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8971: North America
... United States, Mexico, Canada, Greenland, and Saint-Pierre and Miquelon(British dependency of Bermuda). (Encarta Encyclopedia 98). One the many things that make North America unique is that it has almost every climate in the world. Most of the people live in or around the major cities where manufacturing is a very important resource. The climate in North America is Extremely diversified. It can be broken down into 5 principle climate ... space equipment, cars, chemicals, textile, clothing , paper, and printed materials. (Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia 96) In Canada factories are situated in the major cites or on the Great Lakes so it is easy to ship things.(World Regional Geography p153) They produce many of the same things there but one of the major export is lumber. (Grolier Enc.) In Mexico manufacturing has been a important to the economy since the 1940s. They ... are not as technologically developed they produce notably chemicals, car parts, cars and contruction materials. (Microsoft Encarta) North America is very diversified both in its climate and manufacturing. It has almost every climate in the world that we broke into 5 major zones. It includes a couple counties the entire world depends of because of the manufacturing of products. North America is a great place . Resources Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 98 , ...
8972: Juvenile Justice
... penalty (ollson48). In response to this “get tough” mood, more and more states are passing legislation to try youths as adults for more types of crime at younger ages. Colorado for example has a brand new type of tough love for their juvenile threats to society, this new “love', so it is termed consists of lowering the age so that juveniles as young as fourteen can be sentenced as adults(Hetter 38). This recently instated law, I feel should be Federal law as ... only to the 100 inmates executed in Texas), the cost of each execution has been estimated at $3.2 million, or nearly six times the cost of life imprisonment (71). But a provision in the new Anti-terrorism measure approved just a few weeks ago-limits the number of appeals allowed by death row inmates. With this new law being put into affect, the cost per execution will drop down ...
8973: The Journey For Freedom
... death came, the family and their doctor tried to break the news to her as gently as they could. Little did they know that the death of her husband would be the beginning of her new life. Charlotte in The Yellow Wallpaper must deal with the same type of situation but with a different set of obstacles. Charlotte has even less freedom and a larger hunger for such freedom. Her husband ... Charlotte had their hearts set on something that would become a representation for their lives. Louise became infatuated with the yellow dress and the stories that her husband told her about his trips around the world. Since Louise can t go outside of the house it is her dream to do so one day. When her husband had supposedly passed on, she had the chance to live out the dream that ... her in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow creature. (20) Louise had her hour of freedom, the birth of her new life for the future, until her husband returned home, alive and unharmed. It was more than she could take. With her newfound freedom, there is no way she could let anyone take that away ...
8974: The Idea of Freedom
The Idea of Freedom In most countries through the world, the idea of freedom is nothing more than a pipe dream that is commonly flushed from the minds of the individuals who would hope for such ideal conditions. The United States of America is not ... freedom of religion. Our country was started with that idea as the Pilgrims came here to escape the religious persecution in England. Now, there are over 200 different variations of popular religions from around the world. Where else may an individual may “flip-off” another and then write a contemptible letter to the President without a blink of an eye by officials? In other countries, such actions could cause one's ... then society got tired of the pigs at the top having all the riches. Here, Americans enjoy luxury throughout all class levels in their own individual ways. Americans have lifestyle individuality which have risen to new levels in the recent 10 years with such acts as homosexual marriages and open homosexual tendencies which are still frowned upon, yet not persecuted as in most other countries. These choices make America the ...
8975: Gender Marriage and the Cold War
... Proteus and Elihu, are married (or soon to be) Both of these books were written during a time of great turmoil in American history. The nation was just beginning to recover from the devastation of World War Two, and trying to go back to negative social patterns of the past. "Trying" is the operative word, because men, women, and minorities had been given a taste of autonomy, which they did not ... a bear to Anita, and she cleaned it and salted it away, he felt a tremendous lift--the two of them winning with sinew and guts a mountain of strong, red meat from an inhospitable world.. And he would mold more bullets, and she would make more candles and soap from bear fat, until late at night, when Paul and Anita would tumble down together on a bundle of straw in ... invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly, Specialization is for insects." (Heinlein) The other issue that both books tackle in contrasting extremes is that of gender. Elihu ...
