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Search results 8931 - 8940 of 22819 matching essays
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8931: Anna Karenina
... death, and the three characters live in a moment of pure innocence. Yet as the crisis ends, and everything returns to normality, Anna, Vronsky and Karenin return to their old ways to live in that world of delusion. Anna and Vronsky continues with their ill-fated love, while Karenin despite his ennoblement, finds Anna cannot love him and reverts back to his old ways. This clearly shows that death brings about the ultimate truth of life and the world of the living is just a delusion. Death in the novel is personified by Levin's brother, the all-too-intimate Nikolai, whose lingering, ghastly death pushes Levin to make the leap of faith. This ... the other characters had experienced, but were unable to retain after their dramatic experience with death. Levin is unlike them, and is in fact, able to discover for himself the meaning of life in the world and retain his leap of faith. For Levin in the end, he is no longer afraid of death and even though he does not completely change, he now knows the meaning of life and ...
8932: The Medea
... the play is how Medea's barbarian origins originated from Jason's actions. His leaving her caused her to become the personification of revenge. Medea fell in love with a man named Jason who was new to her homeland where she was safe and secure. She is taken from her land and her family for the love of Jason, she is basically a piece of clay that he molds. She questions why she left her homeland, why she gave up absolutely everything, only for it to result in Jason taking a new bride. She feels empty and guilty and often "moans to herself, calling out her fathers name, and her land, and her home betrayed when she came away with a man who is now determined to dishonor her" (60). She has only hatred towards Jason, which leads to her miserable being. Jason has a new bride now, "so Jason neglects his children" (62). This causes only more pain for Medea. Jason decided that he wanted to divorce Medea and marry the princess of Corinth, casting Medea aside as if ...
8933: Excessive Alcohol Consumption--its Effects And Social Accept
... body fat. Fat absorbs alcohol poorly; therefore alcohol tends to concentrate more in a woman s bloodstream. Tolerance to alcohol builds up in chronic, heavy drinkers (Monroe 24). According to the 1998 edition of The World Almanac and Book of Facts regular alcohol use by seniors from 1975 to 1997 has declined from 90.4% to 81.7% (878). And, Lori Wolfgan found that average annual alcohol consumption per person began ... not include school dropouts and absentees, which normally have higher usage. Arrests in 1996 that were related to alcohol use were divided into three general categories driving under the influence, drunkenness, and liquor laws. The World Almanac and Book of Facts lists the total estimated arrests as 1,467,300 for D.U.I.s, 718,700 for drunkenness, and 677,400 for liquor laws (892). With the drop of alcohol ... Drinking: How Bad Is It? Buffalo News 15 February 1998: 1B+. Health. Ed. Eleanor Goldstein. Boca Raton: SIRS, 1999. Art. 63. Wolfgan, Lori A. Charting Recent Progress: Advances in Alcohol Research. Alcohol Health and Research World 22 September 1997. Electric Library. Online. 17 February 2000. Fettner, Ann Giudici. Alcoholic Beverages. Compton s Encyclopedia. 1996 ed. Famighetti, Robert. The World Almanac and Book of Facts. Mahwah: World Almanac Books, 1998. Tremblay, ...
8934: How Decriminalisation Could Solve The Drugs Problem
... it to lead us into battle against the evil forces of drugs. However, I have often wondered what it really is about these innocuous chemical creations that has instilled such terror in governments around the world that in many countries a person can have their life coldly and legally taken away, simply for distributing them? Is it because of their power to warp the human mind and run amok with the senses upon which we so desperately rely? No. Our world is inescapably full of narcotics, yet many of them, including powerful and dangerous ones such as alcohol and tobacco, are happily tolerated by society. The nutmeg in your kitchen cupboard can have narcotic effects if ... and most unpleasant end of the drugs scale, but what of cannabis, the comparatively innocuous weed that crops up almost as freely among today’s youth as it did back in the swinging sixties? The World Health Organisation tells us that cannabis is statistically safer than alcohol or tobacco, yet alcohol and tobacco are legal while cannabis use remains a crime. This is not merely an interesting idiosyncrasy, it is ...
8935: The Optimist's Daughter: Summary
... understanding around her due to her experiences in life. 3.3 In "The Optimist's Daughter" Judge McKelva will soon enter eye surgery to fix a slipped retina. Judge McKelva, his daughter, Laurel, and his new wife, Fay, are all anxious about the surgery and what might happen. Laurels mother died from cancer that started with her eyes and the family fears that the judge might be suffering from the same ... way, likes to be spoiled, stubborn, and impatient. Laurel is young and kind hearted. She is more than willing to wait for her father to get better, but Fay is not. When they are in New Orleans, Fay keeps speaking about Marti Gras and how the Judge promised he would take her one day. Not once does she show any concern with her husband's condition, but instead continues to think ... novel Fay does return with her family to her hometown for a few days, she had no interest with them in the beginning of the book. 3.9 The Optimist's Daughter is set in New Orleans and the small Mississippi town of Mount Salus in March of the 1970's. In New Orleans, Marti Gras has started and adds an atmosphere of excitement. Although a hospital is were the ...
