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901: Buddhism
... America and Europe in the past few centuries. However, one might ask; what fate would Buddhism face had Siddartha Guatama been born in modern times; or more specifically in modern day North America? Would his new found enlightenment be accepted now as it was thousands of years ago? Would it be shunned by society as another “cult” movement? What conflicts or similarities would it find with modern science; physics in particular ... to note though, that many parallels can be found between modern physics and Eastern Mysticism. As Fritjof Capra writes: The changes, brought about by modern physics . . . all seem to lead towards a view of the world which is very similar to the views held in Eastern Mysticism. The concepts of modern physics often show surprising parallels to the ideas expressed in the religious philosophies of the Far East. (17-18) Thus by examining some of the obstacles imposed by typical western thought on modern physicists attempting to develop new theories, we can apply the same conclusions to the situation that would be faced by Siddartha Guatama in modern day North America. Traditionally, western thought can be summed up by French philosopher RenJ Descartes' ...
902: The Ancient Mariners of the Mediterranean and Ming Dynasty China: A Comparison of Seafaring in the Ancient World
The Ancient Mariners of the Mediterranean and Ming Dynasty China: A Comparison of Seafaring in the Ancient World “Audaces fortuna iuvat!” This Roman motto which literally means “fortune favors the bold” has been cited as a common adage used by business men during the apogee of Roman Imperial domination. Most historians who have studied the Roman world of the first and second centuries AD would most likely agree that the seafarers under the protection of the Roman Empire would have held this motto dear to their own hearts. The Mediterranean Sea of ... fully understand how these questions apply to these two sea peoples, we must look at the cultures themselves to determine how each was called to the sea. It has been said that the study of world maritime history is really a study of different cultures. These various cultures determine not only why a particular civilization goes to sea, but also when, where, how, and who does so. Unlike Ming China, ...
903: New Atlantis By Francis Bacon
Francis Bacon was the founder of the modern scientific method. The focus on the new scientific method is on orderly experimentation. For Bacon, experiments that produce results are important. Bacon pointed out the need for clear and accurate thinking, showing that any mastery of the world in which man lives was dependent upon careful understanding. This understanding is based solely on the facts of this world and not as the ancients held it in ancient philosophy. This new modern science provides the foundation for modern political science. Bacon's political science completely separated religion and philosophy. For Bacon, nothing exists ...
904: 1984 4
1984 is about life in a world where no personal freedoms exist. Winston the main character is a man of 39 whom is not extraordinary in either intelligence or character, but is disgusted with the world he lives in. He works in the Ministry of Truth, a place where history and the truth is rewritten to fit the party's beliefs. Winston is aware of the untruths, because he makes them ... carry on an illegal love affair. This love affair is another rebellion against the government. It goes on for some time. Winston rents a room where he and Julia can be secluded from the outside world. They meet a man named O'Brien who indicates that he is another revolutionary. Winston and Julia go to his house to meet with him. O'Brien gives than a seditious book to read. ...
905: Kazimir Malevich
Kazimir Malevich By 1915, Kazimir Malevich had invented a new, abstract visual language that he called Suprematism. The name he gave to paintings consisting of one or more colored geometric shapes on a white field. Malevich wrote of visualizing a state of feeling, of creating ... of Suprematism enabled him to construct images that had no reference at all to reality. Great solid diagonals of color in Suprematism are floating free, their uncompromising sides denying them any connection with the real world. This is a pure abstract painting, the artist's main theme being the internal movements of the personality. The theme has no precise form, and Malevich had to search it out from within the visible ... s most significant Suprematist painting. In the minds of his contemporaries this painting acquired the force of a magical formula. Within the square of the canvas is a square depicted with the expressiveness of the new art. Malevich depicted only a square, perfect in expression and in relation to its sides. Two shapes, two squares, the smaller black one set within the larger white square. The black square stands for ...
