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8991: Ben & Jerrys 2
... interested in making money and can careless about social issues, unless it in the long run will help make more money. Ben & Jerry's seem sincere to want to make a noticeable difference in the world. The Ben & Jerry's foundation, established in 1985, receives 7.5 percent of the company's yearly pretax profits, which is donated to charities. Ben & Jerry's has two bottom lines: one is profit and ... Peace" and, donated one percent of the profits for peace efforts. They also used their ice cream shops for voter registration sign-ups, giving every voter registering one free cone. They helped register thousands of new voters in Vermont. Also Farm Aid and Family Farming issues were put on their ice cream pints. Ben & Jerry s prides it's self on the quality of work life. They won the Optimas Award ... making a difference. In my opinion Ben & Jerry's is one heck of a great organization! 1. David, Ellis. 1992. Sundae school. WORKS CITED 1. Dery, Leonard. 1993. Ice Cream Meets Charity in Harlem. The New York Time. 21 Feb. 2. Ellis, David. 1992. Sundae School. People Weeky. 14 Sept. 91-92 3. Hawken, Paul & Parker, Alan. 1993. Ben & Jerry's 1992 Annual Report. 4. Personnel Journal's. Optimas Award ...
8992: The Right To Die
... and the possibility for an end to this war of ethics seems very far in the distance. A definition of euthanasia is, “a painless killing, especially to end a painful and incurable disease; mercy killing. (World Book, p. 733). This intentional termination of life by another is at the request of the person who dies, but like so many other religious, social and political terms, euthanasia has many meanings. Passive euthanasia ... Only time will tell whether euthanasia will become a legal choice nationally, but for now, the battle still rages on. Bibliography Works Sited Egan, Timothy. “Oregon’s Assisted-Suicide Law Threatened by a Technicality.” The New York Times . USA: November 19, 1997. “Euthanasia, Synod of the Great Lakes, Reformed Church in America” at: http://www.euthanasia.com/lakes.html Horgan, John. “The Right to Die.” Scientific American. USA : 1996. Mullens, Anne ... and Mail Newspaper. Toronto: November 6, 1997. “Religion and The Right to Die.” at: http://euthanasia.org/religion.html Robinson, Bruce. “Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide.” All Sides of the Issues. at http.//religioustolerance.org World Book Dictionary. Chicago: Childcraft International, 1982. Word Count: 1452
8993: The Human Brain
... is still ahead. During the course of evolution, ever since early Homo sapiens and his ancestors walked on the surface of the earth, man has wondered about himself, and how he relates to the natural world. People learned and adapted to new lifestyles. As time passed, humans learned to record history. They analyzed past events and applied this knowledge to solve problems. These processes improved as more and more people supplied their experiences to the common pool ... the body can be easily observed. The CAT and the MRI are c ently being used to detect early signs of Multiple Sclerosis in patients who show MS symptoms. The SPECT equipment is a brand new addition to the family of body scanners. It is still in experimental mode at several United States hospitals, but it has received much positive criticism. The SPECT, which is the short form for Single ...
8994: The Change If The Immagery Of
... murder and of his guilt. He feels that what he has done is incredibly wrong, as he does not believe that anything could ever relive him of this action; that all the water in the world could not remove the blood. It would rather turn the ocean to a blood color. Another interpretation of the line my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine (II.ii.63) foreshadows that, since water ... but his whole body. The change of blood from guilt to evil is also shown when Macbeth visits the witches. The witches tell Macbeth to be evil by using the image of blood and its new meaning. Be bloody, bold, and resolute; laugh to scorn the power if man (IV.i.78-79). After Macbeth is slain, the symbolic theme of blood swings back to what it was at the beginning of the play. Macduff presents Macbeth s bloody head to the crowd and to the new King of Scotland, Malcom, and the people rejoice. The death of Macbeth is honored and the symbolism of blood has returned to it s original meaning; the bloodiest are the ones most honored. Macduff ...
8995: Ben & Jerrys
... interested in making money and can careless about social issues, unless it in the long run will help make more money. Ben & Jerry's seem sincere to want to make a noticeable difference in the world. The Ben & Jerry's foundation, established in 1985, receives 7.5 percent of the company's yearly pretax profits, which is donated to charities. Ben & Jerry's has two bottom lines: one is profit and ... Peace" and, donated one percent of the profits for peace efforts. They also used their ice cream shops for voter registration sign-ups, giving every voter registering one free cone. They helped register thousands of new voters in Vermont. Also Farm Aid and Family Farming issues were put on their ice cream pints. Ben & Jerry s prides it's self on the quality of work life. They won the Optimas Award ... making a difference. In my opinion Ben & Jerry's is one heck of a great organization! 1. David, Ellis. 1992. Sundae school. WORKS CITED 1. Dery, Leonard. 1993. Ice Cream Meets Charity in Harlem. The New York Time. 21 Feb. 2. Ellis, David. 1992. Sundae School. People Weeky. 14 Sept. 91-92 3. Hawken, Paul & Parker, Alan. 1993. Ben & Jerry's 1992 Annual Report. 4. Personnel Journal's. Optimas Award ...