8936: 1968
... disillusionment with this status quo, a restless yearning for something more than a "realistic" conformity. Others had been aroused by the southern sit-in movement, "The first hint," wore a contemporary, "That there was a world beyond the campus that demanded some kind of personal response. "Not so much ideological as moral, in Jessica Mitford's words, "An Indignant Generation." Although an image of arrogance, even ruthlessness, had followed him from ... try to get re-elected. Johnson returned to his home in Texas in 1969, and died on January 22, 1973, RICHARD NIXON Richard Nixon was born on January 9, 1913 in Yurba Linda, California. During World War II he served as a United States navy officer. In 1946, he was elected to the House of Representatives and then the Senate in 1950. He served as Dwight Eisenhower's Vice President from ... 1, 1963. Ngo Din Diem and his brother were assassinated on November 2, 1963. WILLIAM WESTMORELAND William Westmoreland was born on March 26, 1914 in Spartenburg County, South Carolina. He was a lieutenant colonel, during World War II and commanded a field artillery battalion. He also fought in the Korean War as commander of the 187th Airborne Infantry Regimental Combat Team. He was then promoted to a general when he ...
8937: Canada's Unemployment Rate
... many years, but it was only recently that this was made a law in Canada. Therefore in past years Canadian workers could simply quit their jobs and collect U.I. benefits without question. However, the new regulation may not have as much of an impact on the unemployment rate of Canada as one would think. It is speculated that employers will band with their employees to produce "lay offs" as opposed ... the unemployment rate. However, as is the case with many other government programs, once they are implemented they are hard to remove. Welfare has become a very costly government program, which serves only to attract new recipients every year. The welfare system originally dealt with those who were unable to work; then sole-support parents were made eligible, followed by people who couldn't find employment. "Welfare has now become responsible ... A client faces a dollar for dollar deduction in B.C. and a $0.75 to the dollar deduction in Ontario from welfare income for every dollar earned privately. This reduces the incentive to learn new skills which could prove helpful in finding long-term employment, therefore causing dependency on government assistance. This dependency means more of the labour force is settling for government payments, thereby causing an increase in ...
8938: Historical Background To "Animal Farm"
... about history and economics. A many years of study, much of it spent in England, he believed that he understo more deeply than anyone who had ever lived before him why there is injustice i world. He said that all injustice and inequality is a result of one underlying conflict in society. He called it a 'class struggle', that is, a conflict bet the class of people who can afford to ... peaceful progess toward equality and socia justice was impossible. The only way to establish justice, he said, was for t workers to overthrow the capitalists by means of violent revolution. He urged workers around the world to revolt against their rulers. "Workers of the worl unite!" he wrote. "You have nothing to lose but your chains." Another thing Marx taught was that organized religion, the churches, help capitalists to keep the ... people were extremely discontented with their ruler, Tsar Nicholas II, who had little interest in governing and was neglecting the count badly. Making conditions even more miserable for the people were the hardships the First World War and a particularly cold winter. By 1917, the Russian people were desperate enough to accept a revolution. fact, they got two for the price of one, the first in March when the Tsar ...
8939: The Brokerage Industry and The Internet
The Brokerage Industry and The Internet It is a new day on Wall Street. The Internet is changing the way the brokerage industry does business. Today more and more investors are electing to trade via the Internet and avoid contact with a broker all together ... calling a brokerage and talking to a broker who usually tried to push some hot stock and charged you a large sum to purchase the shares you wanted. The 70’s gave way to a new era of discount brokers. The discount brokers provided the means to make trades at a significantly lower cost but at the expense of less informative and directed services. These discount firms utilized new computer technologies to process trades and opened up investment opportunities for many that would not have previously considered purchasing securities. With improved IT capabilities and the introduction of the Internet the discount brokers were ...
8940: Secrets In Scarlet Letter
... culprits who had since ascended it, remained standing beneath the balcony of the meeting-house. The minister went up the steps. Dimmesdale s increasingly enervated physical condition is evident through his eyes, which show a world of pain in their troubled and melancholy depths, As years go by, the minister is inundated with guilt, to the point that he is physically deteriorating. All the while giving phenomenal sermons and regarded as ... is presumed to be deceased, she is lightly sentenced. One of her punishments is to wear an embroidered A on her bosom to eternally symbolize her crime. This symbol makes her secret known to the world. While Hester may not have known it, this was a blessing in disguise. It allowed her sin to be out in the open and partially away from her soul. Thus, she demonstrates how the pathway ... child and adult alike, all the while keeping an almost prideful manner about herself, desperately trying to keep some dignity. She remains silent and finds strength from inside; since she is secluded from the outside world she turns to the inside world, full of her memories and her imagination. She also finds comfort in her daughter, Pearl, because the girl is Hester s only friend at times and they both ...

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