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8891: Lightning Never Strikes Twice
... escape. Their souls will reside there until they find another soul to watch over the house. Three months ago. Steve Windmere a wealthy young CEO of AT&T is driving around Nantucket looking for a new house to settle in. When he comes across the most beautiful house he has ever seen. He loved every bit of it from the aged gray shingles to the pealing paint off the white shutters ... for." Laughing he walked away into a fog that seemed to appear out of nowhere, confused and baffled Steve just walked across the street to Something Natural to have lunch. The next day he purchased new furniture for his new house, so he could stay there as soon as possible. He loved all the furniture he bought and thought it was the most commutable pieces of furniture he has ever witnessed. While he was ...
8892: The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
... Unfortunatly the opposites sounds suspiciously like anarchy. The flip side to this is the negative publicity unintentionally helped to increase the membership and strength of the ACLU. " In the end it added nearly 70,000 new members perhaps half as a direct result of the campaign...exceeding even the peak [membership] of the Watergate years."(Walker 369) The ACLU is the watchdog of civil liberties. They protect us by defending those ... not like the liberal policies of the ACLU and its members, but I have to respect the principles and ideals it was founded on and still expound today. Bibliography "American Civil Liberties Union." Webster's New Lexicon Dictionary. 1989 Walker, Samuel. In Defense of American Liberties: A History of the ACLU. New York: Oxford UP, 1990. Norman Dorsem, "Civil Liberties." in Leonard Levy, ed., Encylopedia of the Constitution (New York:Macmillan, 1986), pp. 263-270 Dionne, E.J. Why Americans Hate Politics. New York: Simon and ...
8893: Changing a 1986 BMW 325i Clutch
... and clutch disc to the flywheel. After that remove the flywheel. The flywheel has to be sent to the machine shop to be resurfaced. The rear main seal should be removed and replaced with a new seal. Install a new seal even if it is not leaking. Set the transmission on a bench so it is easily accessible. Using a hook tool remove the clips that hold the throw-out bearing to the clutch fork. A special tool will be needed to remove the fork. This tool usually comes with the new clutch kit. If it didn’t come with the kit you will need to get one. The fork has to be removed in order to replace the input shaft seal. After you replace the ...
8894: Politicking Goes High-Tech
... After getting the results from the polls, it is then time to determine what action needs to be taken to aid your campaign (or more often hurt your opponent). The candidate then needs to create new television ads to make himself or herself appeal to the interests of the people or sometimes to counteract the bad things the opponent has to say. This fight between the television ads is often referred ... of money; and after being played on television the opponent will return the attack with one of his or her ads—then, the candidate will have to go back to work all over again creating new ads regarding the new polls—all of which costs more money. A major portion of the money for candidates to use comes from PACs. These PACs make up Ό off all contributions to Senate campaigns, while some of the ...
8895: Dreams
... Thinking that the machine was broken , he decided to double check it himself. He then discovered that periods of REM would periodically occur through out the night. Since Aserinsky's discovery we have found a new source of physical data about our REM sleep. For instance, while people sleep, REM occurs about every ninety minuets. REM sleep occurs about four or five times a night. Researchers have found that then people ... day We shall have to look at our dreams as a natural phenomenon. Works Cited Dolnick, Edward. “What Dreams are (Really) Made Of.” The Atlantic Monthly July 1990: 41-61. Faraday, Ann. The Dream Game. New York: Harper and Raw, 1974. Hall, Calvan. The Meaning of Dreams. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966. Hoffman, Karen, et al. Psychology in Action. New York: Wiley and Sons, 1991. Parker, Derek, and Julia Parker. Dreaming: Remembering, Interpreting, and Beneffitting. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1985. Susman, Carolyn. “ ...