906: The Importance of the Press
The Importance of the Press The newspaper is a powerful medium. It is powerful because it has the ability to influence the way that people view the world, as well as their opinion of what they see. In peaceful times (or in times of oppression, for sometimes they can appear to be happening at the same moment) the press is usually one of ... matters of social and political concern, but do so in the setting of the already existing political and social structures. Revolutionary movements seek to make fundamental changes to society in order to establish a completely new political and social order.1 The distinction being that the first aims to make subtle changes to society from within, while the latter's aim is to make drastic changes to society by getting rid of the principles that society was based on. Usually this will involve a change in political beliefs and values, or political ideology. In today's world there are numerous forms of political ideologies, but in essence they are all derived from two basic root ideologies; socialism and liberalism. Socialism is an ideology which places power in the hands of the ...
907: Biological Warfare
... meloidosis, plague, q fever, or tularemia. Other viral agents are smallpox, cimean congo HF, rift valley fever, and vee. Use of these types of viruses and bacteria are becoming widespread in many areas of the world because they can affect many people efficiently and are cost effective. Biological weapons can ve traced back to Exodus when God placed the ten plagues upon the Egyptians, as a result of Pharaoh’s refusal ... to produce these agents for use in warfare. Most importantly, it is against this threat that there may be no defense. Even though bioterrorism has been banned, it poses the greatest threat upon the Western World because of the mobility of their population. For this reason it is necessary for extremists to use aerosol dispersion to contaminate food, water, or air resulting in the death of every living organism. Two incidents ... even greater concern because the taboo that once prevented terrorists from attacking no longer exists; it was broken when these warfare agents were used in the Tokyo subway. This occurrence opened the eyes of the world to the need for strategies that both prepare and prevent these types of terrorist attacks. The second fact is that advancements in biological technologies have become widespread throughout the world. A shocking number of ...
908: Cold War Propaganda
... war was fought in Afghan and neither the U.S nor The Soviet Union had any real reason to be fighting , it was all propaganda. They both wanted to become the super power of the world and they both wanted there respective government system to prevail. The Cold war extended into space when in the Kennedy administration the U.S and The Soviet Union took there battle of the super powers ... the sky. The Soviet Union started off by putting there Sputnik into space. Shortly after a man named Yury Gargaran was the first to orbit Earth on April 12, 1961. Kennedy promised that with his new Apollo program we would land a man on the moon "before the decade is out." The Vietnam war was another instance of Cold War Propaganda. During the time of the Vietnam war, the cold war ... with going to war in Vietnam because we really had no business in the war. The reason we went into the war was because we were battling The Soviet Union for the spot of the world super power and by letting the communism spread they would be losing there power. If the citizens had been more involved in the war then maybe the United States wouldn’t have suffered such ...
909: Climate Change (term Paper)
... more. What will be made clear, nevertheless, is that the relationship between man and earth is clearly changing. More specifically, man is outgrowing the earth. If the relationship is to continue—indeed prosper—then a new balance needs to be found. The issue of climate change holds one important key to this balance. Man and the Environment Thomas Malthus is well remembered for his position as a doomsayer. When looking at ... able to switch form one resource base—grasslands, forests or estuaries—to another, as each is exploited to its maximum tolerance or use up. Like other successful species we have learned to adapt ourselves to new environments. But, unlike other animals, we made a jump from being successful to being a runaway success. We have made this jump because of our ability to adapt environments for our own uses in ways that no other animal can match.” Whether or not man can continue to adapt to the emerging environment, however, is a difficult question. In a (literally) rapidly changing world, it is difficult to look back on past or present to divine the future. But, using Malthus’ line of reasoning, one way or another mother nature will surely ‘take care of us’. “Lack of ...
910: Woodrow Wilson and His Ability To be an Effective President
... in government and was always looking for changes and improvements. As president he was never afraid to show a bit of a radical side when it came to making changes. He was constantly pushing for world peace and the avoidance of World War I. Even though he was unsuccessful in avoiding the war he showed to be a great leader during it. He never gave up on anything he was trying to do. His last years of ... was in and out of sickness. Wilson did not really want to be a lawyer. His main area of interest was in politics. His first taste of politics was during his term as Governor of New Jersey. He took this seat in office with sites of presidency two years later. He let this be known in a letter he wrote to a friend in June of 1910. In the letter ...

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