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8941: Donatello
... of Abraham and Isaac in 1416- 1421 and also the "Zuccone" and "Jeremiah". "Zuccone" is famous as the finest of the campanile statues and one of the artist's masterpieces. Donatello invented his own bold new mode of relief in his marble panel " St. George Killing The Dragon" (1416-1417). The technique involved shallow carving throughout, which created a more striking effect than in his earlier works. He no longer modelled his shapes but he seemed to "paint" them with his chisel. Donatello continued to explore the possibilities of the new technique he would use in his marble reliefs of the 1420's and early 1430's. The best of these were " The Ascension, with Christ Giving the Keys to St. Peter," the " Feast of Herod ... the same kind of statue for him. In the early 1450's, Donatello started to work on some important works for the Paduan church of S. Antonio. These works included a bronze crucifix and a new high altar. His richly decorated architectural works of marble and limestone include seven life-size bronze statues, twenty-one bronze reliefs of various sizes, and a large limestone relief, "Entombment of Christ." The housing ...
8942: Autism 3
... a boy about eleven years of age was found naked in the woods of Averyron, France. He was dirty, covered with sores, mute, and behaved like A wild animal. Jean Itard, the physician of the new institution for deaf-mutes, Was given charge of the abandoned child. From Itard’s description, Victor Showed many features of autism—he did not look at people and never Played with the toys, but showed ... studied eleven children who had a “unique form of schizophrenia” (Hamblin 136). Although, it was later determined that even though some of the characteristics of schizophrenia and autism are not the same, Kanner did open new doors for an intensive study of a confusing syndrome. The causes of autism are unknown. In most cases, the pregnancies of mothers of autistic children were normal. Occasionally, there were cases of maternal bleeding, prematurity ... richness and differentiation seen even in young normally developing children,” (Volkmar 42). Therefore, eliminating the social problem in autism challenges researchers every day. Although the social problems of autism have not been eliminated, there are new breakthroughs in treatment to break some of the social barriers. Researchers are using a technique called facilitated communication. A person guides the hand of the individual over a computer keyboard, while allowing the person ...
8943: Japan: Changes
Japan: Changes Japan has been a society that has believed that they are the "divine" race, selected to rule the world. Japan has always had the problem of not having the resources or land capacity needed for supreme power. While being located on the Pacific Rim of Fire,they are trapped living on a small, crowded ... all other nations. Japan as a whole, has changed a great deal in the past 52 years economically, militarily, and governmentally. Japan has made changes economically. In the past, Japan had no domain among the world economic leaders. They lacked technology and had an education department that was limited to primary and kindergarten schools. Today, Japan has test scores that out rank most nations due to having a very high graduation ... now ranks as a economic model of efficiency and quality. Economically, Japan has changed since 1945. Militarily, Japan has changed a great deal. In the past, Japan's military was feared by countries around the world. They had conquered the country with the most people (China) and the country with the most land (Russia). They had a perfect record of winning every war they were ever in. After the U. ...
8944: Computer Integrated Manufacturing
... are typical of a properly used CIM equipment will drastically cut both work-in-progress and finished goods inventory levels. This reduction in average inventory levels represents a large cash inflow at the time the new process equipment becomes operational. CIM also cuts floor space requirements. It will take fewer computer-controlled machines to the same job as a larger number of conventional machines. The factory floor will no longer be ... and developed. For instance, if the performance measurement system focuses on cost control, people will use the CIM system to control and reduce cost. Then there must be consistency between management's objectives for the new CIM system and the measurement system in place. The Future Nowadays, for the firm to succeed, it is not enough for manufacturing and engineering to be effective and efficient. Rather, the firm as a whole ... service, the front service, order processing, field service, and personnel. Each area affects the manner in which the firm serves its customers, who become the main goal. Works Cited Brown, James, (1991). Modern Manufacturing Processes. New York: Industrial Press Inc. Machover, Carl (1995). The CAD/CAM Handbook. New York: McGraw Hill. Duncan, William, (1994). Manufacturing 2000. New York: American Management Associations
8945: Death of a Planet
... with the use of vapor recovery system. This system traps the vapor inside the tank. These systems are present at many gas stations in highly polluted areas (4 factsheet, OMS-5). Some cities around the world are very dangerous to live in because of car pollution. One city is Athens, Greece. In Athens the number of deaths rises on days with greater air pollution. Just breathing the air in Bombay is ... with electricity to release little or no emissions. If this alternative fuel becomes a reality and is used in most cars, it will knock a big chunk out of the pollution problem all around the world (5 factsheet, OMS-5). Another alternative fuel is natural gas. Natural gas is only good for cars where driving long distances isn't important. It is possible for natural gas to produce 85 percent to 95 percent less emissions than gasoline fueled cars (5 factsheet, OMS-5). With this alternative fuel car emissions could be reduced a great deal to benefit the entire world. Another way to reduce pollution released by gasoline powered cars is to test them for dangerous amounts of pollutants regularly. Emissions testing programs are already in effect in California, Arizona, and Colorado. Texas will ...