8896: Assassination Of Malcolm X
... breakdown which caused his family to be separated by welfare agencies. With his father dead and family gone, Malcolm's hatred towards white people continued to escalate. As a teenager, Malcolm made his way into New York City and became a hustler and a criminal. He was eventually caught and in 1946 was sentenced to jail for burglary for ten years. He only served six years in jail, but his time ... suspended for good. Being suspended, he formed his own organization, the Organization of Afro American Unity. He began it to take away Elijah Muhammad's power and to bring Nation of Islam members into his new organization. With this tension rising between the two leaders, Malcolm X did an unexpected thing, he and a few others traveled to Africa and made their way to the Muslim's holy land, Mecca. The ... then Elijah, but ended with an acceptance that whites and blacks could work together to help end racial discrimination. This was a huge surprise to all of Malcolm's associates and friends in that his new found acceptance was almost a complete opposite of what he was before the trip. He returned to America as an even more hated enemy of the Nation of Islam. A few days after his ...
8897: Social Security In the Future? Maybe Not
... half of all retirees begin collecting benefits before they are 65. The average at which people began collecting went from 68.7 in 1950 to 63.7 in 1991. The Government has tried to institute new polices and reform old ones, but they are falling short over the long run. In 1993 the President pushed a tax that stated 85% of Social Security became taxable income to people with substantial amount ... to illuminate private sector, voluntary solutions to social and economic problems) also adds, "that those presently in the workforce would have the option of remaining in the current Social Security system or switching to the new private system. Those entering the workforce after the implementation of the new private system would be required to participate in the new system. Thus the current system would be eventually phased out" (Congressional Digest 244). The plan also has guidelines to problems and questions that people ...
8898: Bluegrass Music
... lonesome sound" (Ponick). In larger ensembles, these two singers often are grounded by a baritone voice. In bluegrass gospel, a bass vocal is added. In the 1970s, the Flying Burrito Brothers began to develop a new kind of California bluegrass influenced by West Coast rock, and Emmylou Hartis broke through as one of the first major female bluegrass talents (Ponick). More recently, artists such as Ricky Skaggs, groups such as the Lonesome River Band and new female phenom Alison Krauss have continued to spearhead a kind of "country crossover" that puts "more emphasis on blues over the grass," as Watts says. Today, bluegrass music is continuing to evolve as it finds ... Association (IBMA) executive director Dan Hays, and others are springing up abroad (Flippo). Recently, the death of Bill Monroe in September of 1996 has sparked an interest in bluegrass music. Ricky Skaggs has produced a new album entitled "Bluegrass Rules" in response to Monroe's death. He feels that bluegrass is poised for a resurgence. "I truly believe in the timing of everything," he says. "There is a season for ...
8899: The Civil War
... civil war and civil war reconstruction time periods, there were many changes going on in the Union.  The Emancipation Proclamation, as well as legislation such as the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth amendments, was causing a new awakening of democracy; while the renouncing of secession by the South marked a definite triumph for Nationalism.  As well, the government was involved in altercations of its own.  During reconstruction, the legislative and executive branches ... persons born or naturalized in the United States . . . citizens of the United States."  It also provided that, "No State shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States."  This not only gave new meaning to black men's freedom, but it also gave a new and broader meaning to citizenship.  Those drafting the amendment hoped that the broadness of would cover "unanticipated abuses", yet, the general phrasing was only an advantage to abusers.  There is no listing of the " ...
8900: Court Cases
... record and take it into consideration, there will be no appellate review of this case. The second case was the People versus Hector Rodriguez. It was held at 862 The People of the State of New York. The prosecuting attorney was Michael Sobie, and the defending attorney was Peter Blum. It would be redundant to say that this case was also in appeal because all the cases I observed were in ... courts ruling before the hearings were ordered. This established the defendants abandonment of the issue. The third case was the People versus Eugene Merritt. It was held at 877 The People of the State of New York. The prosecutor was Jessica Bier, and the defending attorney was Catharine Easterly. Judge Martin Rettinger rendered a May 6 1997 decision convicting the defendant, after a jury trial, of criminal sale of a controlled substance in the third degree. Sentencing him to concurrent terms of five to ten years. This was also a unanimous decision. The defendant requested an assignment of new council. Since the defendant did not establish good cause for such substitution the court denied the defendants request. When the judge made this decision the defendant was very hostile with his council. This did ...

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