ monetary autonomy. The lack of participation has both advantages and disadvantages. An advantage is ... economy is doing well, although they have had some inflation. Although it is a relatively small country compared to surrounding countries, it has one of the highest standards of living. Many people all around the world appreciate Switzerland’s state of the art watches, Swiss chocolate, and banks.
9046: The Role Of Women In Medea
... of the comic poets), he was universally admired and revered by the Greeks of the centuries that followed his death( Norton Anthology ). Euripides showed his interest in psychology in his many understanding portraits of women ( World Book ). Euripides choice of women support characters such as the nurse and the chorus is imperative to the magnification of Medea s emotions. The very fact that the nurse and chorus are female deepens Medea ... my father! Oh, my country! In what dishonor I left you, killing my own brother for it. (Medea 164-165) Despite all of her devotion to her husband he has fallen in love with someone new, Glauke. The Nurse and the Chorus understand and sympathize with Medea as only other women could. Euripides develops the heart of Medea s character by the sympathetical approach of the Nurse. ...calling out on her ... not waste away Grieving too much for him who shared your bed. (Medea 153-158) The truth of the matter is that in Athenian society during this time it was acceptable for men to take new wives on a whim, and getting mad and upset were the only choice, or result of the lack of choice, women had. We women are the most unfortunate creatures. (Medea 229) A man, when ...
9047: Semiotics And Intertextuality
... has made an interesting and very worthwhile decision to reprint Siegfried Kracauer's impressive work on film aesthetics (the term magnum opus would not be inappropriate). (Theory of Film was originally published in 1960, this new paperback edition is the only one currently in print in English.) At a time when film so readily employs digital means to create images, Kracauer's emphasis on film's connection to photography as a ... theories of film belong to the "beautiful ruins in the philosophical landscape" certainly miss out on what is certainly very relevant and consistently challenging in Theory of Film. Written during his exile in France during World War II (Theory of Film differs in many ways from his Weimar writings, the specter of the Holocaust and Nazism, shaped Kracauer's views on film) Kracauer views film as both the perfect medium for the representation of the crisis of modernity and the modern subject as well as holding out the possibility to suggest and encourage new perspectives and constructs in which to change its condition. Now that Theory of Film is once again available to English-speaking readers it will undoubtedly take its place among the works of Bazin and ...
9048: Feminine Mystique
... American culture has always tended to influence women into doing what the day and age required. After men went to war there was a gap in the work force that needed to be filled. During World War II women were the most available to join the work force. Due to the discouragement to raise families during the Great Depression and the fact that most men of age had entered the war ... and family. As men came back from the war they merged with the peacetime economy, taking jobs away from women and sending them back to the home. With the demise of Mary and Rosie came new role models whose ideas and beliefs were focused around the home and not the workplace. This was due to the fact that during the war many writers were female and supported involvement in the labor ... to use that lifestyle as a model. Without any external reinforcement, and only by repetition the children learned that men and women had different roles in society. It was this learned behavior which carried the new “feminine mystique” from generation to generation.” As many have said before “history repeats itself” with WWII as well as WWI, the return of peace meant that “women faced layoffs, renewed wage discrimination, and segregation ...
9049: Schizophrenia
... it is impossible to predict what course the disease will take. There are many theories about the causes of schizophrenia, its progression, and its eventual outcome. They are currently being explored by researchers around the world. Schizophrenia's most dramatic symptoms are severe and perpetual delusions and hallucinations. A delusion is a false belief or idea that logic and reason show to be "crazy". A hallucination is seeing, hearing , or sensing ... little or no warmth toward others. They suffer from a mental paralysis. Prolonged immobility and jerky, robot like movements are other common symptoms of the disorder. Typically, schizophrenics withdraw emotionally and even physically from the world and the people around them. They exclude reality and focus on their hallucinations, and the other thoughts locked within them. The bizarre thoughts and behavior of schizophrenics usually begin in late adolescence or early adulthood ... No one can predict which patients will suffer an unremitting illness, whose schizophrenia will be episodic, or who will eventually go on to recovery. Yet the findings that some schizophrenics do eventually recover have inspired new hopes. A diagnosis of schizophrenia remains serious and frightening, but at least the schizophrenic's outlook may not be as grim and gloomy as was long believed.
9050: Academic Discourse Vs. Popular
... white lettering across it that reads, "Are We Too High?" Flipping through the pages of URB I also noted the several bright, "trippy" advertisements that would easily catch the attention the reader. The magazine advertises new and upcoming record releases, d.j. equipment, different kinds of speakers and lights, and other computerized equipment. The article headings are in bold, flashy, computerized, new-age print. In American Psychologist, there are no adds, no fancy colors, and no exciting forms of print. The pages are all white, and the print is all black, page after page, after page. The ... influenced the field of psychology. I did not seem to notice either of those in URB magazine. In comparing the two discourse communities, I realized that to understand what is going on in the academic world, a lot of time and studying must be put into grasping and understanding the information that is covered in the specific field that interests you. Everyone wants to be able to show off their ...

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