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9011: Durham Cathedral
Throughout the world, there are many churches, cathedrals, and basilicas; however, of these the best known are most likely the cathedrals. The word cathedral comes from the Latin “cathedra,” which means “chair.” This is because cathedrals are churches ... God and how much to stand up to persistent Scottish invasions. One of the most important aspects of cathedral architecture involves the style of vaulting used. The builders of Durham Cathedral in England invented a new method of building arches. They built two intersecting diagonal arches across the bay, on lighter centering perhaps supported high on the nave walls, and then found ways to fill out the shell resting on secondary centering. This gave a new geometric articulation—the ribbed vault. Ribs did not modify the structural characteristics of the groin vault, but they offered constructional advantage and emphatically changed the vault’s appearance. The cathedral at Durham is also ...
9012: Melatonin And The Pineal Gland
... in my stomach. with regard to jet-lag and energy loss, the answer is closely related to getting more and better sleep. Jet-lag occurs when our body clocks are slow to readjust in a new time zone; the clock on the wall tells us that it's a different time than our bodies think it is. I've already explained how melatonin causes us to sleep, so when you're ... s Natural Wonder Drug: Melatonin, by Russel J. Reiter,Ph.D. and Jo Robinson Copywrite 1995 Bantam Books, Ny, NY 2. The Melatonin Miracle, 3. Melatonin, by Geoffrey Cowley; Newsweek, Aug. 7, 1995 4. The World Book Encyclopedia, World Book, Inc., 1981, Chicago, Il
9013: How Moods Are Affected By The Sun
... faint incandescence radiates from a light bulb placed near her bed. The light gradually gains intensity and covers until 6 A.M., when the woman awakes. She had just experienced a simulated dawn of a new day. After being treated with this for several days, the woman's annual winter depression slowly goes away. Does this mean that the less sun you get the worse you feel, or perhaps the more ... exposure to sufficient environmental light"1. Frederick A. Cook, the arctic explorer, provided a vivid description of the effects of prolonged darkness on the human psyche: "The curtain of blackness which has overfallen the outer world has also descended upon the inner world of our souls," Cook wrote in his journal on May 16, 1898, "Around our tables . . . . men are sitting about sad and dejected lost in dreams of melancholy. For brief moments some try to break ...
9014: Analysis Of Morality And Accountability In Legal Study Case
... contracts bind unconditionally to these terms. By applying it to Plasma International's situation, one can deduce that their procedures do not fit these standards. If every company needed inexpensive "supply" went to a third-world nation to buy it, there would be more human rights violations. This is comparable to the sweatshop uproar, in which unknowing persons, desperate for survival, worked excessively for pennies in pay. This is an illegal ... with respect to the area. In this sense, Plasma International is promoting the local economy and receiving a needed supply of healthy blood for distribution. This may, however, further promote the international usage of third-world labor. If each company went through the proper procedure by speaking with the necessary authorities and obtaining suitable permission, the impact would be dramatically lessened, and a new market would emerge. In the second capsule, the blood is being sold at what many people deem a "sky-high" price. The parties involved are the hospitals, the needy recipients, the United States government, ...
9015: Getting The Most From Our Education
... go back to college) But the values I learned young seem to be the ones that stick. And I feel the worst when I fall short of keeping them. That doesn't mean that the new values I'm learning aren't just as important, it just seems like it takes longer for me to incorperate them in my daily life. But, just like everything else, it takes alot of practise ... get things right. Maybe we do need to do more to create civic pride, do have something that people can say, "I'm involved with this". For me everytime I check out and explore something new I always learn something. And whenever I reach out and help someone, I fell good. It was great to see the students of General Brown help out in the community with the Thanksgiving dinner for ... list). If we want our kids to be less self-centered, we have to show them the example. If they don't follow, it won't be from lack of exposure. This is a transient world nowadays. The kids that grow up and get educated here might go away. If we give the best education we can to the kids, then when they say - I was educated in the North ...
9016: To Kill A Mockingbird 3
... of Maycomb, Alabama are constantly tested by the games that people play. In each game, distinctions evolve. The distinctions become the rules of the game, of life, and from them, different boundaries form for each new character. With each new drama, characters and distinctions change, as do the boundaries, which form them. The summertime boundary introduces the first instance of boundaries. This serves as the area in which Calpurnia allows Scout and Jem to play ... people play games. The games start out with children using their imaginations to construct dramas for the purpose of entertainment. They slowly grow into reality based games as the children experience more of the adult world. The games occur everyday and outline an individual's life. The boundaries drawn from the games determine the beliefs and principles of the individual, and in turn, shape the person and the distinction.
9017: Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth In an ever changing world , the evolution of man has been the most drastic in terms of technological, environmental, and emotional advancement. With great expansions in the various areas mentioned earlier the human being has ignored the very entity of ... prayer, I believe in it, and I shall pray Thank God! Yes, I shall always pray," 6 Sojourner started to embrace her spiritual calling, after securing a safe home for her son Sojourner leaves for New York. Sojourner meets Matthias and is taken by his self-proclaimation type religion. Sojourner preaches with Matthias for a short while: certain aspect of his theories are contorted to benefit himself, as well as the ... her determination as exemplified earlier in the Narrative by fighting for what was right. You need not be afraid to give us our rights for fear we'll take too much... if woman upset the world, do give her a chance to set it right side up again. 7 Sojourner Truth Was born into slavery in 1797 under the name "Isabella Braumfree", after strong spiritual convictions she change her name ...
9018: Education
... The education systems are divided, and approach different views between the rich and the poor. Autonomy was the question and education give autonomy to individuals. To gain an autonomy that was best suited for the new immigrants two developments were to be discussed. The rich cowed the schools and therefore were biased. The other was that schools were un-coerced by societies powerful and was fair. To support the first development ... order to have the triumph of social science; social conflict was extricated from school. These led to the foundation, which claims education advancement to be the cause of justice. Supported by mass intelligence tests during, World War I. The use of this new approach was used to revolutionize and find fairness. DeMott, then discredits these developments and abandons these myths. With researches done over the last recent years. The Coleman report for example, showed that class status ...
9019: Violence Against Women In The
... Violence has helped to bring domestic abuse out into the open. It findings noted that domestic violence is not limited to any particular class or social group as some approaches have. From April 1999 a new definition of domestic violence came into effect for use in police returns to the HMIC (her majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary). This definition was intended for statistical purposes only, and was designed to allow easier ... mention of how the CPS should proceed if a woman decides she wants to withdraw her support for prosecution. (which is in fact a major problem in charging men with domestic violence). Only this week new proposals have been made by Jack Straw to deal with the withdrawing of support from the victim. If these guidelines go through it would help in the fight against violence as, even if the victim ... not protect the women in their own homes. Some men still feel it is their right as husbands or partners to lash out at women if they feel like it. All the policies in the world are not going to help the women at that moment in time. But saying that, she does not have to suffer for years on end because she has nowhere to go and no help ...
9020: Dreams
Dreams The powers of dreams have always been underestimated. There is a whole new world in the sub conscious mind that helps us in a subtle way. In this project you will see how a baby was born because of a dream, how nightmares can be partially good for you ... you could do whatever you like because it's your mind that's controlling you not your body and gravity. For example, you could fly or walk through walls. The powers of dreams The dreaming world could be a very powerful thing so much so that it causes a baby to be born because of lucid dreaming. In a true story taken from the book called Living with Dreams a ...

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