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8921: Overpopulation
... It could be similar to the earth nowadays. What will happened if there are 10 people in a single bed? Everybody can think about the result of too many people in a small place. The world population is increasing day by day but the side of the earth stills the same. There will be too many people on earth and people will be run out of resources, water, space and food ... can the next generation live and survive? The consequences of over population cause many effects on the environment, which might cause extinction of many species and the most important is human species. In 1996, the World Conservation Union (IUCN), completed the first-ever extensive survey of the status of animal life on Earth. The 600 plus participating scientists concluded that of the species surveyed, 34 percent of fish, 25 percent of ... destruction of old growth forests, wetlands, chaparral, and other rich habitats," Worldwatch reports. "Worldwide, over two-thirds of the earth's habitable land surface has been significantly disturbed by human activities. Nearly half of the world's 233 primate species are threatened, largely because of their dependence on large expanses of tropical forest, a habitat under siege around the globe. In hotspots of forest loss, such as Madagascar, the Atlantic ...
8922: Watership Down 3
... the dog. Using his brains, Hazels has the idea to ship the two injured rabbits across the river upon a flat piece of wood. When this act had been done, the other rabbits had a new admiration of Hazel. This new admiration was brought upon, when he had to choose to leave injured rabbits behind he refused and thought of idea to help them across, Hazel has shown himself as a competent, caring, and wise leader. Fiver is a small rabbit that seems to have the ability to see future visions. It was because of him that the eleven crusaders left to find a new home. He predicted the destruction of the warren long before it was to happen. His character is very strange, he is constantly looking over his shoulder, maybe expecting a hideous monster. When he does ...
8923: Our Town Analysis
Our Town is a play that takes place near the turn of the century in the small rural town of Grover s Corners, New Hampshire. The playwright, Thornton Wilder is trying to convey the importance of the little, often unnoticed things in life. Throughout the first two acts he builds a scenario, which allows the third act to show ... when you are dead do you notice that there was more to it, and the umbrella that you held while it was raining is taken away, allowing you to be opened up to a whole new light of realization. In the scene just before the wedding, George tries to see his bride-to-be. The Webb s explain to him the superstition behind not allowing the groom to see his bride ... to realize that they are meant for each other. There are so many underlying actions that support the through-line. Every action in Our Town seems to play an important role of the discovery of new characters, new feelings, and new insights.
8924: Mickey Mantle
... player. He was great at playing baseball because he practiced a lot. His whole baseball career, is the career that I dream of having. He played in 12 of his 18 career years in the World Serieswith the Yankee's. When Mickey Mantle was growing up, he was small, and spindly. His nickname was "little Mick" when he was a child. Mantle went to Commerce grade school. When Mickey was little ... Mantle ranks among the leaders in homerun hitters in baseball history. He hit 536 homeruns in his career. He played for the Yankees for 18 years ( his whole career). He also brought them to 12 World Series. For his career in the World Series he hit 18 homeruns ( World Book 168-169) Here are his Milestones of baseball: 1) AMERICAN LEAGUE MVP (MOST VALUABLE PLAYER) 1956,57,62., 2) LED AL IN HOMERUNS 1955,56,58,60., ...
8925: Lord of the Flies: Essay on Jack Merridew
... of the Flies is as much a political story as it is anything else, it tells the tale of the war between democracy and dictatorship, and the abuse of power, it tells the tale of World War II. Though it tells this in such a fast - moving and exciting writing style, that it is hard for the reader to notice this until after much rereading and rumination. The island setting works as a metaphor for the world at the time, the reader must keep in mind Golding wrote the Lord of the Flies in 1954, shortly after World War II. The boys were trapped on the island, as people were trapped in Germany, France and other countries politically and economically involved in World War II. What happens there becomes a commentary for ...
8926: Agatha Christie
... of Christie s best works, having an international trend, and being a genius with detective fiction. Murder on the Orient Express was a great book and should be read by all. Agatha Christie is the world s best known mystery writer. (Harper) All of her novels are known around the world as being very excellent. No one has read a Christie murder mystery they have not liked. Murder on the Orient Express is one of her most famous books. This book is famous because it turns ... you had to choose one of Christie s novels to read, you should pick Murder on the Orient Express. Not only is she the best known mystery writer, but she is also known around the world. She is the most widely published author of all time in any language, outsold only by the Bible and Shakespeare. (Harper) All of Christie s works are sold around the world and also known ...
8927: Time To Change
... aware of. If we do not start taking them seriously soon it will be too late, if it is not already. We need to reevaluate our priorities and plan for the future existence of this world. A group labeled the Earth-Firsters' often attempt to accomplish this task through drastic and sometimes dangerous methods. As Joni Seager states ( The Eco-Fringe: Deep Ecology, Pg. 636), "In Australia, Earth-First protesters buried ... of a tuna-fishing company." The Earth-Firsters' tactics are not the only drastic only measures they practice. Their ideas seem to be quite extreme as well. For example, they believe the population of the world is entirely too high, by as much as ninety percent, causing too much "wear and tear" to the earth. To resolve this issue, some say we should cease all study toward the curing of disease ... Firster society. The Earth-Firsters' have some good propositions, but most of them are not practicable. We need to set standards and ideals that can realistically be accomplished. It is not possible to change the world in one day. Instead of killing ninety percent of the population, we might control the number of offspring allowed to each individual. This approach would more likely be sustained. In order to conserve the ...
8928: Love Song Of J Alfred Prufrock
... Alfred Prufrock" has some incredible and magical imagery, yet the individual images are not the guiding force or theme of the poem. The theme of the poem is Prufrock, split between two worlds, between a world of beauty and art, and one clear, cold, and calculated, "measured out… with coffeespoons," and his indecision to reveal this split to another person. He begins by describing an evening, "like a patient etherized upon ... s Hamlet, renowned for his indecision, and also Polonious, too cautious and forever politic, always weighing things in his mind and never acting on impulse. Breaking from his reverie, Prufrock abruptly switches to his other world, of things measured out with coffeespoons. He mentions ladies, at their tea parties, talking of Michelangelo, a subject so deep that it begs a discussion more serious than that of the chatter at ladies' tea ... the women just come and go, discussing the great artist only superficially, and Prufrock addresses the ladies with an air almost of biting sarcasm. Prufrock then decides to switch back to this other, more beautiful world, and he describes the fog rubbing up against the windowpanes. He describes the fog almost as if it were an animal; personifying it and giving even it some sense of feline beauty. I'm ...
8929: Billy Budd
... believe that through this book, Melville is telling us that we need to strike some kind of balance between these two ideas; we need to have morality and virtue; we need to be in the world, but not of the world. To illustrate his theme, Melville uses a few characters who are all very different, the most important of which is Billy Budd. Billy is the focal point of the book and the single person whom ... who are truly ready and without regret, as Billy was. The question, then, is presented. Innocence or wisdom? Which philosophy, which way of life is more correct? Claggart, who represents the natural evil in the world, serves as the opposition and corruption which we face everyday. He is the obstacle that Billy must deal with, and the way in which he confronts that obstacle determines which of these answers is ...
8930: Describe The Elements Of Death
... accomplished is negated. Many critics found the last chapter confused and muttled, Henry s feelings range from remorse to the sin which is not responsible to pride as a great hero. Finally he feels the world was a world for him and he looks forward to a soft and eternal peace (bowers 173). The end of the book is like that of many of Cranes conclusions completely ironic. No one lives eternally peacefully the world is not a world for Henry. As John Berryman says, Cranes sole illusion was the heroic one, and not even that escaped his irony During the course of his experiences Henry learns at first ...

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