8946: Alberta
... Canada. The missionaries in the 1800's converted Indians/meets-people who are both white and Indian mixed descent. They settled their ways of life on farms and settling into there own permanent homes. (The World Book Encyclopedia, 1989ed) Ranching began in the year 1880. Montana drove their cattle across the Canadian border. The Northwest Mounted Police came to Alberta in the year 1874. The Mounted Police did their job by driving away outlaws and traders. (The World Book Encyclopedia, 1989) Oil and natural gases were found in the Turner Valley in the year 1914 which led to the development of Petroleum-this natural gas field is still being used to this very day in Alberta. (The World Book Encyclopedia, 1989) A very small part of Alberta was discovered in the Precambrian Era. In the Mesozoic Era another small area of Alberta was found. Now the rest of what we call Alberta ...
8947: A Mafia Thing
... Capone, the Italian-American gangster of the Prohibition era, also known as Scarface because of a knife cut to his cheek. (Nash 79) He was born Alphonse Capone in Naples, Italy, and raised in Brooklyn, New York. He left school at an early age and spent nearly ten years "hanging-out" with gangs. In the 1920's he took over a Chicago organization dealing in illegal liquor, gambling, and prostitution from ... families combined for about 200 members. The main focus of criminal activity between the families are counterfeiting and pornography. This mostly spreads throughout most of the southwestern portion of the U.S. (Inman E2) Although New York seems to be the place where most Mafia action occurs, many other areas are influenced by the Mafia. Many people think that the Mafia only exists in New York. Astonishing enough New York is ranked nineteen out of twenty-five on the list of most active organized crime cities. Cities like San Jose, Kansas City, Milwaukee, and Rockford, Ill., rank within the ...
8948: Frankenstein: The Creator's Faults in the Creation
... that ambition may have had a role in the size of the creation. He says that the creation is "born of Frankenstein's megalomania" (81). This may indeed be true as the inventor states "A new species would bless me as its creator and source; many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me" (52). Frankenstein seems obsessed with being the father of this new race, so he makes the creature large in order to assure its dominance. The more important defect within Frankenstein is not so much shown in the appearance that he gave his creation, but the manner ... flaws take on a physical aspect, destroying those around him, until he finally dies seeking revenge on something that he himself has brought about. Works Cited Lowe-Evans, Mary. Frankenstein: Mary Shelly's Wedding Guest. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1993. Oates, Joyce Carol. "Frankenstein: Creation as Catastrophe." Mary Shelly's Frankenstein. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. Shelly, Mary. Frankenstein: Or the Modern Prometheus. New York: Penguin ...
8949: Candid Analysis
... other characters differ from Candide by their pessimism (most notable Martin, who seems to be the antitheses of Candide's optimism), Lord Pococurante is unhappy with life because he is supremely jaded with what the world has to offer. He is thus Candide's opposite as much as Martin, though the opposition is based upon the noble's jaded state versus Candide's naive one. By the book's conclusion Candide ... Martin represents pessimism and worldliness more than any other character in the novel. He refutes Candide's idea that this is the best of all possible worlds, speaking instead of the harsh realities of the world, one in which men war, rape, pillage, envy, lust, are miserable and just don't seem to get along with each other. In face of the happenings within the novel, Martin is somewhat justified in ... being proven right, as when he predicted the misery of Paquette and Friar Giroflee, and also when he predicted their increased misery by Candide's donation. Similar to Lord Pococurante, Martin was jaded with the world, though not to such an extreme degree. Martin may also represent reason, and it is through this reason he realizes so much about the world, and is disgusted by it. Candide's idolized lover, ...
8950: Camus The Outsider Vs. Bolts A
... other characters differ from Candide by their pessimism (most notable Martin, who seems to be the antitheses of Candide's optimism), Lord Pococurante is unhappy with life because he is supremely jaded with what the world has to offer. He is thus Candide's opposite as much as Martin, though the opposition is based upon the noble's jaded state versus Candide's naive one. By the book's conclusion Candide ... Martin represents pessimism and worldliness more than any other character in the novel. He refutes Candide's idea that this is the best of all possible worlds, speaking instead of the harsh realities of the world, one in which men war, rape, pillage, envy, lust, are miserable and just don't seem to get along with each other. In face of the happenings within the novel, Martin is somewhat justified in ... being proven right, as when he predicted the misery of Paquette and Friar Giroflee, and also when he predicted their increased misery by Candide's donation. Similar to Lord Pococurante, Martin was jaded with the world, though not to such an extreme degree. Martin may also represent reason, and it is through this reason he realizes so much about the world, and is disgusted by it. Candide's idolized lover, ...

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