8976: Abortion and My Own Thoughts
... but where would we be emotionally? Speaking from a “my” point of view, I wouldn't get to far. I enjoy children profusely and thinking that there are 1.9 million children less in the world every year sends shivers down my spine. But I guess you may say that it is not my place to speak. There are fewer deaths per million abortions than per million births according to the ... abortions that concentrate around the health of the fetus/ and finding that the fetus has an irreparable disease or body malfunction that would mean bringing a neurologically impaired child, or a deformed child into this world than I would, as well, consider an abortion. There are probably several other "percentages" that once confronted with them I would change my feeble mind. When you hear about all the bombings or incidents of ... rape, I probably would want to kill myself. You? My final statement is this, “I am usually pro-life and if there is anyway of keeping and supporting a healthy child than do it. For new life comes around only once in a while.”
8977: The Morality of Abortion
... that the parents may change their mind if they want to keep it. Parents must decide at the onset of the pregnancy to decide if they can in good conscience bring a child into the world, if the answer is yes, then people should proceed with the pregnancy and then determine whether they want to give the child up for adoption. It is a parent's moral responsibility to make sure ... car accident the leg is gone, never to be seen again. The case is much the same for a young girl, she has carried this thing around for the better part of a year. A new mothers natural response to giving the fetus up would be the same if after the accident the doctors asked the victim if they wanted to keep their leg. Of course the answer would be yes ... also tried to show how quality of life must be added into the decision of whether or not to have a child. I will lastly close with the statement that while the men of the world try to hash this controversy out, it is important to remember who physically has the child. And that it is ultimatly the womens decision whether or not to have a child. If abortion is ...
8978: De Las Casas
... discovered. What was to be a year later, the first "so-called" Christians settled on a plentiful island called Hispaniola. The Spaniards, as they were called, then systematically proceeded to slaughter the native people of "New Spain" and also devastate and depopulate the land. Following the discovery of the Americas, the Spaniards began to journey to the new land on the pretence of spreading the word of God. However, they intentionally failed to accomplish this task. The motivations of these barbaric men were not divinely inspired; on the contrary, their grounds were purely ... as the Spaniards. "Las Casas's entire life was dedicated to demonstrating the truth of [the atrocities], first to his king, then to the royal administration- the Council of the Indies- and then to the world at large." (xvii) Las Casas believed "that there was no people on earth, no matter how seemingly 'barbarous' their condition, that could be denied membership of the 'Christian family'." (xviii) However, the Natives of ...
8979: Decorating The Walls Art, Reli
The decoration applied to the walls and ceilings of the royal tombs provided far more than a colourful patina, for the artists were in effect making an eternal world for the deceased king. The exigencies of tombs curtailed and hurried burials may have thwarted this goal on many occasions, but what the artists did achieve stands nonetheless among the greatest art of the ancient world. The process by which these decorations were achieved is quite well understood. In some cases, though not all, draughtsmen laid out the representations using grids made by measuring rods and paint-covered strings snapped against ... ceiling of the sarcophagus chamber, and texts and illustrations from the Books of the Earth and Underworld were placed on its walls. The Egyptian royal tomb, in the fully developed decorative programme of the late New Kingdom, represents the cosmos which was depicted not only in its images and texts, but also by the specific location of these symbolic elements.
8980: The Right To Die
... the other hand, death in three or four days through starvation and dehydration-passive euthanasia, which is both legal and ethical and is a standard way of easing a terminally ill patient out of the world at his or her request is not the most pleasant way to die. Once the decision to allow death has been made between physician, patient, and family, what is the ethical difference between giving a ... 16, 1998, v351, n9114, pp521-529. Meier, Diane E., Carol-Ann Emmons, Sylvan Wallenstein, timothy Quill, Sean Morrison and Christine Cassel, " A National Survey of Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia in the United States," The New England Journal of Medicine, April 23, 1998, v338, n17, pp1193- 1203. Brock, Dan W., "Palliative Options of Last Resort," JAMA, December 17, 1997, v178, v23, pp2099-2104. Jaret, Peter, "Can There Be Comfort and Dignity ... 85. Kass, Leon R. and Nelson Lund, "Courting Death: Assisted Suicide, Doctors and the Law," Commentary, December 1996, v102, n6, pp17-28. Outerbridge, Daved E. and Alan R. Hersh, M.D., "Easing the Passage," HarperCollins, New York, NY, 1991. Word Count: 962

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