8996: Managing Change In Operations
... how paradigm shifts and leadership is interwoven. Managers must be able to demonstrate paradigm pliancy if they are going to expect others to practice it. The more active managers can be in the search for new paradigms, the more likely those managers will be to have people work with them. An example made in the paradigm text indicated that the piston engine was on its way out in the 1970’s ... in the twenty-first century means that leaders will need to be competent on managing within a paradigm and leading between paradigms. One without the other will not work. Successful leaders tend to lead to new paradigms in a variety of ways. Leaders need to be aware of the pattern of choices that occur during paradigm shifts. Typically three opportunities emerge: 1. Keep the paradigm; change your customer 2. Change your ... The manager accepts the status quo; the leader challenges it. Roger Milliken, CEO of Milliken and Company, a privately held textile company in South Carolina demonstrated true leadership when he began his company drive to world-class status in the early 1980’s Though most industry experts predicted the demise of the U.S. textile industry, Milliken continued to pursue excellence. In 1990 Roger Milliken won the noted Malcolm Baldridge ...
8997: Short Happy Life Of Francis Macomber
... her and Macomber had too much money for Margot to ever leave him." This is indicative of their behavior throughout the story. One gets the feeling that Mrs. Macomber wishes her husband to be more brave and powerful. Mr. Wilson possesses these qualities, which is why Margot flirts with him and admires him. Being around Mr. Wilson shows Margot what is lacking in her husband more than she previously realized. The ... sees Mrs. Macomber sitting in the jeep with the rifle in her hands. Did Mrs. Macomber shoot her husband on purpose? She knew that he was aware of her infidelity and she also saw a new quality in him. He was becoming brave, as she had always hoped he would. She was fairly certain that she could no longer control the relationship and that frightened her. There was also some fear because she thought he might leave ...
8998: The Cask Of Amontillado
Many authors have made great contributions to the world of literature. Mark Twain introduced Americans to life on the Mississippi; Thomas Hardy wrote on his pessimistic views of the Victorian Age; and Edgar Allen Poe, known as the father of the detective story, mastered ... Montresor intends to make a "fool" out of him later in the story. In their approach to life, Poe's narrators reveal the basic theme of his stories. Demented, they seem to cling to the world of logic and common sense, as does Montresor. "The Cask of Amontillado" exemplifies to readers that often Poe's narrators are not to be trusted. They are victims of their own obsessions. The reader knows ... not have any more energy to speak, but that he only shakes his head in response, causing the sound of bells to be heard. Even the title Cask of Amontillado is symbolic. According to the New Websters Dictionary and Thesaurus, a cask is a wooden barrel for liquids. The root of the word casket, "cask," indicates a burial "box" for a body. In essence, the cask of amontillado, which Fortunato ...
8999: Cigarette Smoking
... number of lung cancers that occur in non-smokers can be attributed to involuntary smoking. There are some parts in the United States where you can smoke in public places, on the other hand in New York there are designated areas. While some people feel that smoking in public places should remain since it is their right, smoking in public places should be banned because second-hand smoke will endanger non ... public place is their right and should be kept that, smoking in public places should not be legalized because it will endanger non-smokers from passive smoke and it pollutes our enviroment. The state of New York will remain restricting smoking to designated areas. Cigarettes are the most deadly habit, affecting the greatest number of people in the world today. A ban on public smoking would create a healthier country.
9000: Dissociative Identity Disorder
... loss of memory may result from wartime trauma, a severe accident or rape. Dissociative Fugue is indicated by not only loss of memory, but also travel to a now location and the assumption of a new identity. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), although not officially a dissociative disorder, can be classified as part of the dissociative spectrum. In PTSD, re- experiencing of the trauma (flashbacks) alternates with numbing (detachment or dissociation), and ... personality that determines the individual's behavior. Each personality has a separate and consistent pattern of perceiving their environment, themselves, and others. There are many metaphors that DID's use to describe what their internal world looks and acts like. Each multiple has a specific way the see the inside of their mind, where the alters live when they are not in control of the body. Examples include stages, tunnels, houses ... would upset her. So here I was with a Multiple Personality, never having diagnosed one before, never having treated one, and not really knowing what to do. I was, as usual, very excited about this new kind of case. Dr. Wilbur worked with Sybil for over 16 years. During these 16 years Dr. Wilbur learned that Sybil was the victim of horrific abuse inflicted on her by her psychotic mother. ...

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